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“Citizenship” for 50 thousand settlers

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:38 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:We will do what we have to do with the options we are given....You can dream all you like but the rest of us will keep our feet firmly on the ground...We have had enough of poverty and now the money is rolling in it will be a less bitter pill to swallow.........40 years of siege mentality has to end and unless you can think of a way of producing 300,000 TCs in the next five minutes then leave us be. Once we are secure economically then more TCs from abroad will move back and when my children finish their schooling I will return too if times permit. I now have a country to return to!!!

That's fine Zan, as long as you know, that you will be bringing your children into a "corrupted society" and a "corrupted state" built on ethnic cleansing and violations of Human and Democratic Rights of the rightful citizens of Cyprus when we could have taken other options other than the ones I've mentioned above, and the AP was not one of them. We could have chosen True Democracy over "Pirates of the Mediterranean".

Anyway, the above is your dream which I do not believe is in the cards. The added "new citizens" are not in the "TRNC" for our sake, but rather for the sake of Turkey's EU entry. Enjoy your dream as long as it lasts Zan. We all have our "day dreams". Mine actually has much more fantasy than yours, so who am I to knock yours. :wink:

Why dont you go raise the same issues with the USA and Australia??? We will stand firm as we are well aware of the the alternatives and as long as GCs continue to exibit the same lame mentality they have been doing since 1960 we will gradually get the TRNC recognized, why do you think the GCs will not go down the street of another referendum? why is it that they want to divert to the 8th July agreements another rejection and there no turning back recognition is guaranteed.
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:39 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

The settlers are brought to the "TRNC" for one reason and one reason only, whether peace or no peace, partition or no partition, reconciliation or no reconciliation. They are there to take away the voice (vote) of the TC's and place it in the hands of the Turks. Either the Turks will use their majority voice to vote the way they want to vote to bring about a settlement that gives them the best chance to get into the EU, or worse case scenario, Turks will be the rulers over the TC's in the North, if Turkey does not get into the EU. If the latter one happens, in some years in the future, there will be memorial walking paths and trails named after the the TC's who once lived on the island of Cyprus, much like the Trails we have for the
Kickapoo (Kikapoo, Kikapu) Indian tribes in the Southwestern USA, who have mostly long vanished from the face of the Earth due to the arrival of the Settlers from Europe, and now only a few thousand are remaining.

Rather the Turks than the GCs.

Once again you are demonstrating your Fascist and Racist views VP, by wanting to deny the rightful owners of whose property and heritage lies in the North. You would have made a fine officer in Hitler's Army. Bad timing on your part I guess by being born in the wrong era.

Well, at least you do make an exception to at least one GC, your good friend Bananiot. I don't know how you can earn his respect each time you make your Racist colours show towards his people.

Yeah yeah I know, that he is an Intellect unlike me, so save your breath.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Says a man who calls Turks corrupt each and every one..What a hypocrite :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:48 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
CopperLine wrote:

Kikapu You give the example of issuing a driving licence as a test of the 'stateness' of a country. I'm not sure driving licences are good examples regarding recognition of a state and a distinct jurisdiction, so let's take something fundamental like marriage certificates or birth certificates. For those who say because TRNC is not recognised as a country/state then its jurisdiction including law-setting powers which includes citizenship tests are also not recognised, they are mistaken. If you got married in TRNC or had a baby born in TRNC then those certificates issued by the ostensibly unrecognised TRNC are STILL RECOGNISED by other jurisdictions and other states.


My use of the Drivers Licence point was to illustrate, that having a fake drivers licence created by me is not going to work when there is already a legal driving licence system in operation. The "TRNC" may want to act like my fake driving licence, but will not be recognised by other authorities, hence the fact that the "TRNC" is not recognised as a country by the World, because it is a "fake drivers licence". By you using the marriage and birth certificates in the "TRNC" being recognised by others is hardly relevant. No body denies that TC's live or exists in the "TRNC". I have used a birth certificate issued by the "TRNC" when I applied for my US citizenship many years ago, even though I was not born in the "TRNC", but rather in Cyprus, so that is not the point. Adjustments are made to minimize certain problems to the TC's that are politically based, so not to hinder their day to day life. Same time, two astronauts could have gotten married on the moon, or the space station or on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean, and their marriage would still count in the eyes of the world, despite all those events taking place in NO country at all, recognised or not. It is not intended to deny individual TC's anything by the world, but rather denying a "state" within a State that is acting illegally in the formation of that "state" and then try claiming to be or wanting to be legal, by asking the International community to recognise them. So, individuals are recognised as TC's even if they live in a illegal state, but the illegal state is not recognised as a country.

