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How About Leaders Like this

Postby humanist » Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:56 am

I picked up this book today and thought I was to turn to a page and see what I get. As I was enjoying a nice bath, my thoughts went to the Cypro and its people and I thought, I's share it.

cheers everyone (Why the ploitics and elections..... well why not?)

If your job involves business recruiting, I suggest that you look for these variables in your future employees. If they view themselves as belonging to the whole and are aware of how their individual pieces of behaviour impact powerfully on the whole, you have a potential leader.

A leader is alert how every single piece of human behaviour affects the whole, and knows that the whole cannot survive with cancerous cells doing the work. The effective leader knows that future business is determined by each customer is treated in that specific moment of truth when contact is first made. When I encounter a person who has no reference to the whole, I sense that particular business or unit its is serious jeopardy. The clerk who lets me know that I am important and is willing to do whatever it takes to produce results is the employee who makes me want to return to that business. The clerk is one of the harmonious cells that will make the entire body function effectively today and in the future as well.

Within the confines of our own family unit we need each member to be a single individual, functioning alone and at the same time working in harmony with all who share the same unit or household. This can be said of communities, cities, states, countries and the biggest whole of HUMANITY.

When we encompass this concept of oneness and apply it in our daily life, we begin to feel a sense of being a part of the human race rather than of fighting it. We begin to sense that we are all truly in this together and that each and every individual piece of behaviour impacts some way on this body or being called HUMAN BEING.

In the panoramic picture, oneness becomes abundantly clear. Truly great world leaders know that we cannot stay divided and survive. They know that all of the divisions of mankind, whatever those divisions may focus upon, contribute in some way to the destruction of the whole of humanity. Sadly, it is quite difficult for people who think this way to get elected. Voters are predisposed to vote for those who favour their particular divisions, and not leaders who are working toward a harmonious objective for all mankind. ………………. Yet still we have seen some leaders emerge who understand the totality of mankind. Certainly the United nations is one small step forward using cooperation rather than aggression to solve disputes that arise over the borders and divisions we have created in our attempts to carve up our onesong. An Abraham Lincoln surfaced when unity was called for in the previous century. Perhaps there will be another Lincoln in the next century to assist HUMANITY toward harmony.

From the smallest individual cell, up through you as one cell, and outward to all of the units that we see emerging within our social structures, to our largest units which we call countries, and outward even farther to the entire universe, the message is the same, When we sense the oneness in all of this, and we behave as individuals with the highest regard for that totality, we allow the whole to survive and flourish. When we act without respect for the totality, we contribute too the downfall of the whole, and to our destruction in the process.

Seeing the oneness is not simply a metaphysical exercise; it is a way of being that transforms life. When we have harmony within, it becomes automatic to see it in the largest context of how we relate outwardly. We will give away only what we have. When we see it within and vow to have it there, then we will be one more cell seeking oneness, and keeping the self flourishing as well.
Dr Wayne W. Dyer

You'll See It When you Believe It, The way to Personal transformation 1989: 104-105
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:09 am

Beautiful thoughts indeed, but i just don't believe that every human is capable of this "change", while many opportunistic people act solely for their personal benefit, others show much more altruistic behaviours that would benefit the whole (i often find gays to be this way), these are instinctive behaviours and hard to change.

Hence why some are natural born leaders and others are not, but they complete each other in this way.
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Postby humanist » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:11 am

I lost you on the gay thing .... but hey .... your allowed to express your ideas.
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Postby Raymanoff » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:13 am

As I was enjoying a nice bath

We got no water! :D u wasting resources...
we only allowed to wipe ourselves with wet tissues and use extra deodorant.
Whats wrong with you????

:D :D
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:15 am

It was about altruism.
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Postby zan » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:13 am

There was a disturbing experiment that I read of years ago in which a mother monkey was put into a cage with it's baby and the cage had smooth walls that that the monkey could not climb and a heated floor. The experiment was to see how long it would take for the mother to use the baby as relief from the pain in it's burning feet......As they turned up the heat the inevitable happened and the mother stood on the baby.

Is there really true altruism? It only seems to work when things are going well.
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Postby humanist » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:17 am

We got no water! u wasting resources...
we only allowed to wipe ourselves with wet tissues and use extra deodorant.
Whats wrong with you????

Well guess what there's floods where am @ and we can still have a bath, by which I don't let the water go down the drain by having a shower and my 2x4m garden can have a water ;) am quite aware of my environmental resonsibilities..... so next time you take a shower think where the water goes :) Happy Australia Day
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Postby zan » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:20 am

zan wrote:There was a disturbing experiment that I read of years ago in which a mother monkey was put into a cage with it's baby and the cage had smooth walls that that the monkey could not climb and a heated floor. The experiment was to see how long it would take for the mother to use the baby as relief from the pain in it's burning feet......As they turned up the heat the inevitable happened and the mother stood on the baby.

Is there really true altruism? It only seems to work when things are going well.

And then there is this:
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Postby humanist » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:41 am

There you go Zan out of every adversity there comes a good ............. so sign on the dotted line we have a BBF and all is well
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:03 pm

I believe there is Zan, there are many evidences in nature to show that it exist, obviously such extreme tests might crack the idea on a personal level but overall many animals and people do choose to help everyone else before helping themselves.

Marx spent his entire life in poverty writing his ideas which gave him no immediate advantage in any way, while his children were dying one by one from malnutrition and diseases he just kept writing and eventually he died too. Just like many other artist and philosophers and poets etc. who spend their life in poverty dedicated to their work which sometimes, if ever, doesn't even get any recognition for centuries.

Where would the world be without these crazy "leaders" :lol:
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