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Postby umit07 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:32 am

rawk wrote:Sometime ago I was parking in a busy supermarket in the UK when I reversed into people mover behind me which was empty.

I stopped and got out noticing I had quite an audience of busy shoppers. I reached into my car and got a piece of paper and a pen walked around the front of my car, glanced at the number plate and scribbled busily away.

Still being watched I folded up the paper, tucked it under the people mover's windscreeen wiper, shrugged at the audience looking a bit sheepish and then got in my car and drove out of the carpark.

What they didn't know was the content of the note.

"Sorry about this but I just reversed into your car which has been quite badly parked and juts 2 feet into the space I was reversing into. Lots of people saw me do this so I have written this note which they think has my name and address and registration number of my vehicle. Obviously it hasn't and I have placed it under your windscreen wiper knowing they think I'm that. I do hope that you will try and park more carefully next time."

I don't feel so bad now.


That was a good one rawk. A mate of mine in the UK once came to work at his warehouse and some idiot parked his car right in front of the entrance, so he went inside got the fork-lift and lifted the car up. Unforuntely the car broke into two while moving it so he just left it like that in the middle of the road. It was in the early morning so nobody saw him , so he got away with it.
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Postby DANGAMAN » Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:56 pm

rawk wrote:Sometime ago I was parking in a busy supermarket in the UK when I reversed into people mover behind me which was empty.

I stopped and got out noticing I had quite an audience of busy shoppers. I reached into my car and got a piece of paper and a pen walked around the front of my car, glanced at the number plate and scribbled busily away.

Still being watched I folded up the paper, tucked it under the people mover's windscreeen wiper, shrugged at the audience looking a bit sheepish and then got in my car and drove out of the carpark.

What they didn't know was the content of the note.

"Sorry about this but I just reversed into your car which has been quite badly parked and juts 2 feet into the space I was reversing into. Lots of people saw me do this so I have written this note which they think has my name and address and registration number of my vehicle. Obviously it hasn't and I have placed it under your windscreen wiper knowing they think I'm that. I do hope that you will try and park more carefully next time."

I don't feel so bad now.


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Postby DANGAMAN » Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:06 pm

OK, here is mine: many years ago I went to wedding. I bought a present for the married couple which was made of Crystal. As I got off my motor bike (I was 17) I dropped the present!!!

I very quietly put my present next to the other presents which weren't making as much noise as mine. :D :D :D

Up to this day I have never told anyone.

& another one... my brother slept with my wife's cousin on my wedding day.

When he was christening his son, I tried to get lucky with his wife's sister. (just to get even) unfortunately it didn't happen.

Lets see if anyone can beat that!!!!
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Re: confessions

Postby leduhere » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:42 pm

And I thought you had something notty to tell us.

GorillaGal wrote:ok, i admit it! i am an american pig! the past several nights I have taken longer in the shower just because i can, the hot water spraying down on me. it was lovely.
and i thought of you Cypriots with your water shortage.
and i stayed in the shower a longer time.

on the lighter side, if any of you hairy chested cypriots want to conserve on water, you are more than welcome to come shower with me. :twisted:

anyone else brave enough to confess to something?
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Re: confessions

Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:47 pm

leduhere wrote:And I thought you had something notty to tell us.

GorillaGal wrote:ok, i admit it! i am an american pig! the past several nights I have taken longer in the shower just because i can, the hot water spraying down on me. it was lovely.
and i thought of you Cypriots with your water shortage.
and i stayed in the shower a longer time.

on the lighter side, if any of you hairy chested cypriots want to conserve on water, you are more than welcome to come shower with me. :twisted:

anyone else brave enough to confess to something?

oh believe me, i could tell you something "notty," but being american, most of you think i'm all that anyway....
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:12 pm

I think this confession will get me sent down, if read by the wrong person. I am told the victim of this 'joke' is somewhere high up.

In the summer holidays I used to work in my brother-in-laws architecture office. Learning the basics of draughtmanship. We had a few draughtsmen, who spent most of there time ogling the girls on the way to the high school, which was nearby. Someone had gifted us a box of Turkish delight; or was is Greek Delight? No it was Cyprus Delight. The box was kept on the window-sill. Whilst fresh they were lovely. After a while I noticed that there were about four or five pieces left, so I decided to get rid of them. The best way to do that was get them eaten. In our garden we used to grow hot chilli peppers, I picked up a few went to the office and when no one was around I unwrapped the Lokoumia stuck the peppers inside them and re-wrapped them. When the draughtsmen came in, I suggested that we finish off the Lokoumia so I could throw the box away. They agreed. You should have seen the mayhem. I had to hold my laughter till I went out of the office. I always have wondered if they ever suspected me for this misdemeanour.
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:16 pm

denizaksulu wrote:I think this confession will get me sent down, if read by the wrong person. I am told the victim of this 'joke' is somewhere high up.

In the summer holidays I used to work in my brother-in-laws architecture office. Learning the basics of draughtmanship. We had a few draughtsmen, who spent most of there time ogling the girls on the way to the high school, which was nearby. Someone had gifted us a box of Turkish delight; or was is Greek Delight? No it was Cyprus Delight. The box was kept on the window-sill. Whilst fresh they were lovely. After a while I noticed that there were about four or five pieces left, so I decided to get rid of them. The best way to do that was get them eaten. In our garden we used to grow hot chilli peppers, I picked up a few went to the office and when no one was around I unwrapped the Lokoumia stuck the peppers inside them and re-wrapped them. When the draughtsmen came in, I suggested that we finish off the Lokoumia so I could throw the box away. They agreed. You should have seen the mayhem. I had to hold my laughter till I went out of the office. I always have wondered if they ever suspected me for this misdemeanour.

oh denzi, that's a good one! wish i could have been a fly on the wallpaper that day!
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:17 pm


Cut the crap and tell us your "real confessions" with your ex-Cypriot boyfriend of your in Cyprus. You know, the one who does not want to be with you and already has another "honey". Did you manage to get him "between the sheets" as you were planning to do before you went to Cyprus. If so, do you have any quilt over that, or did you see it as "one last hurrah" and now the "honey" can have him all for herself. :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:21 pm

Kikapu wrote:GG,

Cut the crap and tell us your "real confessions" with your ex-Cypriot boyfriend of your in Cyprus. You know, the one who does not want to be with you and already has another "honey". Did you manage to get him "between the sheets" as you were planning to do before you went to Cyprus. If so, do you have any quilt over that, or did you see it as "one last hurrah" and now the "honey" can have him all for herself. :wink: :wink: :wink:

it's not over til the fat lady sings.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:24 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
Kikapu wrote:GG,

Cut the crap and tell us your "real confessions" with your ex-Cypriot boyfriend of your in Cyprus. You know, the one who does not want to be with you and already has another "honey". Did you manage to get him "between the sheets" as you were planning to do before you went to Cyprus. If so, do you have any quilt over that, or did you see it as "one last hurrah" and now the "honey" can have him all for herself. :wink: :wink: :wink:

it's not over til the fat lady sings.

I was not asking you to sing to us GG, but only just give us the "true confessions of GorillaGal". :lol:
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