However, I forgot to ask how much it was all going to cost and I haven't been invoiced yet

Sega wrote:If you are coming here for a short while, not a heavy web user and need Internet quick the best option for you is CYTAFORALL, which you can get for no setup free and subscription, you get charged 0.03 cent a minute, however this is a dial up service so speeds are restricted to the speed of your dial up modem (normally 56kb/s = 4/6 kb/s true download).
short_and_fat wrote:Sega wrote:If you are coming here for a short while, not a heavy web user and need Internet quick the best option for you is CYTAFORALL, which you can get for no setup free and subscription, you get charged 0.03 cent a minute, however this is a dial up service so speeds are restricted to the speed of your dial up modem (normally 56kb/s = 4/6 kb/s true download).
Actually 0.03 CYP per minute, not cents!
louizoulla wrote:Im looking to get my own connection too. I hear that Otenet has good speeds but is it reliable? Anyone knows? Also please tell me if Cyta is better than primetel... I can't find a good comparison website( I like cytas new logo... very environmental he he ...its like the recycling logo
kurupetos wrote:How much can you provide the service and what is your connection speed?
kurupetos wrote:louizoulla wrote:Im looking to get my own connection too. I hear that Otenet has good speeds but is it reliable? Anyone knows? Also please tell me if Cyta is better than primetel... I can't find a good comparison website( I like cytas new logo... very environmental he he ...its like the recycling logo
More like rubbish logo to me.
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