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Perfect Cypriot Mamma ....

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Postby zan » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:25 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
zan wrote:Come on M....There is no measure for such things.......Well there is but I am not going to compete in that area as I am at a disadvantage... :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I just remembered a great post from you, don't remember the exact details but the bit I remember was you fooling the wife into thinking your tape measures centimeters was inches :lol: :lol: :lol: brilliant.

SHHHHHHHHHH! she reads this forum now :oops:

:lol: :lol:
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Postby phoenix » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:25 pm

Miltiades welcome back ....

But I am not interested in the depths that discussions stoop to once MR-from-NG joins in .... so I am afraid I will bid you all goodnight. :)
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Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:25 pm

miltiades wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
phoenix wrote:
zan wrote:
phoenix wrote:
zan wrote:
phoenix wrote:I see MR-from-NG cannot resist having a dig at women, because his manhood is too quickly extinguished by the other men on the forum whenever he opens his cesspit of a mouth.

He has again missed the point in his misogynistic rush to condemn.

My point was that I am torn between doing what is best for my developing / growing son and an ageing mom.

I hoped it would draw comparisons between the two beautiful extremes of life, with myself in the middle, struggling like any questioning sentient Being on how to do what is best, when we only get one crack at it. I devote 24 / 7 to this ( I am fortunate) .... but who would say that is enough?

GG, Lena, Bubbles, T_C, (Bill?) and Niki, way to go on providing insight into your experiences too ....

Lets make this a battle oft he sexes shall we :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Stop having a go at manhood :evil: :evil:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Zan I love and adore men .... my son is rapidly turning into one. I do not have a problem with normal women-loving men.

On the other hand, come on ... you know how sick MR-from-NG is :roll: Don't degrade yourself by putting your Turkishness before your Manliness and just sticking up for him purely on that basis ...

You are better than him Zan ... :D

I know M and he is a nice guy...You wind people up and then play the innocent little girl.......Tactics that your favourite man GR was also fond of....... :wink: :lol: :lol:

I miss GR! :(

He was a Real Man ..... :D

I've had the privilege of meeting both Zan and GR. They are indeed both better than me in many ways, I don't mind admitting that. All that said I doubt I'm as bad as you portray me Phoenix. You are provocative, insulting and a very venomous person. You are a wind up merchant and lack common decency, still you cant have it all I guess.

And I have had the privilege of meeting MR-from NG and any insults against him are insults against me .
Phoenix , calm down , most Cypriots are decent folk who want nothing more than peaceful coexistence with every one on the island, where respect and safety are applicable to all.

Nice to have you back my dear friend. Just for the record Phoenix, Miltiades is another gentleman that I've had the privilege to meet and share a bottle of red wine. Again I will be more than happy to admit he is a much better person/man than I could ever be. But at least I have been invited to their domain and am sure we will share another bottle of wine soon again. So at least I'm in the company of good man.
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Postby phoenix » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:07 am

Well now that the mutual appreciation society for the forum-windbags has finally wound to an end, :roll: ... perhaps we can go back to the original request:

........ what are people's ideas or expectations of the Perfect Cypriot Mamma. :D
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Postby kafenes » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:21 am

....... what are people's ideas or expectations of the Perfect Cypriot Mamma.

Phoenix, this is a very generalised question. I wouldn't worry what everyone says. You just do what you think is right and all will be just fine. Your son is going through a stage where he will do anything to get the extra attention for many different reasons like, change of environment, maybe cause the father isn't around (I am only guessing this). This will pass. He knows he is getting unconditional love and using it to his advantage. We have all been through this, and a very common ( I HATE YOU ) when not getting what they want, will be heard many times. Just stick to your guns.
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Postby webbo » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:35 pm

phoenix wrote:Well now that the mutual appreciation society for the forum-windbags has finally wound to an end, :roll: ... perhaps we can go back to the original request:

........ what are people's ideas or expectations of the Perfect Cypriot Mamma. :D

Phoenix mou, sounds like you are doing ok with what you are doing now. I am sure I once read that you consider yourself as a strong indivual, stay that way. As mothers we can only do our best. Not everything we do is right, though we think it is at the time. Oh to have hindsight all the time!! Be there, listen, watch, play, keep up with the unconditional love and try not to worry too much. Remember, we only get one crack at life, enjoy it.. You also have your own life - try to enjoy that too. We cannot be present in our families lives every minute of every day and yes we can make mistakes, but that is all part of life. Just do it one day at a time and you will get there, I am sure of it. I could go on and on, but I reckon you get my gist.
Just promise me one thing - do not teach your son that 'Cypriot tut' instead of the word 'oxi'. I find that sooooooooooooooooooooooo rude......................... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby LENA » Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:35 pm

Welcome back Miltiades. Hope you will stay.

Phoenix...I am going to agree with Kafenes. There is no one way to be a good what you think is the best for your son. You cannot follow one way with all the kids. They are different...even if you have 2 or 3 might find your self treating them a bit different...according to their character and abilities. The environment and the big changes (country and age) he is going through will affect him as Kafenes said. Chin up and you will make it.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:56 pm

How old is your son, Phoenix?
One of the hardest things i had to learn how to do (harder yet to impliment it) was to put my foot down.
at first i was trying to be the good daughter, and do everything my mother requested. she was in the hospital for 14 months before she passed, and there came a time i had to put my foot down. Lucky for mommy-dearest, my main job was right near the hospital, so i got to spend my lunch hours with her. (she also wanted me there after work, and on my days off). finally, i had to put my foot down, and told her i would not be there on pay days, so i could go to the bank. (i didn't drive then, so i had to walk everywhere). after visiting hours in the evening, i would be so tired, i would walk home with my eyes shut, i was so tired, and i would get home, and my drunk husband would demand dinner. meanwhile, i was so tired, i was eating peanut butter sandwiches for dinner because i was too exhuasted to cook.
after adjusting to taking one lunch hour a week to myself, i had to add a day when i wouldn't go to the hospital at all.

after mom died, i had read somewhere that the caretakers of the sick need just as much care as the sick person. it really is a draining experience. i can really relate to what you must be going thru.
your son needs you the most, always put him (and you--because if you are not healthy, you can't help anyone else) first.
let mamma know clearly what you are willing to do and what you are not willing to do. (or put up with). she should feel fortunate to have you, although she may not be able to realise it all the time. start small, adn work up to what you need. and stick to your guns!
welcome to the hardest part of life. i think dying is easier than what you are going thru!
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Re: Perfect Cypriot Mamma ....

Postby Sega » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:38 am

phoenix wrote:Well what would your perfect Cypriot Mamma do for you .....

If you mean that in a perverted sense I am not quite sure. But if you mean it seriously, well I guess nothing much. I am very happy with my mum and there is nothing for her to do extra. She raised a whole family, not like many modern Cypriot mothers who demand having a housewife living with them, she did it the proper way. It's not that we could not afford a housewife, it's just that she felt it was her duty as a mother to be a mother. She's perfect as she is. :-)

If she wanted to do something for me she should could stop working and start enjoying herself.
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