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The trouble is, "Greek" Cypriots aren't Greek

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Pumpy » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:46 am

That's war Zan.

I suggest you look it up on wikipedia
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Postby Eric dayi » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:52 am

miltiades wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:We all know why you GCs want Turkey out even before any solution in Cyprus. In fact, the whole world knows it and that is why no one demands that Turkey pulls it's troops out.

You Greeks and GCs tried every trick in the book including genocide to achieve your expansionist dream of ENOSIS and nothing worked so that peace of crap and lies you posted above is just that, peace of crap and lies.

Turkey will not pull out unless there is such an agreement that our rights as equal partners, our human rights, safety and existence in Cyprus is guaranteed as Turkey being one of the guarantor powers.

Keep coming up with new tricks, we'll just sit back and laugh at you the same as the rest of the world is doing. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Eriko , stop bullshitiing , how many T/Cs 7 years before Turkish invasion were killed , you mention genocide so go on foreign boy tell us HOW MANY.To help you you can do a search on ecery single saurce of information but stay away from the Turkish sites that gave you all the bullshit about genocide, unless ofcourse they were refering to the Armenian genocide !

Here we go, the senile old idiot has put his worthless words in. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No one gave me any bullshit about the genocide you Greeks AND GCs attempted on us you stupid twat, I was there when it happened and saw it with my own eyes. The only reason you Greeks and GCs couldn't finish off your genocide attempt is because we TCs put stop to it and your frigging ENOSIS. This does not however mean that you didn't try to genocide us for your expansionist dream and ENOSIS. The whole world knows you tried it and that is why they do not demand the removal of the Turkish Army and never will because they know you Greeks and GCs will try to genocide us again.

Now you senile old fool, go and drink some more ouzo and come back as drunk as you were when you replied above, you are of no use to anyone when you are sober. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby DT. » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:53 am

zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:Greed...If the Turkish Army had respected the Zurich Agreement, instead of causing the suffering of Cypriots ten fold, where would that have led us?... Probably a reformed Constitution, and a State where we could all respect one another without the bigotry both "sides" play so well, today. If the Turkish Army had not changed the toponomy of the land they occupy, if they had not sought to "Turkify" the surnames of its people, if they had not worked so hard at changing the demographics, it would be less obvious to the rest of the world, their aim. Had Turkey decided to be a representative of Mankind, by respecting International Law and the Treaties they sign (to the letter) then the "Turks" of Thrace would have had a credible representative who can speak for them, and the world would hold Turkey in much higher esteem.

So what you are saying is it was ok for you to hit me over the head with a hammer but you expected me to hit you with a feather. Well I am sorry but life does not go that way, as you were shooting hundreds of Mehmetciks dead on the shores or Kyrenia or mutilating Turkish officers, the response you provoked was the full blast reaction that any army would give.

You GCs had the opportunity to support and nurture Cypriotism yet you had other plans, now you complain about Turkey and the TCs because we stopped you from following out your dreams which to us would have cost us dearly a price we were not prepared to pay.

You had your chance and you blew it.

I want every single GC on this forum to write a full page apology to the Turkish army for shooting at them while they were trying to invade.

And next time you watch a mehmetchik rape a 13 year old I want you all to hold her down for him.

Asihtir malaka.

Still trying to blur the edges DT :roll: :roll: It does not work anymore buddy...You are flogging a dead horse...The only people you are fooling is your own and they are becoming isolated every day with that kind of thinking. Of course if we did go with your scenario..The punishment for innocent TCs that chose to stay out of both wars,that of the GCs against GC coupists and Turks against the coupists, was massacring them and forcing even more reaction from Turkey...... :roll: :roll: :roll:

You've lost it :roll: You people are now trying to tell me that we're at fault for shooting back at an invading force from a 70m country against 500,000 people.
You've lost it :roll:

NO!!!! I am saying that you were killing innocent TCS that were caught behind the lines........ :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Put he blur tool away mate...IT don't work any more....

not only are you answering for someone else but you're also doing it wrong. READ WHAT VP SAID IN HIS MESSAGE...thats what I'm replying to. I've even put it in bold for you. :roll:
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Postby zan » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:53 am

Pumpy wrote:That's war Zan.