Your best trick kikapu twisting and squirming, TRNC documents are recognized and used all over the world, I knwo how much this makes your stomache churn but facts are facts.

Now I know you are not "all there" and do not read and comprehend well. I already said, that the TC's are recognised with their documents because of the political situation, just as documents issued to the Palestinians who also live in a unrecognised "state". It is the "TRNC" that is not recognised and not the TC's who live in them. The TC's are not illegal, so why punish them with what ever document they carry from their illegal state that they live in. They were put in that situation and did not choose it. Then there are those TC's, over 70,000+, who also chose to obtain documents from a legal state, the RoC so not to have too much problems getting visas or waiting 3 months for it to arrive at a hefty cost in money.

Here is VP and his family who travels on British Passports claiming to be traveling on "TRNC" documents without any hassle. How about a little honesty VP.??
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:49 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

The settlers are brought to the "TRNC" for one reason and one reason only, whether peace or no peace, partition or no partition, reconciliation or no reconciliation. They are there to take away the voice (vote) of the TC's and place it in the hands of the Turks. Either the Turks will use their majority voice to vote the way they want to vote to bring about a settlement that gives them the best chance to get into the EU, or worse case scenario, Turks will be the rulers over the TC's in the North, if Turkey does not get into the EU. If the latter one happens, in some years in the future, there will be memorial walking paths and trails named after the the TC's who once lived on the island of Cyprus, much like the Trails we have for the
Kickapoo (Kikapoo, Kikapu) Indian tribes in the Southwestern USA, who have mostly long vanished from the face of the Earth due to the arrival of the Settlers from Europe, and now only a few thousand are remaining.

Rather the Turks than the GCs.

Once again you are demonstrating your Fascist and Racist views VP, by wanting to deny the rightful owners of whose property and heritage lies in the North. You would have made a fine officer in Hitler's Army. Bad timing on your part I guess by being born in the wrong era.

Well, at least you do make an exception to at least one GC, your good friend Bananiot. I don't know how you can earn his respect each time you make your Racist colours show towards his people.

Yeah yeah I know, that he is an Intellect unlike me, so save your breath.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Says a man who calls Turks corrupt each and every one..What a hypocrite :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I have never called a Turk corrupt Zan. Please show me where I have said that.
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:05 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

The settlers are brought to the "TRNC" for one reason and one reason only, whether peace or no peace, partition or no partition, reconciliation or no reconciliation. They are there to take away the voice (vote) of the TC's and place it in the hands of the Turks. Either the Turks will use their majority voice to vote the way they want to vote to bring about a settlement that gives them the best chance to get into the EU, or worse case scenario, Turks will be the rulers over the TC's in the North, if Turkey does not get into the EU. If the latter one happens, in some years in the future, there will be memorial walking paths and trails named after the the TC's who once lived on the island of Cyprus, much like the Trails we have for the
Kickapoo (Kikapoo, Kikapu) Indian tribes in the Southwestern USA, who have mostly long vanished from the face of the Earth due to the arrival of the Settlers from Europe, and now only a few thousand are remaining.

Rather the Turks than the GCs.

Once again you are demonstrating your Fascist and Racist views VP, by wanting to deny the rightful owners of whose property and heritage lies in the North. You would have made a fine officer in Hitler's Army. Bad timing on your part I guess by being born in the wrong era.

Well, at least you do make an exception to at least one GC, your good friend Bananiot. I don't know how you can earn his respect each time you make your Racist colours show towards his people.

Yeah yeah I know, that he is an Intellect unlike me, so save your breath.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Says a man who calls Turks corrupt each and every one..What a hypocrite :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I have never called a Turk corrupt Zan. Please show me where I have said that.

Are you being serious........Forgive him lord for he knows not what he does.. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Kikapu wrote:
That's fine Zan, as long as you know, that you will be bringing your children into a "corrupted society" and a "corrupted state" built on ethnic cleansing and violations of Human and Democratic Rights of the rightful citizens of Cyprus when we could have taken other options other than the ones I've mentioned above, and the AP was not one of them. We could have chosen True Democracy over "Pirates of the Mediterranean".

Anyway, the above is your dream which I do not believe is in the cards. The added "new citizens" are not in the "TRNC" for our sake, but rather for the sake of Turkey's EU entry. Enjoy your dream as long as it lasts Zan. We all have our "day dreams". Mine actually has much more fantasy than yours, so who am I to knock yours.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:09 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

The settlers are brought to the "TRNC" for one reason and one reason only, whether peace or no peace, partition or no partition, reconciliation or no reconciliation. They are there to take away the voice (vote) of the TC's and place it in the hands of the Turks. Either the Turks will use their majority voice to vote the way they want to vote to bring about a settlement that gives them the best chance to get into the EU, or worse case scenario, Turks will be the rulers over the TC's in the North, if Turkey does not get into the EU. If the latter one happens, in some years in the future, there will be memorial walking paths and trails named after the the TC's who once lived on the island of Cyprus, much like the Trails we have for the
Kickapoo (Kikapoo, Kikapu) Indian tribes in the Southwestern USA, who have mostly long vanished from the face of the Earth due to the arrival of the Settlers from Europe, and now only a few thousand are remaining.

