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“Citizenship” for 50 thousand settlers

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:10 pm


Welcome back my friend. Let me say what a great honour it was meeting you on my last trip to London in December. I only had half an hour to visit with you before having to leave you to visit other friends, but it was worth every minute of it. I hope we can make it much longer next time.

Welcome back.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:27 pm

Kikapu wrote:Miltiades,

Welcome back my friend. Let me say what a great honour it was meeting you on my last trip to London in December. I only had half an hour to visit with you before having to leave you to visit other friends, but it was worth every minute of it. I hope we can make it much longer next time.

Welcome back.

My dear friend , You were one major reason for my decision to rejoin the forum. I just could not sit back and read the nasty things said about you .
You are a true Cypriot , and just like the Cyprus map in my office says " THIS IS CYPRUS , NOT NORTH NOT SOUTH NOT GREEK NOT TURKISH"
I also thank you for your generous donation for Cancer Tulip that will help our people of Cyprus.
Nice to be back my dear friend !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:29 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
zan wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:zan he is sick to his stomach that the TRNC can be recognized in shape or form, plus he is lacking in knowledge of what goes on in the TRNC and how we have developed since parting ways with the GCs.

A nice big spoon of Turkish Suzme Yogurt will soon make him feel better kardesim... :lol:

Noway is this person a TC, he contiunally spews venom towards us then says he is a TC. If he were a TC he woudl display the minimum of understanding and appreciation of our concerns. These type of people are danger to our community and will continue to sell us out to the GC are every opportunity, he has helped me cement me belief that we shoudl not seek unfication and that the current staus quo should prefered at all costs.

he has helped me cement me belief that we shoudl not seek unfication and that the current staus quo should prefered at all costs.

Come come VP, please, you are giving me too much credit for what you always wanted. Why the hell did you move from your comfortable home in the UK to a desperate place in the "TRNC" 16 years ago.?? Don't tell me you came searching for peace or was to enjoys the spoils at the expense of others.?? The fact that you only accept a AP type of a settlement only goes to prove that I'm right about your past and future intentions. Anything that is fair to all Cypriots will cause you to move back to the UK.

You cannot be so far from the truth and proves to me how stupid you really are. You epitomize what I and many TCs fear in GCs having a narrow vision and hate of anything Turkish. The last 16 years of my life have been the best as my children have grown up in the TRNC a country where they belong and are the indigenous people. The next solution proposal will be just like an amended version of the UNs AP because that is what is necessary to solve this problem but we all know that GCs will also reject this which will hopefully bring about your greatest fear and seal recognition for the TRNC.

I have also noticed that as you have not said one negative thing about GCs you also show the signs of not stating one positive point in favor of the TCs, no compassion or understanding why is that?, your thought pattern reflects you are either a GC or not a Cypriot at all.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:37 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
zan wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:zan he is sick to his stomach that the TRNC can be recognized in shape or form, plus he is lacking in knowledge of what goes on in the TRNC and how we have developed since parting ways with the GCs.

A nice big spoon of Turkish Suzme Yogurt will soon make him feel better kardesim... :lol:

Noway is this person a TC, he contiunally spews venom towards us then says he is a TC. If he were a TC he woudl display the minimum of understanding and appreciation of our concerns. These type of people are danger to our community and will continue to sell us out to the GC are every opportunity, he has helped me cement me belief that we shoudl not seek unfication and that the current staus quo should prefered at all costs.

Still the same old VP , VINDICTIVE , POISONOUS , SPITEFUL Not the slightest trace of compassion yet he has the audacity to state that Kikapu continually spews venom towards his Cypriot people. Where he is destructive , Kikapu is COMPASSIONATE , WHERE HE IS FULL OF HATRED kIKAPU IS FORGIVING , WHERE HE IS INTRANSIGENT KIKAPU IS TOLERANT.
VP , You are the one on this forum that HAS NEVER expressed any empathy for the Cypriot people who have suffered so much in the hands of fanatics , people like you for instance. You attack an individual that , just as I do , sees all of Cyprus as his nation , all of Cypriots as his people.

In case you haven't notice I'm back . Phoenix , religious zealots , brainwashed anti West individuals , T/C haters , G/C haters , Bloody suicide bomb sympathisers WATCH OUT !

Welcome back, you appear to have recharged your batteries in the leafy tree lined avenues of the UK. You can have your opinions but Kikapus posts say a great deal about his one sided GC views and lack of understanding of the community he claims to have originated from. I would give him some credit if he at least tried to support just a few of the TCs viewpoints against the GCs or speak out against some of the GC claims.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:49 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
zan wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:zan he is sick to his stomach that the TRNC can be recognized in shape or form, plus he is lacking in knowledge of what goes on in the TRNC and how we have developed since parting ways with the GCs.

A nice big spoon of Turkish Suzme Yogurt will soon make him feel better kardesim... :lol:

Noway is this person a TC, he contiunally spews venom towards us then says he is a TC. If he were a TC he woudl display the minimum of understanding and appreciation of our concerns. These type of people are danger to our community and will continue to sell us out to the GC are every opportunity, he has helped me cement me belief that we should not seek unfication and that the current staus quo should prefered at all costs.