I suggest you look it up on wikipedia

Which version of war is it then Pumps..Greek or the rest of the world...... :roll:
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Postby DT. » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:59 am

DT. wrote:
zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:Greed...If the Turkish Army had respected the Zurich Agreement, instead of causing the suffering of Cypriots ten fold, where would that have led us?... Probably a reformed Constitution, and a State where we could all respect one another without the bigotry both "sides" play so well, today. If the Turkish Army had not changed the toponomy of the land they occupy, if they had not sought to "Turkify" the surnames of its people, if they had not worked so hard at changing the demographics, it would be less obvious to the rest of the world, their aim. Had Turkey decided to be a representative of Mankind, by respecting International Law and the Treaties they sign (to the letter) then the "Turks" of Thrace would have had a credible representative who can speak for them, and the world would hold Turkey in much higher esteem.

So what you are saying is it was ok for you to hit me over the head with a hammer but you expected me to hit you with a feather. Well I am sorry but life does not go that way, as you were shooting hundreds of Mehmetciks dead on the shores or Kyrenia or mutilating Turkish officers, the response you provoked was the full blast reaction that any army would give.

You GCs had the opportunity to support and nurture Cypriotism yet you had other plans, now you complain about Turkey and the TCs because we stopped you from following out your dreams which to us would have cost us dearly a price we were not prepared to pay.

You had your chance and you blew it.

I want every single GC on this forum to write a full page apology to the Turkish army for shooting at them while they were trying to invade.

And next time you watch a mehmetchik rape a 13 year old I want you all to hold her down for him.

Asihtir malaka.

Still trying to blur the edges DT :roll: :roll: It does not work anymore buddy...You are flogging a dead horse...The only people you are fooling is your own and they are becoming isolated every day with that kind of thinking. Of course if we did go with your scenario..The punishment for innocent TCs that chose to stay out of both wars,that of the GCs against GC coupists and Turks against the coupists, was massacring them and forcing even more reaction from Turkey...... :roll: :roll: :roll:

You've lost it :roll: You people are now trying to tell me that we're at fault for shooting back at an invading force from a 70m country against 500,000 people.
You've lost it :roll:

NO!!!! I am saying that you were killing innocent TCS that were caught behind the lines........ :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Put he blur tool away mate...IT don't work any more....

not only are you answering for someone else but you're also doing it wrong. READ WHAT VP SAID IN HIS MESSAGE...thats what I'm replying to. I've even put it in bold for you. :roll:
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Postby DT. » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:59 am

double post sorry
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Postby Eric dayi » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:04 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:dearest eric, i am sorry, i don't want your apology.

I offered and you refuse but only because we both know you are lying. :wink:

However, i would like it if you act with the same respect that you are desiring, unlike the"GC"'s you claim to know so well.

I knew you would come back with this kind of crap rw.

What "same respect" are you referring to? Do you expect me to accept you as a "Cypriot only"? Change your tune and accept and address me as a Turkish Cypriot otherwise go to hell. :twisted:

BTW, your "Cyprus solution" stinks, just wanted to be the first to tell you in case no one has yet. One of the worst ideas that only a GC can come up with. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

what "same respect": one person to another; whether "Greek" or"Turkish" eric, as Human beings capable of reason.

Come back when you have learned what respect is rw because you are really don't know the meaning of it. All you know is demand respect from em but you are not capable of showing the same respect that you demand from me. As long as you do not respect and accept me as a Turkish Cypriot you are just another Greek Cypriot who wants the same as what the majority of Greek Cypriots want.

Learn to know what you are talking about because your fancy writing with comas that do not belong to where you put them does not fool me or anyone else for that matter.

anyway you like to think of yourself as superior (it seems), telling me what i think, telling everyone what they think, or are,

Just read what you wrote above and tell me you are not an idiot rw. You have been telling me from day 1 in Erolz's forum that I am not a Turkish Cypriot but a "Cypriot only" and now you try to play the wounded dove.

Jesus Christ rw, you are really no better than the racist GCs and Greeks.

...too bad eric, but i am here for you, and i will try to help you.

No thanks, I have seen your kind of help in the past and still see it here.