Rather the Turks than the GCs.

Once again you are demonstrating your Fascist and Racist views VP, by wanting to deny the rightful owners of whose property and heritage lies in the North. You would have made a fine officer in Hitler's Army. Bad timing on your part I guess by being born in the wrong era.

Well, at least you do make an exception to at least one GC, your good friend Bananiot. I don't know how you can earn his respect each time you make your Racist colours show towards his people.

Yeah yeah I know, that he is an Intellect unlike me, so save your breath.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Says a man who calls Turks corrupt each and every one..What a hypocrite :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I have never called a Turk corrupt Zan. Please show me where I have said that.

Are you being serious........Forgive him lord for he knows not what he does.. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Kikapu wrote:
That's fine Zan, as long as you know, that you will be bringing your children into a "corrupted society" and a "corrupted state" built on ethnic cleansing and violations of Human and Democratic Rights of the rightful citizens of Cyprus when we could have taken other options other than the ones I've mentioned above, and the AP was not one of them. We could have chosen True Democracy over "Pirates of the Mediterranean".

Anyway, the above is your dream which I do not believe is in the cards. The added "new citizens" are not in the "TRNC" for our sake, but rather for the sake of Turkey's EU entry. Enjoy your dream as long as it lasts Zan. We all have our "day dreams". Mine actually has much more fantasy than yours, so who am I to knock yours.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Zan, I can sympathise with Kiks. Too much Tequila has the same effect on me too. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:11 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:We will do what we have to do with the options we are given....You can dream all you like but the rest of us will keep our feet firmly on the ground...We have had enough of poverty and now the money is rolling in it will be a less bitter pill to swallow.........40 years of siege mentality has to end and unless you can think of a way of producing 300,000 TCs in the next five minutes then leave us be. Once we are secure economically then more TCs from abroad will move back and when my children finish their schooling I will return too if times permit. I now have a country to return to!!!

That's fine Zan, as long as you know, that you will be bringing your children into a "corrupted society" and a "corrupted state" built on ethnic cleansing and violations of Human and Democratic Rights of the rightful citizens of Cyprus when we could have taken other options other than the ones I've mentioned above, and the AP was not one of them. We could have chosen True Democracy over "Pirates of the Mediterranean".

Anyway, the above is your dream which I do not believe is in the cards. The added "new citizens" are not in the "TRNC" for our sake, but rather for the sake of Turkey's EU entry. Enjoy your dream as long as it lasts Zan. We all have our "day dreams". Mine actually has much more fantasy than yours, so who am I to knock yours. :wink:

Why dont you go raise the same issues with the USA and Australia??? We will stand firm as we are well aware of the the alternatives and as long as GCs continue to exibit the same lame mentality they have been doing since 1960 we will gradually get the TRNC recognized, why do you think the GCs will not go down the street of another referendum? why is it that they want to divert to the 8th July agreements another rejection and there no turning back recognition is guaranteed.

Why dont you go raise the same issues with the USA and Australia???

Nice try VP, but this does not get you off the hook. Times have changed, but what the hell would you know, since you still think you are part of the Ottomans from 400 years ago and not a Cypriot.

why do you think the GCs will not go down the street of another referendum?

Why VP.?? Is there another referendum that is being proposed that I did not hear about, and if so, does it explicitly says, that if the GC's say OXI again, that the "TRNC" will become part of the International community with all the right given to her, or was this from "your" propaganda department who just prostituted themselves to sell new citizenship's to the settlers for few hundred dollars.

why is it that they want to divert to the 8th July agreements

Is this not what PapaD and Talat agreed to and now Talat wants to walk away from because Turkey is pulling the strings to make Talat's mouth work from a distance. So the GC's said OXI to AP and TC's are now wanting to say OXI to 8th July agreements. If Talat succeeds, then the score will be 1-1 for the OXI's, therefore you will no longer get to have the high ground VP, on the OXI score. But for the time being, enjoy it while it lasts.[/b]
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:12 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

The settlers are brought to the "TRNC" for one reason and one reason only, whether peace or no peace, partition or no partition, reconciliation or no reconciliation. They are there to take away the voice (vote) of the TC's and place it in the hands of the Turks. Either the Turks will use their majority voice to vote the way they want to vote to bring about a settlement that gives them the best chance to get into the EU, or worse case scenario, Turks will be the rulers over the TC's in the North, if Turkey does not get into the EU. If the latter one happens, in some years in the future, there will be memorial walking paths and trails named after the the TC's who once lived on the island of Cyprus, much like the Trails we have for the
Kickapoo (Kikapoo, Kikapu) Indian tribes in the Southwestern USA, who have mostly long vanished from the face of the Earth due to the arrival of the Settlers from Europe, and now only a few thousand are remaining.

