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“Citizenship” for 50 thousand settlers

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:40 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:"wants to grant" and "granted" are totally different these are just claims and speculation which of course you whole heartedly want to believe because thats how biased you are you maynot be able to see this but everyone else can.

I didn't write the damn article VP. If you have an issue, take it up with Turkish Cypriot daily Ortam newspaper (17.01.08 ).

So now you want to parce words. No body said 50,000 citizenship's had already been handed out. The process began when Turkey threatened to cut off the 13th pay to all "TRNC" civil servants if they said NO. Well, you already told us that the 13th pay had already been paid out, therefore the deal was sealed. It will take time for all the 50,000 "new TC's" to emerge, but the ball has already started to roll, and now Soyer is trying to do some "damage control". Good luck holing back the flood, once the control gates are opened. Next step is for the TC's to get "drowned".

You know my views on the drowning propaganda you spread.

You and Zan are the only TWO paid Propagandist on here VP, and our good friend Pyro smoked you out long time ago, so anything you TWO say, can only be taken with a pinch of salt and a lot of suspicion. Your opinions are worthless to say the least, because the main prize of all your Propaganda is how much GC land you can get your hands on....for free.!!

Who are you to judge? your anti anything Turkish propaganda is all over the forum, Pyro proved jack shit, when challenged he shit himself.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:52 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:"wants to grant" and "granted" are totally different these are just claims and speculation which of course you whole heartedly want to believe because thats how biased you are you maynot be able to see this but everyone else can.

I didn't write the damn article VP. If you have an issue, take it up with Turkish Cypriot daily Ortam newspaper (17.01.08 ).

So now you want to parce words. No body said 50,000 citizenship's had already been handed out. The process began when Turkey threatened to cut off the 13th pay to all "TRNC" civil servants if they said NO. Well, you already told us that the 13th pay had already been paid out, therefore the deal was sealed. It will take time for all the 50,000 "new TC's" to emerge, but the ball has already started to roll, and now Soyer is trying to do some "damage control". Good luck holing back the flood, once the control gates are opened. Next step is for the TC's to get "drowned".

You know my views on the drowning propaganda you spread.

You and Zan are the only TWO paid Propagandist on here VP, and our good friend Pyro smoked you out long time ago, so anything you TWO say, can only be taken with a pinch of salt and a lot of suspicion. Your opinions are worthless to say the least, because the main prize of all your Propaganda is how much GC land you can get your hands on....for free.!!

Who are you to judge? your anti anything Turkish propaganda is all over the forum, Pyro proved jack shit, when challenged he shit himself.


That's why you will not answer Pyro's TWO questions he has for you regarding your Propaganda work and you had avoided responding to his posts for months. So VP, if anyone was running and shitting himself, it was you.

Show me anything I have written that is Anti TC or Anti Turkish. Since it's all over the forum as you claim, it should be easy for you to find them, so lets see them.

If you're talking about policies of the "TRNC" and policies of Turkey, my complaints are responses towards those policies, and has nothing to do wit TC's or Turks in general. What your problem is, you cannot accept any criticism for any wrong doings, because you are a "yes man" and a good foot soldier. Well, I'm neither. I tell it the way I see it. If I point out the wrong doings by certain groups of people, that's where my criticism is aimed at and not the Innocent TC's ot Turks. It is you, who wants to create the illusion that I'm criticism everyone, so that you can hide your cowardly self behind them, because I have exposed you so many times of the kind of person you are, who is not able to stand on his own two feet. You were well and truly exposed by Pyro, and everyone on the forum knows about it, but that's not what I want to talk about with you, but since you have brought up the "propaganda" issue, you have opened the door for me to let you have your own medicine back.

A little advice for you VP. If you are going to throw unwarranted "sucker punches" out of the blue at me because you are lost for words or just want to be a smart ass, expect a heavy doze in return. I rather talk issues regarding Cyprus with you and I'm willing to do it until the light comes on in your head, despite your deliberate and intentional refusal to accept anything that is reasonable.

I'll answer your other posts later.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:43 pm

Kikapu you are playing your favorite game of Judge and Jury, you put forward claims and outcomes like they are carved in stone. Your hatred towards TCs and Turks is in the majority of your posts denying this fact only reveals your own flaws and illustrates how you twist like a snake to suit your own aims. Now lets address your last pathetic attempt to create an air of suspicion, lets see if you can rise to the challenge,

That's why you will not answer Pyro's TWO questions he has for you regarding your Propaganda work and you had avoided responding to his posts for months. So VP, if anyone was running and shitting himself, it was you.

Which questions? kindly clarify what they for Pyro who's still around and who's run off shitless?

Show me anything I have written that is Anti TC or Anti Turkish. Since it's all over the forum as you claim, it should be easy for you to find them, so lets see them.

Theres just to much on the forum go back a few pages and you will find plenty.

If you're talking about policies of the "TRNC" and policies of Turkey, my complaints are responses towards those policies, and has nothing to do wit TC's or Turks in general. What your problem is, you cannot accept any criticism for any wrong doings, because you are a "yes man" and a good foot soldier. Well, I'm neither. I tell it the way I see it. If I point out the wrong doings by certain groups of people, that's where my criticism is aimed at and not the Innocent TC's ot Turks.

Your evaluation of policies are exactly that and are only as good as how much you know and understand you are crippled by hate for anything Turkish so how can anyone expect a balanced or unbiased viewpoint from you? Your sarcastic and below the belt snipes do exactly that hurt and make sure TCs question unification, you would do more good trying to understand our concerns as well as you do and support the GCs because all you do now is fuel the division doing more bad than good for your cause, I as a partionist thank you for making my job so easy.

It is you, who wants to create the illusion that I'm criticism everyone, so that you can hide your cowardly self behind them, because I have exposed you so many times of the kind of person you are, who is not able to stand on his own two feet. You were well and truly exposed by Pyro, and everyone on the forum knows about it, but that's not what I want to talk about with you, but since you have brought up the "propaganda" issue, you have opened the door for me to let you have your own medicine back.

I don't have to create an illusions you do a great job and people have warned you about your biased one sided criticism yet you continue with your mission of dragging us through the mud. The only coward on this forum is yourself for not visiting the community you claim to originate from seeing them in their own environment would have enriched your arid knowledge of how we live and our concerns.

Could you please clarify your claim of how you have exposed me? how you proved to the world that I cannot stand on my own two feet or how Pyro exposed what was it that he actually proved? you appear to make your own minds up about what entails exposure or what does not, you are pathetic really.

When will you give me some of my own medicine back all you posts are full of GC inspired propaganda, you are doing a great job on their behalf.

A little advice for you VP. If you are going to throw unwarranted "sucker punches" out of the blue at me because you are lost for words or just want to be a smart ass, expect a heavy doze in return. I rather talk issues regarding Cyprus with you and I'm willing to do it until the light comes on in your head, despite your deliberate and intentional refusal to accept anything that is reasonable.

I have no problems discussing the Cyprus issue when you feel I am throwing punches this is only in response to yours. If you respond to my posts with respect I will respond to yours in the same fashion.
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