Still the same old VP , VINDICTIVE , POISONOUS , SPITEFUL Not the slightest trace of compassion yet he has the audacity to state that Kikapu continually spews venom towards his Cypriot people. Where he is destructive , Kikapu is COMPASSIONATE , WHERE HE IS FULL OF HATRED kIKAPU IS FORGIVING , WHERE HE IS INTRANSIGENT KIKAPU IS TOLERANT.
VP , You are the one on this forum that HAS NEVER expressed any empathy for the Cypriot people who have suffered so much in the hands of fanatics , people like you for instance. You attack an individual that , just as I do , sees all of Cyprus as his nation , all of Cypriots as his people.

In case you haven't notice I'm back . Phoenix , religious zealots , brainwashed anti West individuals , T/C haters , G/C haters , Bloody suicide bomb sympathisers WATCH OUT !

Welcome back, you appear to have recharged your batteries in the leafy tree lined avenues of the UK. You can have your opinions but Kikapus posts say a great deal about his one sided GC views and lack of understanding of the community he claims to have originated from. I would give him some credit if he at least tried to support just a few of the TCs viewpoints against the GCs or speak out against some of the GC claims.

If I thought for one moment that Kikapu had anything else apart from the interests of all Cypriots , for fairness , justice and forgiveness in his heart , I would most definitely take him to task. I met a Cypriot who embraced me as his countryman , who saw me as I see all Cypriots , my brothers and sisters. More than anyone else on this forum you have a pretty good idea as to my position .
Let my tell you that the leafy streets of South London are well acquainted with this Cypriot , they know what I stand for and they may disagree but can not fault my views in any way because they are the views of a passionate Cypriot who wants his island and his people united and committed to peace and long term stability for the sake of our future generations to come.
Talking about future generations I'm shortly to become a grand father for the second time , this time a boy ! To be born in mid March in Limassol And boy am I happy !!
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:25 pm


The next solution proposal will be just like an amended version of the UNs AP because that is what is necessary to solve this problem but we all know that GCs will also reject this which will hopefully bring about your greatest fear and seal recognition for the TRNC.

I don't care what AP version you want to bring VP, as long as it is not Racist, undemocratic, and does not violate any one's Human Rights, unlike the last one that you were so over the moon for voting for it, and have been a very bitter person since then for not getting it, because you were more interested in what you can get out of it, rather than what was best for all Cypriots. As Halil said it best, that he would have gotten everything he wanted in the last AP which would have made him his own "Efendi" in the North.

I have also noticed that as you have not said one negative thing about GCs you also show the signs of not stating one positive point in favor of the TCs, no compassion or understanding why is that?, your thought pattern reflects you are either a GC or not a Cypriot at all

This has gotten really old VP. Go and read all my posts in my first 6 months on the forum and then come and tell me I did not say anything negative towards the GC's. As for your other tiring comment regarding anything positive towards the "TRNC", I thought we had also put that to rest, since you yourself could not come up with ONE positive comment favouring the "TRNC" that did not violate all Cypriots Human and Democratic Rights. If you want to exclude these violations, I can tell you many that would favour the "TRNC".
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:42 pm

Kikapu wrote:VP,

The next solution proposal will be just like an amended version of the UNs AP because that is what is necessary to solve this problem but we all know that GCs will also reject this which will hopefully bring about your greatest fear and seal recognition for the TRNC.

I don't care what AP version you want to bring VP, as long as it is not Racist, undemocratic, and does not violate any one's Human Rights, unlike the last one that you were so over the moon for voting for it, and have been a very bitter person since then for not getting it, because you were more interested in what you can get out of it, rather than what was best for all Cypriots. As Halil said it best, that he would have gotten everything he wanted in the last AP which would have made him his own "Efendi" in the North.

I have also noticed that as you have not said one negative thing about GCs you also show the signs of not stating one positive point in favor of the TCs, no compassion or understanding why is that?, your thought pattern reflects you are either a GC or not a Cypriot at all

This has gotten really old VP. Go and read all my posts in my first 6 months on the forum and then come and tell me I did not say anything negative towards the GC's. As for your other tiring comment regarding anything positive towards the "TRNC", I thought we had also put that to rest, since you yourself could not come up with ONE positive comment favouring the "TRNC" that did not violate all Cypriots Human and Democratic Rights. If you want to exclude these violations, I can tell you many that would favour the "TRNC".

You showed that you actually knew nothing about the Annan Plan when we went into it in depth Kikapu so stop your rubbish sound bites will you.....The Annan Plan made provisions for reality and not your fantasy island where everything is simple and equal. Where there was a weakness a truss was used and it will serve to hold the building up. Your garden of Eden theory is just for the romantics and the weak. No garden grows over night and without the proper supports will yield nothing. you are just fighting for an ideal and a principle. These simply do not provide the right conditions for where we are today......You still haven't answered what you plan to do with the fact that the"RoC" has taken your rights away from you by gunpoint....
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:24 pm

zan wrote:
You showed that you actually knew nothing about the Annan Plan when we went into it in depth Kikapu so stop your rubbish sound bites will you.........

