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Occupied Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Leffette » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:09 am

paaul12 wrote:

what it stands for

sorry gone for years, so I am out of the loop

don;t lol lol vre...i didn't know what it stands for...i am gone for years from Cyprus, do i take it you are from the Northern part?

U said it :lol: :lol:

TRNC Government

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a democratic, secular republic based on the principles of social justice and the rule of law. The Constitution provides for a semi-presidential system with a president as the head of state, and a council of ministers composed of prime minister and 10 ministers. Legislative power is vested in the Legislative Assembly, composed of 50 deputies elected by universal suffrage for a period of five years. Judicial power is exercised through independent courts.

Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Serdar Denktaş

Minister of Finance Ahmet Uzun

Minister of Youth and Sports Özkan Yorgancıoğlu

Minister of Education and Culture Erbil Akbil

Minister of Health ve Social Aid Hüseyin Celal

Minister of Public Works and Transport Ömer Kalyoncu

Minister of Interior Özkan Murat

Minister of Labor and Social Security Erkan Emekçi

Minister of Economy and Tourism Ayşe Dönmezer

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Raşit Pertev

BC Numismatics, u r the dreamer, 2008 is going 2 b a good year for the TRNC :D :D :D
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:44 am

zan wrote:
He goes to the "RoC" and gets membership for a murderous regime and then declares himself GC........Is that what the birth certificate thing was about Kikapolous....Did you want to check your ancestral name so that the "RoC" would accept you........Are you planning to get married in a Greek orthodox Church......When is your communion?????

Zan the Pinocchio

I never did get a Birth Certificate from the RoC Pinocchio. I was in a hurry to get to Paphos, so it could not have been that important to me, could it now, dim wit. The only Birth certificate I have ever gotten, came from the "TRNC". Both my parents are alive Pinocchio, so why would I need to check as to who my ancestors were. If you know anything about Birth Certificates in Cyprus from the past, you only had your first name on it and not a family name, since we never had a family name, because the last name always changed from one generation to the next. But rest assure, I have as much Greek Blood in me as you and every other TC's, so don't think to yourself, that you are so pure Pinocchio.
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Postby Marz » Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:27 am

zan, i asked you a question on page 2 you didint respond, why is that?

What do you mean unify fairly? Theres a whole heap of TC's going to the south to work everyday, you might be one of them, but you wont say if you were, youd be a hypocrit wont you?
How come those TC's that pass the green line everyday to go work feel comfortable and free amongst GC's.
I guess some of you are stuck in the past and havent tried to come out of your holes to see everything has changed on the island.
Yoiu know you arent the only ones on the island theres many nationalities flying from around the world, while a few of you in the North are still playing your broken record of racism and fear to get some atteention, seems like your the only ones who have something to whinge about still.
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Postby Leffette » Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:05 am

Answer to MARZ please, this an important topic

Marz wrote:zan, i asked you a question on page 2 you didint respond, why is that?

What do you mean unify fairly? Theres a whole heap of TC's going to the south to work everyday, you might be one of them, but you wont say if you were, youd be a hypocrit wont you?
How come those TC's that pass the green line everyday to go work feel comfortable and free amongst GC's.
I guess some of you are stuck in the past and havent tried to come out of your holes to see everything has changed on the island.
Yoiu know you arent the only ones on the island theres many nationalities flying from around the world, while a few of you in the North are still playing your broken record of racism and fear to get some atteention, seems like your the only ones who have something to whinge about still.
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Postby BC Numismatics » Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:10 am

Leffette,do you agree with me that Shahmaran is a malakas?

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Postby Leffette » Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:45 am

Ahaha Aidan
Come next door i got a secret for you.... :wink:

BC Numismatics wrote:Leffette,do you agree with me that Shahmaran is a malakas?

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Postby BC Numismatics » Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:54 am

Leffette,here's a link that gives the meaning for 'malakas'; .

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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:27 am

Marz wrote:zan, i asked you a question on page 2 you didint respond, why is that?

What do you mean unify fairly? Theres a whole heap of TC's going to the south to work everyday, you might be one of them, but you wont say if you were, youd be a hypocrit wont you?
How come those TC's that pass the green line everyday to go work feel comfortable and free amongst GC's.
I guess some of you are stuck in the past and havent tried to come out of your holes to see everything has changed on the island.
Yoiu know you arent the only ones on the island theres many nationalities flying from around the world, while a few of you in the North are still playing your broken record of racism and fear to get some atteention, seems like your the only ones who have something to whinge about still.

