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So how many of you dodgy lot have been to a 'cabaret'?

Feel free to talk about anything that you want.

Ever been to a Ho House, sorry, Cabaret?

Yes, but long ago
Yes, all the time!
Only once, but don't say anything!
I'm a woman, and I've been / go
My name is Eric Morecambe, I'm the king of cabaret
Total votes : 20

So how many of you dodgy lot have been to a 'cabaret'?

Postby Pumpy » Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:52 pm

I ask because one of my overiding memories of the holy hallowed shores of Cyprus was the sheer collossal abundance of "Cabarets", or unabashed Ho Houses as we call them in the normal world.

A cabaret being a french genteel term for a place of light entertainment, which may include fully clothed dancers and stand up comedians.

In fact, last time I was in Cyprus, they were springing up everywhere at a rate of knots, to the extent the Russians were taking over the whole seedy underground scene and these lurid holes began to outnumber doctor's surgeries and schools (always a sign of a healthy society that).

Naturally, Cyprus's downtrodden female population (hand in glove with the complicit hypocritical Greek Orthodox church) have no problem with these places. So long as the blokes wash their cocks before they slip into bed (don't want it whiffing too bad in the morning and upsetting the dogs) and so long as the credit card debt doesn't get so bad that homelessness beckons by the week's end.

Funny old country Cyprus. You can sleep with God knows how many illegally imported exploited sex slaves from Russia, show your wife the digital camera shots of her snatch to rub it in as punishment, yet if you are friends with a gay bloke, you deserve to hang by the yard arm and be thrown to the Turks.

Anyway, back to my original question.

Have you ever been?

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Postby Hazza » Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:58 pm

I've never actually been. I have very strong opinions against these places.
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:12 pm

Such a topic, presented in such a preposterous manner, doesn't deserve to be answered by any self-respecting gentleman.

So, YES !!!, many times, all over the world, perks of the job :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Smiler Brian » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:40 pm

Ah! Heroes Square Limassol. Fond memories. Had a mate who boasted that in three years he had never had sex without paying for it - still a bachelor AFAIK.
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Postby Jerry » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:59 pm

Went to one in Nicosia many years ago, bloody magician nicked many of the audience's watches including mine. At the end of the show he announced what he had done, dumped them on the table and walked off. There was a bit of a free for all and I think a few people tried to "upgrade" their timepieces.
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Postby Sega » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:13 am

I have thought whether the existance of these places is a good/bad thing. Your probably thinking I am mad for mensioning the word good with cabaret (brothle in English).

When a very despirate person desires to have sex and is at breaking point, he can do so by paying these places and indulging in his body urges. Consider other options, rape and peadophillia. I understand that Cyprus has a lower paedophillia and rape rate than others. Cabarets might be the reason for this. I have heard of several women being raped, and not one of them reporting it :shock:

When you read topics linking Cyprus to trafficing people for sex slaves then you think twice. Most of the people working there came over here on false pretences. You have to be mad to think they will travel all this way to become hores. Once the're here their identity is stripped, passports taken etc. and then they are forced to work in this industry. Some are even locked up, it's terrible.

Cyprus is now hit another level, somebody told me that Limassol has over 100 gentlemen clubs. It has passed the point of taming the odd rapist and paedophille, now it has become part of popular culture, part of being a so-called man, part of initiating lost lasting friendships with your peers.

Like Hazza I have strong views never to touch foot it in such a place. Several so-called friends told me it's a must to attend it at least once so that I would gain experience in the field of love-making. Not sure what their talking about, I think they feel like men when they pay for it.

I will never go to such a place, never want to go, if anybody in-real life tells me how I should go I just make fun of them and continue with my life. Life is complicated enough without places like that.
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Postby zan » Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:14 am

Sega wrote:I have thought whether the existance of these places is a good/bad thing. Your probably thinking I am mad for mensioning the word good with cabaret (brothle in English).

When a very despirate person desires to have sex and is at breaking point, he can do so by paying these places and indulging in his body urges. Consider other options, rape and peadophillia. I understand that Cyprus has a lower paedophillia and rape rate than others. Cabarets might be the reason for this. I have heard of several women being raped, and not one of them reporting it :shock:

When you read topics linking Cyprus to trafficing people for sex slaves then you think twice. Most of the people working there came over here on false pretences. You have to be mad to think they will travel all this way to become hores. Once the're here their identity is stripped, passports taken etc. and then they are forced to work in this industry. Some are even locked up, it's terrible.

Cyprus is now hit another level, somebody told me that Limassol has over 100 gentlemen clubs. It has passed the point of taming the odd rapist and paedophille, now it has become part of popular culture, part of being a so-called man, part of initiating lost lasting friendships with your peers.

Like Hazza I have strong views never to touch foot it in such a place. Several so-called friends told me it's a must to attend it at least once so that I would gain experience in the field of love-making. Not sure what their talking about, I think they feel like men when they pay for it.

I will never go to such a place, never want to go, if anybody in-real life tells me how I should go I just make fun of them and continue with my life. Life is complicated enough without places like that.

Last part....You and I both.....The very thought makes me want to puke.
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Postby purdey » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:12 pm

I have no time for these lurid places.I have seen to many young Eastern European girls treated like dirt by these peddlers of filth.It is a sad inditement of Cyprus that when on holiday you can be approached by a spotty youth handing out leaflets advertising thes places.
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Postby IcyNoAngel » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:38 pm

Never been and not planning into going either.
Not my type of entertainment. :D
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Postby Spetz » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:41 pm

Is the question asking whether we have ever paid for sex?

I've been to strip bars etc with naked women. I don't mind going every now and then, but have never paid for sex.

I personally have nothing against cabaret's or prostitution if it is legal and monitored for health reasons, but wouldn't personally pay for sex (at the moment anyway ;))
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