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A shameless distortion of the truth

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A shameless distortion of the truth

Postby zan » Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:24 am

A shameless distortion of the truth
By Loucas Charalambous
EDEK leader Yiannakis Omirou felt obliged to put the International Crisis Group, an independent think-tank, in its place after its report on January 10 about the Cyprus problem and the possible ways forward.

His obvious indignation forced him to write an article, which was published in Phileleftheros under the idiotic headline, “The shameless International Crisis Group”, which gives a good indication of the level of the content.

The “shameless” ICG is an independent, non-governmental organisation and a look of its 147 members would persuade any open-minded person that it is one of the most authoritative think-tanks in the world. Its members include politicians of international stature with proven track records from many different countries.

Omirou’s arrogant and condescending attitude towards the Group has particular relevance in this case. The political mentality which dictates that we disparage and belittle any foreigner who expresses an opinion we do not approve of is nothing new. It has been part of our political culture for the last 50 years and has contributed significantly to our current predicament.

From Omirou’s remarks, you can deduce either that he had not read the report, or if he had that he calculatingly distorted its content. He goes as far as to claim that the report was written in order to influence the Cyprus presidential elections and describes it as “an impudent intervention from outside, aimed at crushing the fighting spirit and resistance of our people”.

I carefully read the report and I must say that, contrary to what Omirou thinks, if anyone should be protesting it should be the Turkish side. One of the arguments used in the article was that the report did not differentiate “regime in the north from the lawful Cyprus government”. Yet the report referred to this regime as “the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, which is exactly how Omirou would refer to it.

Even more astonishingly, in the chapter of its recommendations, the report proposes more concessions to the Greek Cypriot side than President Papadopoulos had ever demanded. For instance, in exchange for direct trade between the north and EU countries, it suggested the implementation of the 2005 protocol on the opening of Turkey’s ports and airports to the Cyprus Republic, plus another two concessions by the Turkish side.

First it proposed that “the Turkish Cypriot administration, as a unilateral CBM (confidence-building measure) should freeze construction on Greek Cypriot-owned real estate.” Second, “Turkey’s civilian and military leaders should firmly commit to the reunification of Cyprus in a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation and ultimate withdrawal of Turkish troops pursuant to a settlement.”

The second point is of particular significance, because not even our president has demanded such a commitment from Turkey. In exchange for agreeing to direct trade, Papadopoulos had proposed, at one stage, the joint administration of Famagusta port and later offered the use of a part of Larnaca port. In other words, the “shameless” ICG has proposed more substantial concessions to our side than our president had asked for in relation to the issue of direct trade.

It should be noted that the final version of the Annan plan did not envisage the full withdrawal of Turkish troops, stipulating the continued presence of 1,000 Greek and 750 Turkish soldiers.

A reader could justifiably ask why I have thought it necessary to deal with Omirou’s rant. My answer is that Omirou is representative of the political mentality of those who are governing us today and who are seeking our vote so that they can continue to do so for another five years.

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Postby Marz » Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:26 am

So whats the problem?
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:28 am

Marz wrote:So whats the problem?

:? Errrr! Your ability to understand!!!!! :?
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