You may sit and have lunch with your attacker/abuser in a public place doesnt mean you trust or would like to be alone with him or even give him an axe, do you get the picture? GCs cannot harm TCs at the moment because if something should happen they have no one to blame which is their usual tactic blame others never yourself. The division has sorted that problem out as well.
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Postby zan » Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:24 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
He goes to the "RoC" and gets membership for a murderous regime and then declares himself GC........Is that what the birth certificate thing was about Kikapolous....Did you want to check your ancestral name so that the "RoC" would accept you........Are you planning to get married in a Greek orthodox Church......When is your communion?????

Zan the Pinocchio

I never did get a Birth Certificate from the RoC Pinocchio. I was in a hurry to get to Paphos, so it could not have been that important to me, could it now, dim wit. The only Birth certificate I have ever gotten, came from the "TRNC". Both my parents are alive Pinocchio, so why would I need to check as to who my ancestors were. If you know anything about Birth Certificates in Cyprus from the past, you only had your first name on it and not a family name, since we never had a family name, because the last name always changed from one generation to the next. But rest assure, I have as much Greek Blood in me as you and every other TC's, so don't think to yourself, that you are so pure Pinocchio.

We believe you Kikapolous.........I mean...Why shouldn't we......A pillar of society like yourself......The Greek society that is.....Not that there is anything wrong with that...The only person ashamed of it seems to be you. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby zan » Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:53 am

Marz wrote:zan, i asked you a question on page 2 you didint respond, why is that?

What do you mean unify fairly? Theres a whole heap of TC's going to the south to work everyday, you might be one of them, but you wont say if you were, youd be a hypocrit wont you?
How come those TC's that pass the green line everyday to go work feel comfortable and free amongst GC's.
I guess some of you are stuck in the past and havent tried to come out of your holes to see everything has changed on the island.
Yoiu know you arent the only ones on the island theres many nationalities flying from around the world, while a few of you in the North are still playing your broken record of racism and fear to get some atteention, seems like your the only ones who have something to whinge about still.

You did ask the question and I answered it soooo many times in all my posts but........... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Now lets take this scenario shall we....TCs have been held under siege since 1963......They starve they die of disease but they hold on......The illegitimate government that has done this to them tells the world that they also represent the TCs otherwise they could not keep fooling the world that they are the government and get away with it. They also want the TCS to be fooled and think that the GCs are their friends and thwart the attempts by those in the know that if the TCs give in they are finished and the island becomes Greek over night. There is international pressure to stop treating the TCs in such a way but the world can't do much about it because the UN has had to recognise the GCs as the government so that they could come in and stop the killing of the TCs. It turns out that this act of humanity is the very thing that will haunt the TCs for the rest of their lives but hay ho, they did save our lives. Sooooooooo, with all this in mind the GCs have to open the borders to let the TCs at least work and use the "RoC" otherwise the 'RoCs" position will become untenable. The TCs say, "what the hell. It's better than starving but we can always come home afterwards and the GCs cannot do a bloody thing about it because as soon as they close the borders the chance of recognition will go up to the point that it will happen". So they go and work and meet up with some of the decent people in the "RoC" and even make friends but the political position doesn't change a one iota. The TCs put food on the table and the GCs can hold on to the deception of being the legitimate government of Cyprus. Neither has much choice in the matter and a stale mate ensues. They never stop trying to get there rights back under the only constitution that has ever existed on the island. They are still trying but the GCs have no interest in relinquishing the power they stole with violence and deception so the rest of the world is getting fed up and looking into the matter and finding the TCs do give a hoot about who is representing them and how safe they would be in he hands of the GCs who not so long ago wee killing them and still have them under siege and still will not agree a solution that is fair in that the rights of the TCs under the Zurich agreement are returned or represented in any new agreement.

So my friend...Your assumption that all is well because a few, even if a substantial few, are crossing the border and working and all is well is very wrong indeed. These apolitical people are just getting on with their lives as best they can and when your prisoners open the gates and allow you to feed your family because they have to, then your family comes first but that does not mean that you have abandoned your rights...You are just drip fed a few of them and the gross injustices of the others are told to the world in the hope that someone somewhere will listen to your story and have pity and correct these wrongs against you....You show them that the drip feeding is one thing but not sufficient to ensure your peoples future and allow your children to make their way in the world on an equal footing with other children all over the world. These same people had an eye opener with the Annan Plan referendum though and are now in a position to se why their prisoners are doing what they are doing and even though they have nothing against he ordinary Costas that they wrk with the leaders are hated for what they are doing.
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