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if the partition happens...?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:12 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Thanks for the welcome,Kikapu...
It's good to be back...Even better to discover that my dear True Cypriot brother,miltiades is back too...


When I was in London for a week in December, I managed to take some time to go and visit our good friend Miltiades. Actually, I was running very late, and only had half an hour visit with him, but it was enough to put the fear of God into him, that unless he returned back to the forum, he was going to get his butt kicked on my next trip to London, as well as get his butt kicked by "Iceman" next time he went to Cyprus. :lol:

It took Miltiades few weeks to think about it, but in the end, he made the right decision. He must have found out I will be coming back to London again in the near future and did not want his butt kicked. :lol: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:35 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Thanks for the welcome,Kikapu...
It's good to be back...Even better to discover that my dear True Cypriot brother,miltiades is back too...


When I was in London for a week in December, I managed to take some time to go and visit our good friend Miltiades. Actually, I was running very late, and only had half an hour visit with him, but it was enough to put the fear of God into him, that unless he returned back to the forum, he was going to get his butt kicked on my next trip to London, as well as get his butt kicked by "Iceman" next time he went to Cyprus. :lol:

It took Miltiades few weeks to think about it, but in the end, he made the right decision. He must have found out I will be coming back to London again in the near future and did not want his butt kicked. :lol: :lol:

So I have you and Iceman to thank for the happy occasion of miltiades' return! We will have to organise a celebratory meeting in London next time I am over that way,which might be pretty soon... :wink: :D
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Postby andreas123 » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:48 pm

Viewpoint wrote:We are a country just like other countries we have the right to grant citizenship to whom ever we see fit, do the GCs ask permission when granting citizenship to Pontians? your think you are,,,but really,,,ow,,serisouly you are not...

the TC'S and their "state" is like an a person with schizophrenia..everyone else knows that that person has lost the plot,.,.but not the person who is crazy
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:16 pm

To put it simply

Settlers to the GCs is what Enosis is to the TCs= totally unpalatable and the worse possible scenario.

Even partition, as long as the TC part is truly TC without mainland Turkish presence is preferable to having a solution with thousands of settlers remaining on the island.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:01 pm

I'm sorry to say this VP, but you really did not address my questions

I though I did but Ill try again.

One can have as many migrant workers as needed to run their economy. They are not given citizenship's as a result. I won't even get into the "we are a country like any other " comment, because that too is debatable. One cannot be a country, when there are UN resolution one after another of it's illegality, as well as the "country" being built on other peoples land, but that's another topic and that's not where I wanted to go with my questions.

OK to make you feel better we are an unrecognized country doesnt change the fact that we have a functioning country with needs to stimulate the economy For this we need immigrant workers but due to the high demand and consistency migrant workers settled in the TRNC rather than changing them every so often like they do in the GC south.

Question 4 was, "What is the purpose of giving out "TC citizenship's" to any settlers. (except to those married to True TC's )" is very specific VP. It has to do with demands being made from Turkey to add 50,000 new TC citizenship's given to the settlers. That 50,000 can and will expand to become 150,000-200,000 in a short time, just from those newly TC citizens sponsoring their family members to become TC citizens. I want to know from you, as to what business is it to Turkey to make those demands, even if the "TRNC" was a fully recognised country. This is the question every TC should be asking and not just me. These people are already in the "TRNC", so why the need to make them citizens.

Workers all the over the world after a specified time eg USA and UK can apply for citizenship its up to the country in question whether they grant it or not the TRNC is no different.

I understand the sensitivity of the issue to GCs but as long as we do not agree a settlement these figures will continue to increase due to the demand for cheap labour in the TRNC but as a form of comfort I had a worker doing some work in my home recently hes was from Turkey and has been unable to get citizenship but has been working in the TRNC for the last 4 years married another settler and had children he wants to live here and build a life, these are the people you will be sending back.

I have reiterate that this is an area where TCs are flexible and would not object to settlers being encouraged to go back to Turkey but they would very much like them to be treated humanely as possible as they have provided the TRNC with a great service, nearly all the menial jobs are carried out by settlers.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:13 am

Kikapu wrote:Question 4 was, "What is the purpose of giving out "TC citizenship's" to any settlers. (except to those married to True TC's )" is very specific VP. It has to do with demands being made from Turkey to add 50,000 new TC citizenship's given to the settlers. That 50,000 can and will expand to become 150,000-200,000 in a short time, just from those newly TC citizens sponsoring their family members to become TC citizens. I want to know from you, as to what business is it to Turkey to make those demands, even if the "TRNC" was a fully recognised country. This is the question every TC should be asking and not just me. These people are already in the "TRNC", so why the need to make them citizens.