You don't want to help us TCs rw, you want to help yourself and your GC brethren to turn Cyprus into a GCs only controlled/owned country.

In other words, stick your help where the sun don't shine. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Eric dayi » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:10 am

repulsewarrior eric, ENOSIS was acheived as of the first of this year.

So you Greeks and GCs should all be happy bunnies and stop your whinging and whining or is there more you want, like genociding us TCs to turn the whole island of Cyprus into a Greek island?

Bloody hell. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Eric dayi » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:16 am

Marz wrote:Genocide, well you say your not Cypriot nor Turkish so you dont seem to exist as any race.

What the F**K? Are you a ten year stupid little boy? Who the f**k told you I am not a Turkish Cypriot, you twit? You really should not be listening tp the likes of that stupid senile fool miltiades and rw, they don't know their elbows from their arses. :roll::rol::roll::rol::rol:

if it were genocide there would have been many more tc deaths to be genocide.

You are another idiotic twat who does not understand what he/she reads. Blood hell, how many more of you idiots will turn up in this forum?

It seems like you are all lining up to prove your stupidity to the whole bloody world. JESUS!:roll::rol::roll::rol::rol:

So you teling me theres no truth to that article Turkey has contributed more to your isolation and suffering, than Southern Cyprus?
Yea you exist but thats all you do at the moment waiting for Turkey to do every for you but help never arrives to help you with daily life, you been suffering more in these 35 years than you did before.

Human rights, hey well Turkeys human rights are better than ours arent they? you dont have to look very far to see what they have done to the people they supposedely saved.

we made a step and allowed tc to enter the south to help them find work and stability to not live like scumbags thats more hel p than turkey had done.

You say the world see whats happening of course they do this article wasnt written in cyprus if you noticed.

What a load of crap!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby zan » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:17 am

DT. wrote:
DT. wrote:
zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:Greed...If the Turkish Army had respected the Zurich Agreement, instead of causing the suffering of Cypriots ten fold, where would that have led us?... Probably a reformed Constitution, and a State where we could all respect one another without the bigotry both "sides" play so well, today. If the Turkish Army had not changed the toponomy of the land they occupy, if they had not sought to "Turkify" the surnames of its people, if they had not worked so hard at changing the demographics, it would be less obvious to the rest of the world, their aim. Had Turkey decided to be a representative of Mankind, by respecting International Law and the Treaties they sign (to the letter) then the "Turks" of Thrace would have had a credible representative who can speak for them, and the world would hold Turkey in much higher esteem.

So what you are saying is it was ok for you to hit me over the head with a hammer but you expected me to hit you with a feather. Well I am sorry but life does not go that way, as you were shooting hundreds of Mehmetciks dead on the shores or Kyrenia or mutilating Turkish officers, the response you provoked was the full blast reaction that any army would give.

You GCs had the opportunity to support and nurture Cypriotism yet you had other plans, now you complain about Turkey and the TCs because we stopped you from following out your dreams which to us would have cost us dearly a price we were not prepared to pay.

You had your chance and you blew it.

I want every single GC on this forum to write a full page apology to the Turkish army for shooting at them while they were trying to invade.

And next time you watch a mehmetchik rape a 13 year old I want you all to hold her down for him.

Asihtir malaka.

Still trying to blur the edges DT :roll: :roll: It does not work anymore buddy...You are flogging a dead horse...The only people you are fooling is your own and they are becoming isolated every day with that kind of thinking. Of course if we did go with your scenario..The punishment for innocent TCs that chose to stay out of both wars,that of the GCs against GC coupists and Turks against the coupists, was massacring them and forcing even more reaction from Turkey...... :roll: :roll: :roll:

You've lost it :roll: You people are now trying to tell me that we're at fault for shooting back at an invading force from a 70m country against 500,000 people.
You've lost it :roll:

NO!!!! I am saying that you were killing innocent TCS that were caught behind the lines........ :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Put he blur tool away mate...IT don't work any more....

not only are you answering for someone else but you're also doing it wrong. READ WHAT VP SAID IN HIS MESSAGE...thats what I'm replying to. I've even put it in bold for you. :roll:

I know what u are refering to DT :roll: :roll: :roll: You just don't seem able to equate your thinking to both sides though.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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