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Postby Sega » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:07 pm

Leffette wrote:Mills Chapman

Thanks for the long letter.

I came here legally. I regret it bitterly. It is all a scam. Canada is full of empty field and are trying to bring as many immigrants as possible to fill out the empty land in the boonies. There is no respect towards any Diplomas and name it, Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, Engineer. They look down all diplomas. You will find yourself working for $8.00 an hour even if you are 40 or 50 years will be lucky if within a few years you manage to get a decent job.

Crime? Oh yes, they cover the crime. There is lot's of Crime in big cities. They kill each other everyday. Simply it is not on the news. They are being smart to make a big noise on CNN like the Americans do.

There is a big promise on the internet I know. The country of Milk and Honey. No, that is not true.
Medical??? who said is free??? Did you know most companies don't hire full time so you can't get any medical benefits? IF you have no full time job, you can't go to the doctor.

Did you know a simple visit to the Dentist to just pull out a tooth can cost you as much as $120 dollars??? not exaggerating.

I feel with you, and your deep wish to make it to Canada.
IT is very simple. I bet you if you make an application you will be accepted. IT takes between 2-3 years the process but I guarantee you, you can make it to Canada.

Here is a link to look it up

but honestly don't believe everything you read in the links.

You will end up like all those guys who come from Asia and Philippines in Cyprus and they think they will have a better life, just because the Cypriots have a good life. They end do the odd jobs that no Cypriot will do, with the minimum salary.
It will take you at about 5 or so years to build yourself here, plus another 2-3 years until you get count at about 10 years lost in the drain.

Good Luck though, (sorry I am not a supporter of Canada, neither do I support that people should leave their countries.)

Mills Chapman wrote:
Leffette wrote:Hello Mills Chapman

No need to send your American passport to me...You can have my Canadian passport for free.
Did you guys think that Canada is better than Cyprus?

Hi Leffette,

I'm not sure if Canada is better than Cyprus (other than being greener and thus not having water problems), but many Americans (especially the progressive/liberal/left-of-center ones) think that Canada is better than the U.S.A. and that it has a higher quality of life. Compared to the U.S., there is far less violent crime in Canada, free health care for everyone, the national test scores in schools are higher, and there is much more international goodwill to Canadians than to the U.S.

Most people in the world think that Canadians are great. Perhaps the only ones who might disagree are the militants in Afghanistan (and maybe Iraq) who sometimes encounter Canadian troops. However, many folks in the world are unhappy with the U.S. government, and thus direct their hostility towards American people in general.

Linked to the crime issue, the gun problem is much worse in the U.S. than in Canada, and from what I hear, there is less of a cocaine problem. Oh, and I think the Canadian social security system (for retirees/pensioners) is better than the one for the U.S. Also, from what I understand, marijuana is not a big crime in Canada, and though I don't smoke/use it, I support that because it frees up the police to focus on more serious issues. And lastly, though I am heterosexual, I have homosexual friends, and I really support civil-union rights for them (essentially the same as marriage in legal terms) so that partners can get health benefits. Canada supports this, but the U.S. doesn't.

The taxes may be lower in the U.S., we don't have to learn French, and it may be relatively warmer here, but other than that, I think the U.S. is not as good a place to live as Canada is.

On the UN livability index for 2006, Canada was #6 and the U.S. was #8. Cyprus was #28.

For 2007/2008, Canada was #4, the U.S. had fallen to #12, and Cyprus was still at #28. ... mplete.pdf

As Amercians are allowed to have dual citizenship with Canadians, I would love to have your passport. Then I can use it to travel with and give it to the airplace hijackers when they single out the Israelis and Americans (and maybe the Brits too). I can claim Canadian innocence.

Unfortunately, I don't know anyway to do this legally. :cry: :? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :?

Well at least your a realist. I think most places on earth are bad if you don't have money, but I suppose that's the truth.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:57 pm

Vancouver BC has been winning the No.1 or 2 spot for number of years as one of the best cities in the world to live in.

At the last survey, Switzerland got 3 cities out of the top 10 which were Zurich, Bern, and Geneva.

Perhaps everything good in Canada are all in Vancouver BC, and all the crap is spread out to the rest of the country.!! :lol:
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Postby Leffette » Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:57 pm

I like Canada you weirdos.....

My point is, people think will come here and become the CANADIANS...this is not takes two generations to feel that way.

ADMIT one knows that he will have to live like a begger in order to build himself up.

ADMIT IT.... no one knows when they get here their Diplomas are NOTrecognized, and you have to start from ZERO....the Canadian Embassy fools you until they bring you here because they want immigrants.

IT TOOK ME a while to build myself up, and it was nasty I had to do humiliating jobs to just feed myself, while I HAD A DEGREE


jacoby wrote:Leffette you are sadly mistaken and again if you don't like it LEAVE. Ontario has free medical care and yes you pay for it with your taxes how the hell else would it be paid for. As for not recognizing your diploma try any other country in the world most are the same because they demand certain standards. My parents went to Canada with neither a diploma or a cent and had three kids tagging along. By working hard and yes I mean hard my dad was roofer they put there three kids through university and paid of a house and socked away money for their retirement. Land of milk and honey? I wish I knew of such a fairy tale land EYES WIDE OPEN. Every opportunity is what you make it and by the sounds of it your cup is always half empty. There are many return flights I'm sure. We recently moved to Cyprus to try something new and if it doesn't work out so be it. But I'm not here saying all the Cypriots are racist in order to get anything done you need to know someone or be EXTREMELY patient as it takes for ever. But this is Cyprus not Canada this is how things are done so accept it and don't compare it. If you have diplomas wich do you have? As someone else stated you might want to move to another province. ALberta is currently having a huge boom so if you are skilled in any way I'm sure you should not have a problem finding work. As for them wanting to move people to the outskirts it's because the major cities are socially overburdened and the country needs more people spread out as opposed to being concentrated in the major cities. Yes I lived there for 30 years and its a great place to live except for the crappy winter weather.
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Postby Leffette » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:02 pm

Vancouver is good


but some people are just missing my point in this post...

