zan wrote:Kifeas wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:Kifeas wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:Isn't it sad that the British managed to become Americans in 500 years,but we could not become Cypriots in 10,000 years???
Isn't it sad that the British managed to become Australians in just over 200 years,but we are still Greeks and Turks,after 3500 and 500 years???
Isn't it sad that people who live in Isreal are Israelis, in Egypt Egyptians,
in Kazakistan Kazaks,in Greece Greeks,in Turkey Turks,but people who live in Cyprus insist on identifying themselves as leftovers of two other nations????
Isn't it sad that we are probably the only nation on earth who keep denying our own unique national identity????
Isn't it just too bloody sad???????![]()
Congratulations Bir, best post in a long long while. Don't you think the GCs are the biggest offenders of this crime? Just watch a football game or any event that would draw the mass crowds and see the number of Greek and Cypriot flags.
TCs are by no means innocent but the GCs are definitely the more guilty party.
Hello,MR...Good to hear from you. I think it is very sad that some people insist on seeing Cyprus as "a Greek island"...I give up,mate...![]()
To the best of my understanding, when Greek Cypriots refer to themselves as Greeks, the majority of them basically identify themselves with the broader and rather historical Greek or Hellenic cultural identity, and not so much with Greece as a political and legal “nation-state” entity! We feel that our (Greek) Cypriot cultural identity is just one such component of this broader historical Greek cultural identity, and definitely not something separate or outside of it! What it definitely does not mean or imply is that we are willing to tolerate or have ever allowed any internal involvement, or follow directives from any mainland Greek governments, more so when our own interests are in conflict! This is something that has been proved in numerous occasions over the last decades, not to say that Greece –at least since 1974, has shown any interest in getting involved in our internal affairs, or has ever attempted to “shepherd” us internationally! Instead, and as a matter of fact, there were many cases to the opposite direction, especially after 1974! With the exception of the 1959 London-Zurich agreements and the 1974 coup -in which violent means by a non-democratic junta government were attempted and utilized in order to impose “Greece’s” will on us, there is hardly any other example to be mentioned against the above!
In view of the above, I believe TCs should not feel so threatened by the fact that Greek Cypriots emphasize the Greek part of their identity, because the vast majority of GCs are not willing to sacrifice or put in a second tier or fate their political independence, in the name of Greece as a separate nation-state! There are many countries nowadays that are composed by multiple cultural identities which are all expressed in the everyday life of these countries, yet, these countries do exist and function as entities without major problems! Australia and the US are such prime examples, especially the later! Great Britain is another one such example, with English, Welsh, Irish and Scots forming one nation state, yet they maintain their separate cultural and ethnic identities!
Going back to the example of Australia, I would like to remind Birkibrisli that they (Australians) still maintain the queen of England as the head of their nation-state, and they even have the British flag as an inlaid of the Aus flag! At least in our case, allegiance with Greece is more a private thing, and is not institutionalized in any way or form, unlike Australia. Furthermore, I am sure if England and France reach the final of the world cup; the vast majority of Australians of Anglo-Saxon origin will seat in front of their TV sets and will support France to win the cup, many of them with French flags as well! Have I got it right?
Hello,dear Kifeas...I have no problem with most of what you are saying.
The trouble is when someone says "Cyprus is a Greek island" that is very exclusive. It excludes all the TCs,Armenians,Maronites,the British and what have you...It makes us feel like strangers in our own country,not welcomed but barely tolerated. And it invites the inevitable retort "No,Cyprus is,at least partly,Turkish..." And "We don't want to live on a Greek island,we want our own Turkish part in Cyprus..." I am sure you see where I am getting at...I have been saying from the beginning that we must put our Cypriotness before our ethnic origins if we are to reunite our beloved country and become one nation, one people...Saying "
Cyprus is a Greek island" makes mockery of the sentiments of those who think like I do...![]()
ps.You will NEVER hear an Australian say "Australia is a British island"...
And the days of the Queen of England as Ausralian head of state is coming to an end in the near future,I am sure...
Dear Bir, I understand what you are saying! I personally do not agree with the use of such a slogan, as I find it non-useful and purely counterproductive! However, to the best of my knowledge and understanding, the proportion of GCs making use of the slogan “Cyprus is Greek,” but more importantly the proportion of those seriously subscribing to its literal meaning -as it may sound to you and the rest of the TCs; is fairly small! More so when it comes to political parties and their official positions! The majority of those making use of this slogan, use it for its figurative meaning, i.e. that Cyprus’s cultural and historical heritage is associated more with the Greek and Christian cultural world and civilization, than with any of the other ones that have existed or exist in the region!
I do not think TCs should seriously worry for the fact that such a slogan is occasionally being heard from the mouth of some, mainly rightwing youth groups! What one should examine is what are the official political positions and aims of the major and significant political parties influencing the vast majority of the GC public (including even those out of which such slogan heralding youth groups affiliate with;) than with what some empty head youngsters will shout, especially in a pre-election period!
Born out by the Greek flags all over the island and the Greek national anthem and Greek only representation by a government that says it represents all Cypriots.....Boy these "FEW" have a loud voice in the "RoC".....![]()
Excellent post Bir and a very concise and informative response from Kifeas. The descriptive "usage " of the word Greek , is , as Kifeas puts it of " figurative " meaning . Those of us that see Cyprus , in the same manner that Maltese and people see their nation , we refer to it as Cyprus .I dont call Cyprus a Greek island and neither does anyone that I know does. None however would repudiate the distinct culture of Cyprus shared by the overwhelming majority of Cypriots. Bir is quite correct in highlighting the point that the other Cypriot inhabitants on this island would find the term "Greek Island " rather exclusive to them selves and frankly so would I . No denies the influence and the heritage one stretching back 500 years and the other 3000 . Cyprus can succeed as an independent island and prosper only as such. Not Greek , Not Turkish , Not North Not South.