Some unfortunate young women have found themselves unable to sustain their dependency on drugs without resorting to prostitution, others have been tricked/bullied/forced into such a profession.
My own interpretation of 'Cabaret' and what it caters for is far removed from the 'Clip Joints' of Cyprus and the small brothels of down-town anywhere.
There are some extremely well maintained entertainment venues in most capital cities of the world, the services of a chosen 'Hostess' are an additional attraction and can be wonderfully fulfilling in certain circumstances.
In many Far Eastern countries, the women who offer their services (in the appropriate establishments) are treated with great respect, they take great care of their personal hygeine and appearance, can engage in interesting conversations in several languages, have impeccable manners and (depending on the fee involved) can be strikingly attractive.
If one wishes to risk one's health or fall victim to robbery and perhaps violent attack, the street corners are a fair bet, if one is prepared to settle for a 'chance' encounter with any of the above, the 'Clip Joint' or low grade 'Cabaret' will supply your needs.
If you wish for an enjoyable encounter with an attractive and agreeable partner for the night, I would recommend the services of a well established and properly controlled environment ( as described in detail) with one small additional comment, as Clint Eastwood once famously said, "I Don't Come Cheap !"