This is a statement from a person who had admitted not reading any part of the AP, but has stated that it was a Great Plan all the same. :roll: :roll:

If it was such a Great Plan Zan, why didn't everyone jump up and down to accept it, or was it only a Great Plan to one side and not to all, or at least to majority of the Cypriots. It was going to effect all Cypriots one way or another, so why wasn't the plan made more suitable to make the majority happy. :idea: :idea: :idea:
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:33 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
You showed that you actually knew nothing about the Annan Plan when we went into it in depth Kikapu so stop your rubbish sound bites will you.........

This is a statement from a person who had admitted not reading any part of the AP, but has stated that it was a Great Plan all the same. :roll: :roll:

If it was such a Great Plan Zan, why didn't everyone jump up and down to accept it, or was it only a Great Plan to one side and not to all, or at least to majority of the Cypriots. It was going to effect all Cypriots one way or another, so why wasn't the plan made more suitable to make the majority happy. :idea: :idea: :idea:

I did admit to that but if you were to keep up with the times I also said a short time ago that I had looked into it much more since Bananiot recommended a book to read...I will now tell you that I still haven't read nearly all of it but the book explained much of it for arguments sake...How much have you read......

as for the next part of your question....I think the first answer will see that I am right in saying that you have not read a single page but that does not matter......Lets see now.....

Supposedly.......Greece, Turkey the EU the USA and I am sure many other countries agreed to it along with the TCs who are directly involved......Now lets see who didn't..........The 'RoC"....Yep! Thats about it...And not all of them either..........And the majority that voted...The vast majority at that.....Did not read a single word, let alone a full page.......

How do you like them apples boy????
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
zan wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:zan he is sick to his stomach that the TRNC can be recognized in shape or form, plus he is lacking in knowledge of what goes on in the TRNC and how we have developed since parting ways with the GCs.

A nice big spoon of Turkish Suzme Yogurt will soon make him feel better kardesim... :lol:

Noway is this person a TC, he contiunally spews venom towards us then says he is a TC. If he were a TC he woudl display the minimum of understanding and appreciation of our concerns. These type of people are danger to our community and will continue to sell us out to the GC are every opportunity, he has helped me cement me belief that we should not seek unfication and that the current staus quo should prefered at all costs.

Still the same old VP , VINDICTIVE , POISONOUS , SPITEFUL Not the slightest trace of compassion yet he has the audacity to state that Kikapu continually spews venom towards his Cypriot people. Where he is destructive , Kikapu is COMPASSIONATE , WHERE HE IS FULL OF HATRED kIKAPU IS FORGIVING , WHERE HE IS INTRANSIGENT KIKAPU IS TOLERANT.
VP , You are the one on this forum that HAS NEVER expressed any empathy for the Cypriot people who have suffered so much in the hands of fanatics , people like you for instance. You attack an individual that , just as I do , sees all of Cyprus as his nation , all of Cypriots as his people.

In case you haven't notice I'm back . Phoenix , religious zealots , brainwashed anti West individuals , T/C haters , G/C haters , Bloody suicide bomb sympathisers WATCH OUT !

Welcome back, you appear to have recharged your batteries in the leafy tree lined avenues of the UK. You can have your opinions but Kikapus posts say a great deal about his one sided GC views and lack of understanding of the community he claims to have originated from. I would give him some credit if he at least tried to support just a few of the TCs viewpoints against the GCs or speak out against some of the GC claims.

If I thought for one moment that Kikapu had anything else apart from the interests of all Cypriots , for fairness , justice and forgiveness in his heart , I would most definitely take him to task. I met a Cypriot who embraced me as his countryman , who saw me as I see all Cypriots , my brothers and sisters. More than anyone else on this forum you have a pretty good idea as to my position .
Let my tell you that the leafy streets of South London are well acquainted with this Cypriot , they know what I stand for and they may disagree but can not fault my views in any way because they are the views of a passionate Cypriot who wants his island and his people united and committed to peace and long term stability for the sake of our future generations to come.
Talking about future generations I'm shortly to become a grand father for the second time , this time a boy ! To be born in mid March in Limassol And boy am I happy !!

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson I hope all goes well and he has a long, healthy and happy life.

Kikapu has openly shown that he is not on our side therefore not in line with our concerns or needs, he believes in Gcs being right so that puts him on your side and he champions your cause like a true GC, that's why you are proud of him. He shows no sympathy and spouts venom towards anything Turkish these are not traits of a TC.

Miltiades you live thousands of miles away and you are trying to push us towards a situation we do not want, don't our concerns count?, don't we have a say? why? We tried sharing but it didn't work and the past proves this, why force it when we are living peacefully, why not create a level playing field where everyone can settle where they wish and live under the administration of their choice.
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