Listen VP, and I mean this very sincerely and I'm not trying to be insulting, but could you please answer the damn question. I really appreciate you giving me two answers so far to my original post, but you have failed to answer the question that was asked of you. Lets forget the other 5 questions. Just answer question 4 for me and the comments I made above. Just to keep you on the right track, I'm going to start your answer for you so that you can finish it........Turkey wants the 50,000 settlers becoming a "TRNC citizens" because.......

VP, give me what are the political reasons for these citizenship's.

What will be the dynamics for adding 50,000 new citizens.

Who stands to benefit from these new citizens.

What are the intended goals of these new citizens.

Why is Turkey demanding these new citizens.

"TRNC" is not volunteering for these new citizens. If they wanted to have more citizens for the reasons you gave me already, why didn't they already make them citizens. It seems to me, that the "TRNC" did not want to add anymore new citizens, but have done so, because Turkey pushed it. The question is, why is Turkey doing that.??

Note: I will answer your other 2 posts as soon as possible.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:45 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Thanks for the welcome,Kikapu...
It's good to be back...Even better to discover that my dear True Cypriot brother,miltiades is back too...


When I was in London for a week in December, I managed to take some time to go and visit our good friend Miltiades. Actually, I was running very late, and only had half an hour visit with him, but it was enough to put the fear of God into him, that unless he returned back to the forum, he was going to get his butt kicked on my next trip to London, as well as get his butt kicked by "Iceman" next time he went to Cyprus. :lol:

It took Miltiades few weeks to think about it, but in the end, he made the right decision. He must have found out I will be coming back to London again in the near future and did not want his butt kicked. :lol: :lol:

So I have you and Iceman to thank for the happy occasion of miltiades' return! We will have to organise a celebratory meeting in London next time I am over that way,which might be pretty soon... :wink: :D


Send me a PM as to when you think you may be in London, so that I can arrange to come and visit you. Give me as early
"head's up" as possible.

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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Thanks for the welcome,Kikapu...
It's good to be back...Even better to discover that my dear True Cypriot brother,miltiades is back too...


When I was in London for a week in December, I managed to take some time to go and visit our good friend Miltiades. Actually, I was running very late, and only had half an hour visit with him, but it was enough to put the fear of God into him, that unless he returned back to the forum, he was going to get his butt kicked on my next trip to London, as well as get his butt kicked by "Iceman" next time he went to Cyprus. :lol:

It took Miltiades few weeks to think about it, but in the end, he made the right decision. He must have found out I will be coming back to London again in the near future and did not want his butt kicked. :lol: :lol:

So I have you and Iceman to thank for the happy occasion of miltiades' return! We will have to organise a celebratory meeting in London next time I am over that way,which might be pretty soon... :wink: :D


Send me a PM as to when you think you may be in London, so that I can arrange to come and visit you. Give me as early
"head's up" as possible.


No worries,mate. But it won't be for a few months yet...It would be wonderful if we can pull it off... :)
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Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:01 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
Thanks for the welcome,Kikapu...
It's good to be back...Even better to discover that my dear True Cypriot brother,miltiades is back too...


When I was in London for a week in December, I managed to take some time to go and visit our good friend Miltiades. Actually, I was running very late, and only had half an hour visit with him, but it was enough to put the fear of God into him, that unless he returned back to the forum, he was going to get his butt kicked on my next trip to London, as well as get his butt kicked by "Iceman" next time he went to Cyprus. :lol:

It took Miltiades few weeks to think about it, but in the end, he made the right decision. He must have found out I will be coming back to London again in the near future and did not want his butt kicked. :lol: :lol:

So I have you and Iceman to thank for the happy occasion of miltiades' return! We will have to organise a celebratory meeting in London next time I am over that way,which might be pretty soon... :wink: :D


Send me a PM as to when you think you may be in London, so that I can arrange to come and visit you. Give me as early
"head's up" as possible.


No worries,mate. But it won't be for a few months yet...It would be wonderful if we can pull it off... :)

I could not "desert " my true Cypriot brothers that includes Iceman Halil
and many many more . Our vision of one united Cyprus where all of us are the majority will happen .
Kikapu was exactly what I expected , young handsome and very Cypriot !!!
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:10 pm

miltiades wrote:Kikapu was exactly what I expected , young handsome and very Cypriot !!!

Kikapu was exactly what I expected , young handsome and very Cypriot

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: forgot to mention my hair Miltiades. :lol: :lol:
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