BC Numismatics wrote:New Zealand is a poorer country now than 30 years ago
Funny enough and on a
serious note here Aida I was talking about that to a groups of friends in the UK before I moved to Cyprus as one of the group had been to NZ to see his wife's life long penfriend .
The general feeling was that the export of new Zealand lamb to the world in general has fallen over the years plus the use of synthetic fibers for clothing so the wool industry has suffered too .
New Zealand lamb was once regarded as the best you could buy but you hardly see it in the shops nowadays .
I'm sure this has had a major impact on NZ's economy
NZ is to far away from the general world to benefit very much from the tourist industry and it seems a very much a forgotten land that has just about had it's day.
I don't think the Irish Catholic politicians have anything to do with the countries decline except in your own racist and bigoted mind.
Bill ~~~~~ Cath lic ing ~ well I thought it was my turn for a change