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Postby webbo » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:40 pm

Niki wrote:First time in Paphos today and it was freezing hail and sleet, 3 degrees (not the group)!

Daughter no1 went paintballing without a change of clothes and gave up after 10 minutes as she was so cold and wet (had to stop to buy warm socks). Limassol was about 6 degrees warmer and no rain.

How did you get along with the roadworks along the seafront? They are a nightmare so I am told :x

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Postby Raymanoff » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:45 pm


we have a bloody tornadoes again...

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Postby Niki » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:47 pm

webbo wrote:
Niki wrote:First time in Paphos today and it was freezing hail and sleet, 3 degrees (not the group)!

Daughter no1 went paintballing without a change of clothes and gave up after 10 minutes as she was so cold and wet (had to stop to buy warm socks). Limassol was about 6 degrees warmer and no rain.

How did you get along with the roadworks along the seafront? They are a nightmare so I am told :x

b x 8)

Went up to the roadworks and gave up, went through the town centre to have a look round. Probably best to see the seafront again when the sky is blue! 8)
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Postby LENA » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:52 pm

webbo wrote:
LENA wrote::D Bubbles mou not everyone is coming back for the elections. For the students the political parties pay the whole ticket for them to come back in Cyprus and is something that they do to get as many votes as they can. If you you are abroad you have the right not to vote but if you are in Cyprus you have to have a serious reason not to. It is compulsory if you are Cypriot to vote. So if you are abroad you can say that my job did not let me or did not have the money or whatever so you can get away with it. Its the same for the students if they cannot because of their studies nobody will force them. But since they can and they get a free ticket why not? This is the first year that it is for free the ticket as far as I know....few years ago they just pay part of it

From what I know in UK you can vote if you want...and most of the people dont give a s*t bout it. Am I right?

Did that answer your question Bubbles mou?

Cheers Lena mou, much appreciated. If someone else paid for me to go home, I would too, definitely!! Do they check that you have actually voted too? Is it only Cypriots who can vote or is it anyone?

Alas, people and the polling booths do not seem to mix back home. We have a very lazy attitude where voting is concerned, though I am not sure as to why? :? I always used to vote - may have missed one or two local elections but that was about it! Sad state of affairs is all I can say.

Bubbles x 8)

No they cannot check that. Votes are not public. If you dont tell nobody will know what you voted. I am not sure who is allowed to vote or not but I think only Cypriots....Cypriot citizens. So that mean if you are British but live in Cyprus for 3 years you are not allowed.
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Postby LENA » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:54 pm

Raymanoff wrote:snowing?

we have a bloody tornadoes again...


Oh my God...a friend live there...I know that road very well. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Postby Raymanoff » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:56 pm

ooh its really getting nasty here... :D
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Postby phoenix » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:05 pm

The peaks of the Akamas Peninsula are iced with snow and they look absolutely heavenly from the beach, with the wild, frothy sea and the sun sparkling through the spray.

A poor, unfortunate turtle was washed up though, with a severe looking neck injury (bite ?) that probably led to its end.... :(
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Postby Raymanoff » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:10 pm

phoenix, dont u guys have cameras? atleast a 2MP phone to capture all that? :D
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Postby Shipwreck » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:18 pm

Snow on the low hills above Paphos this afternoon, looks like a christmas card piccy!!
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Postby webbo » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:24 pm

Shipwreck wrote:Snow on the low hills above Paphos this afternoon, looks like a christmas card piccy!!

As Raymanoff politely pointed out - camera's and action please guys!

B x 8)
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