Pumpy wrote:I think there's a clear break down in communication. Either that, or the bubbles on here have given their brains the weekend off, as well as their bodies.
There is no dispute amongst civilised folk in Britain that we are descendants of far flung folk. My point about Cyprus is that, you can go as far back as you like, the "Greek" link is far more tenuous than is admitted by the inhabitants. It's a simple fact.
Notwithstanding identifiers like language and religion, the ethnic background of GCs is not Greek. Not by a long chalk. It's more of a middle eastern / Asia Minor blend. Have you people not noticed that Greek Cypriots are much darker and middle eastern looking that proper Greeks who are fairer and mre European?
Or are you too busy supping Cyprus Coffee and smoking Senior Service to have seen this blatant truth?
Oh dear, my fellow bubbles, you really let yourselves down with your ignorance.
Just finished watching "300"..These numb-nuts do not realise that even the Greeks are not solely Greeks....Just like the Ottomans they made people Greek or Turkish....They cannot even believe what they see with their own eyes that if the blood where pure then they would all have the same colour hair and eyes.....not the mish mash of peoples they see every day.....