phoenix wrote:74LB wrote:phoenix wrote:By its very nature the "TRNC" is racist.
It is a construct purely functioning on Racist ideology. Keeping out people simply because they are classed by Turkey as different to themselves ... that is racist.
The self proclaimed construct that violates the rights of Greek Cypriots is hereby nominated as Racist Nation of the World.
If you have a flag raise it for the:
"Turkish Racist Nation of Cyprus"
You seem to have settled into a perfect environment - you've been in your beloved Cyprus for 2 secs and you are spouting more vermin than ever before.
Looks like you are a lost cause - you need help, and quick.
Nothing like seeing the worrying truth being discussed to get the bloody Turks to come out of their hiding places.
I have never had the pleasure of your posts before ... you have obviously being following mine! I wondered why my ears were burning. Yes, as you rightly point out, I am back in my beloved country ... the country you abuse because you do not love, since you only understand destruction.
Thank you for your input .... not because it says anything relevant... but it is further evidence that you Turks are watching ...... You must have been really fuming at seeing the truth under discussion, that you could not contain yourself any longer from making a post to enlighten us.
Please carry on joining in now that you have blown your cover!
Here is some more food for thought, let us know what you think......
Whatever you say, whatever you pretend, no matter how much propaganda you spout ... the simple truth is that you are a racist construct ... ruled by a racist government ..... Turkey ... that is racially abusing the Greek Cypriots and racially discriminating against them by preventing them, and only them, from returning to use their properties.
Turkish Racist Nation of Cyprus
We have exchanged posts before, but I am not addicted to posting nor replying to each and every post. But every now and then I tap on my keyboard and here I am
Anyway, like I said, I think you need help...........
Turks fuck off out of Europe ...
Do you notice ... I attract a lot of criticism, nagging, impositions, but other than my personal gripes against Turks ... I never tell people how they should behave ... so why should I indoctrinate the most precious thing in my life with the ugliness that is the Turk!
I am sure he went to his grave a sadder man for not having seen justice to the myriad GCs who were ousted from their homes by the perpetual enemy of freedom, love and justice.... the bloody Turk.
Other than Turks . . . I love the World and its people (would rather the Chinese gave Tibet back, too . . . Hey, there must be something about that part of the World that spawns the likes of Turk / Huns
As for my CV I would never admit to working for a Turk . . . not even voluntarily
Turks can fuck themselves from what I've seen
Yuck . . . breakfast with a Turk
Fuck off my peaceful Island all of you.
I thank providence I am not a Turk, and would have to pseudo-proudly endure the shame of the Turkey tribes' tyrannies.
Wallow in the dirt that you pompously spread, Turk-TCs.
You are to be pitied for your lack of sense.
My hate of the Turkish animal's habits is based on a number of criteria NOT just personal. As such I am part of a very large group of people who also abhor the attitudes of the Turk.
Listen Turk! I am NOT afraid to meet you!.
2,000 miles away, driven out of my homeland by the Turks and too young to start my Turk-Bashing career
Hence you are either a TRAITOR TC or a Proud Turk . . . which one? . . . you can't be both.
I don't give a fuck for the colour of a Turk's skin or his lame religion.
Typical Turk (definition: barbarous, savage, cruel):
Even though you feel you are using the word 'Turk' as a noun, deep down we all know the context in which you are using it.
And each time you use it the way you do (knowing full well that the majority of Turkish posters here are TC's and not from mainland Turkey) you are having a go at people who deep down just want to get on with their lives and live in peace and security.
And I'd like to add that you are also making sure that partition is the preferred option rather than sharing and enjoying this beautiful island that is Cyprus, home to GC's, TC's, Armenians, Latins, Maronites, Britains and everyone else that calls it 'home'.