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So, how are people finding the new Euro currency?

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Postby phoenix » Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:36 pm

Pumpy wrote:Well, I'll give the Cypriots one thing. Even when they are at 'work', they spend virtually no time actually 'working', the lazy bastards. If you add up the amount of time they spend slaving away at work, discounting weekends which are sacked off, Wednesdays and massive siesta breaks, it amounts to the same length of time I spend filling my motor up with petrol each week.

The only people who do any real work are the fucking Phillipinos and the Eastern Europeans who are disgracefully used as slave labour by the arrogant too-big-for-their boots locals.

Work is for those who cannot think. 8)

The UK / rest of the world, has a great workforce. :lol:
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Postby Pumpy » Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:42 pm

phoenix wrote:
Pumpy wrote:Well, I'll give the Cypriots one thing. Even when they are at 'work', they spend virtually no time actually 'working', the lazy bastards. If you add up the amount of time they spend slaving away at work, discounting weekends which are sacked off, Wednesdays and massive siesta breaks, it amounts to the same length of time I spend filling my motor up with petrol each week.

The only people who do any real work are the fucking Phillipinos and the Eastern Europeans who are disgracefully used as slave labour by the arrogant too-big-for-their boots locals.

Work is for those who cannot think. 8)

The UK / rest of the world, has a great workforce. :lol:

I agree, though would rephrase.

Work is for those who haven't had the fucking cajones or luck or whatever you want to call it, to get the money to not have to work.

I work. I hate it. I wish I didn't have to do a 'job' but needs must.

Though I would say, businesses should be allowed to open whenever they like. It's a bit of an antiquated socialist system that restricts businesses from opening when they want. The customer should be provided with a better status than it is in Cyprus. Let's face it, the customer is not King in Cyprus. He's a pain in the arse.
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Postby DT. » Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:43 pm

whatsthe matter pumpy? Can't get your cash out of Northern Rock? Another great British firm, regulated to the max by your ever efficient FSA. :lol:
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Postby phoenix » Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:53 pm

Pumpy wrote:
phoenix wrote:
Pumpy wrote:Well, I'll give the Cypriots one thing. Even when they are at 'work', they spend virtually no time actually 'working', the lazy bastards. If you add up the amount of time they spend slaving away at work, discounting weekends which are sacked off, Wednesdays and massive siesta breaks, it amounts to the same length of time I spend filling my motor up with petrol each week.

The only people who do any real work are the fucking Phillipinos and the Eastern Europeans who are disgracefully used as slave labour by the arrogant too-big-for-their boots locals.

Work is for those who cannot think. 8)

The UK / rest of the world, has a great workforce. :lol:

I agree, though would rephrase.

Work is for those who haven't had the fucking cajones or luck or whatever you want to call it, to get the money to not have to work.

I work. I hate it. I wish I didn't have to do a 'job' but needs must.

Though I would say, businesses should be allowed to open whenever they like. It's a bit of an antiquated socialist system that restricts businesses from opening when they want. The customer should be provided with a better status than it is in Cyprus. Let's face it, the customer is not King in Cyprus. He's a pain in the arse.

I too would agree with what you have to say . . . . but why restrict your complaint to Cyprus only?

Do you not see that wherever a customer exists, he is a sad reminder that one has to serve! :roll:

Or are you once again extolling the virtues of the Cypriots as being unique in their lack of subservience?
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Postby Pumpy » Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:54 pm

DT. wrote:whatsthe matter pumpy? Can't get your cash out of Northern Rock? Another great British firm, regulated to the max by your ever efficient FSA. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fuck Northern Wreck.

Wouldn't touch them with yours!

My money is with far superior finanical institutions. Stay away from piss poor outfits like that. And you're right, the FSA is a joke.
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:42 pm

Pumpy, the recession, which is coming according to you, will hit all countries regardless of the currency.

I am in business and the Euro has been a boon, no more currency charges at the bank, no more fluctuations and calculations.