That as soon as you arrive here, you will NEVER BE HIRED in any job equivalent to what you came from, and YOU WILL NEVER get a high salary even if you have 20 years of experienced. You need to start from ZERO.
So what if a country is beautiful, when you get there and you need to live on a minimum salary for at least 5 years???

ELA......ZHTO KANADA anyway!!!!!! I am not trying to badmouth Canada, I am just trying to tell how things are you guys.

Kikapu wrote:Vancouver BC has been winning the No.1 or 2 spot for number of years as one of the best cities in the world to live in.

At the last survey, Switzerland got 3 cities out of the top 10 which were Zurich, Bern, and Geneva.

Perhaps everything good in Canada are all in Vancouver BC, and all the crap is spread out to the rest of the country.!! :lol:
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Postby Leffette » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:03 pm

I like Canada you weirdos.....

My point is, people think will come here and become the CANADIANS...this is not takes two generations to feel that way.

ADMIT one knows that he will have to live like a begger in order to build himself up.

ADMIT IT.... no one knows when they get here their Diplomas are NOTrecognized, and you have to start from ZERO....the Canadian Embassy fools you until they bring you here because they want immigrants.

IT TOOK ME a while to build myself up, and it was nasty I had to do humiliating jobs to just feed myself, while I HAD A DEGREE


Kikapu wrote:Vancouver BC has been winning the No.1 or 2 spot for number of years as one of the best cities in the world to live in.

At the last survey, Switzerland got 3 cities out of the top 10 which were Zurich, Bern, and Geneva.

Perhaps everything good in Canada are all in Vancouver BC, and all the crap is spread out to the rest of the country.!! :lol:
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Postby Leffette » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:07 pm

IF YOU ARE BORNED HERE, or came here as a small child then CANADA means CANADA, you are considered one of them.

I AM TALKING ABOUT THOSE WHO COME HERE AS ADULTS......all my topics are evolving around those ADULTS IMMIGRANTS
SO THE CYPRIOTS who are borned here, or came here as small kids...shut don't know what you are talking about.

CANADA IS A GREAT COUNTRY as the Canadians say, I AGREE 100%, but it is impossible to expect someone to leave on an $8.- salary....just admit it guys
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Postby purdey » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:20 pm

Leffette,I understand exactly where you are coming from and I sympathise.I am sure it's not easy been an immigrant.The UK are past masters at treating their immigrant population with distain.I am afraid it happens all over the world,there is no easy answer.
Good luck..
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Postby orokliniservices » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:52 pm

Any of you thinking of moving to canada.. may i make a suggestion.. don't belive her $8 an hour salary.. move to Alberta where they're SCREAMING for people to work and paying extremely well.
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Postby jacoby » Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:28 pm

Completely agree oro as for two generations your sadly mistaken and you still haven't said what your diploma was? There are many a useless diplomas out there including ones from Canadian universities. Many a grad has found this out the hard way so don't think that by having a diploma is the cats meow. By you saying you worked demeaning jobs tells of the person you really are as my mom worked many a "demeaning job" and never bitched about it now she's enjoying a nice retirement. So get over yourself!!!!!!![/b]
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Postby Leffette » Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:16 am

If I live for 30 years in Canada I will speak so fondly about it too....
I was not trying to bad mouth Canada, but to tell the truth how a foreigner come with big dreams....dreams that do not come takes about ten years to materialize.
Apparently, you felt the gap that is why you moved to come on, leave BIG CANADA and go to tiny Cyprus??? so you are now feeling what I felt when I got here...well patience like i did darling...something will materialize for you as well...

jacoby wrote:Leffette you are sadly mistaken and again if you don't like it LEAVE. Ontario has free medical care and yes you pay for it with your taxes how the hell else would it be paid for. As for not recognizing your diploma try any other country in the world most are the same because they demand certain standards. My parents went to Canada with neither a diploma or a cent and had three kids tagging along. By working hard and yes I mean hard my dad was roofer they put there three kids through university and paid of a house and socked away money for their retirement. Land of milk and honey? I wish I knew of such a fairy tale land EYES WIDE OPEN. Every opportunity is what you make it and by the sounds of it your cup is always half empty. There are many return flights I'm sure. We recently moved to Cyprus to try something new and if it doesn't work out so be it. But I'm not here saying all the Cypriots are racist in order to get anything done you need to know someone or be EXTREMELY patient as it takes for ever. But this is Cyprus not Canada this is how things are done so accept it and don't compare it. If you have diplomas wich do you have? As someone else stated you might want to move to another province. ALberta is currently having a huge boom so if you are skilled in any way I'm sure you should not have a problem finding work. As for them wanting to move people to the outskirts it's because the major cities are socially overburdened and the country needs more people spread out as opposed to being concentrated in the major cities. Yes I lived there for 30 years and its a great place to live except for the crappy winter weather.
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