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Phoenix Rising in Paphos ....

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Postby Eliko » Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:33 pm

Phoenix, thank you for you welcome and I assure you my flying visits are not of my own choosing, I had anticipated a longer stay in Cyprus subsequent to my latest trip, not to be I fear.

I did spend an interesting few days in the Northern area of Nicosia, en route back here, I must say I found the experience very depressing on account of the conditions the inhabitants are forced to endure there.

The environment that the young children are becoming accustomed to, is a wonderful example of just how little the political leaders consider the plight of the ordinary folk that exist there.

Ultimately, it will be the decisions made by those same politicians and military leaders that will determine the fate of this Island, the ordinary folk will be subjected to the same treatment as they have ever been.

The only consolation those unfortunates have, lies in the fact that they are at least not subjected to incessant bombardments throughout the night, which places them in a little more comfort than those who are subjected to the will of the mighty forces of those who propose to civilize the inhabitants of Iraq.

I personally think that the situation here is a disgrace to any of the political and military leaders who have met and (supposedly) discussed the matter, invariably surrounded by all the trappings of affluence in the midst of suffering people who look to them for some relief.

And I could go on. :wink:
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Re: Phoenix Rising in Paphos ....

Postby kokorosie » Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:37 pm

phoenix wrote:Well I have been in Cyprus for one week now and I am on cloud nine (no Turks on that one :lol: ).

The weather has been great, the sea is on my doorstep, field and mountains behind.

Son loving the relaxed school atmosphere, although we keep missing the school bus and getting strange looks walking with the dog amidst a chorus of barking dogs as we pass each house.
The old fashioned peripato seems to have lost its appeal for some reason.

However, not all is great in Paradise ....... the Cypriot bubble gum loses its flavour too quickly :(

..... But rapidly discovering the wines :D

This Heaven on Earth surely cannot last . . . :?

Does some normality / acceptance / familiarity eventually settle in and Cyprus just becomes another place or is it always so thrilling? :D

Eventually WILL , don't worry,,but not in a first week :)
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