Rather the Turks than the GCs.

Once again you are demonstrating your Fascist and Racist views VP, by wanting to deny the rightful owners of whose property and heritage lies in the North. You would have made a fine officer in Hitler's Army. Bad timing on your part I guess by being born in the wrong era.

Well, at least you do make an exception to at least one GC, your good friend Bananiot. I don't know how you can earn his respect each time you make your Racist colours show towards his people.

Yeah yeah I know, that he is an Intellect unlike me, so save your breath.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Says a man who calls Turks corrupt each and every one..What a hypocrite :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I have never called a Turk corrupt Zan. Please show me where I have said that.

Are you being serious........Forgive him lord for he knows not what he does.. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Kikapu wrote:
That's fine Zan, as long as you know, that you will be bringing your children into a "corrupted society" and a "corrupted state" built on ethnic cleansing and violations of Human and Democratic Rights of the rightful citizens of Cyprus when we could have taken other options other than the ones I've mentioned above, and the AP was not one of them. We could have chosen True Democracy over "Pirates of the Mediterranean".

Anyway, the above is your dream which I do not believe is in the cards. The added "new citizens" are not in the "TRNC" for our sake, but rather for the sake of Turkey's EU entry. Enjoy your dream as long as it lasts Zan. We all have our "day dreams". Mine actually has much more fantasy than yours, so who am I to knock yours.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Zan, I can sympathise with Kiks. Too much Tequila has the same effect on me too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He takes a one look at the worm at the bottom of the bottle and thinks of home..... :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:13 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

The settlers are brought to the "TRNC" for one reason and one reason only, whether peace or no peace, partition or no partition, reconciliation or no reconciliation. They are there to take away the voice (vote) of the TC's and place it in the hands of the Turks. Either the Turks will use their majority voice to vote the way they want to vote to bring about a settlement that gives them the best chance to get into the EU, or worse case scenario, Turks will be the rulers over the TC's in the North, if Turkey does not get into the EU. If the latter one happens, in some years in the future, there will be memorial walking paths and trails named after the the TC's who once lived on the island of Cyprus, much like the Trails we have for the
Kickapoo (Kikapoo, Kikapu) Indian tribes in the Southwestern USA, who have mostly long vanished from the face of the Earth due to the arrival of the Settlers from Europe, and now only a few thousand are remaining.

Rather the Turks than the GCs.

Once again you are demonstrating your Fascist and Racist views VP, by wanting to deny the rightful owners of whose property and heritage lies in the North. You would have made a fine officer in Hitler's Army. Bad timing on your part I guess by being born in the wrong era.

Well, at least you do make an exception to at least one GC, your good friend Bananiot. I don't know how you can earn his respect each time you make your Racist colours show towards his people.

Yeah yeah I know, that he is an Intellect unlike me, so save your breath.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Says a man who calls Turks corrupt each and every one..What a hypocrite :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I have never called a Turk corrupt Zan. Please show me where I have said that.

Are you being serious........Forgive him lord for he knows not what he does.. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Kikapu wrote:
That's fine Zan, as long as you know, that you will be bringing your children into a "corrupted society" and a "corrupted state" built on ethnic cleansing and violations of Human and Democratic Rights of the rightful citizens of Cyprus when we could have taken other options other than the ones I've mentioned above, and the AP was not one of them. We could have chosen True Democracy over "Pirates of the Mediterranean".

Anyway, the above is your dream which I do not believe is in the cards. The added "new citizens" are not in the "TRNC" for our sake, but rather for the sake of Turkey's EU entry. Enjoy your dream as long as it lasts Zan. We all have our "day dreams". Mine actually has much more fantasy than yours, so who am I to knock yours.

I still do not see it Zan. Show me where I said, that the Turks are corrupt.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:19 pm

zan wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Zan, I can sympathise with Kiks. Too much Tequila has the same effect on me too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He takes a one look at the worm at the bottom of the bottle and thinks of home..... :lol: :lol:

The only correlations between the worm and your fantasy dreams about the "TRNC" Zan, is that they are both DEAD and only you are too "tipsy happy" to know it. :wink:
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