As for prices, some here in Greece were rounded up, mostly for small items like bottled water, milk etc where the drachma was treated like Eurocents. This has caused a 300 ml bottle of water to go from 50 drs to 50 cents thus tripling in price. On big ticket items like cars and other durable goods prices have come down.

Overall the Euro has been a good thing and the instant price comparison it affords helps keep prices in check, that and the ability to shop across the Eurozone in one currency minus import duties and other protectionist and pseudo nationalistic crap.

You keep a tight hold on your sterling. Leave us holding onto our Euros.
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Postby purdey » Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:03 pm

I am in business also and your calculations are correct.Look at the ordinary man in the street,
one car every five years.
one washing machine every five years.
one Tv every five years.
yes great saving,but how many bottles of water,bread,eggs,meat,does he consume in a year ? these essentials have gone up.I am richer thank you very much,but the ordinary man is poorer,but hey ho who cares !! Stirling suits me fine,I owe nobody a penny,recession does not touch me.....
Are you Greek ? if so,I see where you are coming from,you have never give a damm about anything other than Greeks...
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Postby andreas123 » Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:35 pm

Pumpy wrote:Well, I'll give the Cypriots one thing. Even when they are at 'work', they spend virtually no time actually 'working', the lazy bastards. If you add up the amount of time they spend slaving away at work, discounting weekends which are sacked off, Wednesdays and massive siesta breaks, it amounts to the same length of time I spend filling my motor up with petrol each week.

The only people who do any real work are the fucking Phillipinos and the Eastern Europeans who are disgracefully used as slave labour by the arrogant too-big-for-their boots locals.

Oh well, when they all bugger off, it'll collapse like a house of cards in a fart storm.

Well played, Cypriots. Well played.

pumpy...why do you care so much if we are being ripped off? is it happening to you?

"The only people who do any real work are the fucking Phillipinos and the Eastern Europeans who are disgracefully used as slave labour by the arrogant too-big-for-their boots locals."

oh and this is not happening in the UK? are you serious now?
the only people i see working in the UK are foreigners..asians,eastern europeans,and from other EU countries you telling me that if all the foreigners stopped working in buses,trains,cleaners etc you lot would pick that up ? oh please,,.

.all you lot do is wait till 5:30 comes so that you can bugger off and get drunk in the pub,,,so seriously,,look at what you do first before you judge others...

but i dont blame your bitching...obviously i would be bitching (and i am since i am in the UK atm) if i had to commute 2 hours a day to work,,,be packed in trains and buses like a sardine, pay 1000's £ in mortgage pay ££££ to go away for the weekend in my own country..when i cant get out because is raining 4 out of five days..,,pay 1000 or more in council licence, half of my wage goes to NI and other taxes,,etc etc etc...i dont blame you buddy...the only thing you can do is bang your head on the wall,....oh well,,shit happens and life goes on,.,,get used to it and get over it...
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Postby LENA » Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:50 pm

Pumpy wrote:Well, I'll give the Cypriots one thing. Even when they are at 'work', they spend virtually no time actually 'working', the lazy bastards. If you add up the amount of time they spend slaving away at work, discounting weekends which are sacked off, Wednesdays and massive siesta breaks, it amounts to the same length of time I spend filling my motor up with petrol each week.

The only people who do any real work are the fucking Phillipinos and the Eastern Europeans who are disgracefully used as slave labour by the arrogant too-big-for-their boots locals.

Oh well, when they all bugger off, it'll collapse like a house of cards in a fart storm.

Well played, Cypriots. Well played.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

You must be a joke! A bad one!
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:56 pm

"Are you Greek ? if so,I see where you are coming from,you have never give a damm about anything other than Greeks..."

Pumpy you British? Have you heard of the Race Relations Act?

For your information, I am Cypriot living in Greece since I cannot live in my home town Famagusta.

You go to great pains to put down the Euro which might boost your ego re the pound, but for those of us who live in the Eurozone the single currency has been positive and beneficial.
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