humanist wrote:Divide and Conquer is the british way Umit ...... take note of that. Besides your recognition wil certainly come from none other than the British
Humanist we haven't heard from you for some time. Welcome back.
Divide and conquer is the anglo saxon way by no doubt and it is still going on in differnt forms. But the arguments you put down are like coffee shop talk, just think about it the british bases are "Sovereign", there is no difference between the british mainland and the bases , they are a part of britain. The only way they can leave is with , either their own will or If GC's use military power and attack them and if they did that, technically they would have waged war on britain. The british have no intension in leaving the bases ( in the annan plan they didn't even give up an inch), they will only leave when there is no petroleum left in the middle east. GC's gotta take resposibilty for their actions instead of balming everyone else for everything. What do you think about the 2 factors Pumpy put foward?