umit07 wrote:Piratis
It's the details that are important anyway. From a TC point of view its important that their federal state is comprised of mostly TC's and that when voting for your own state gov. you have a voting write based on your ethnic background ( so if a GC lived in the north state he would again vote for the state gov. in the south and vise versa). Do you find this acceptable?
No umit, this is not acceptable! It goes against every single democratic or human rights principle that has ever existed so far! Each individual should have the right to exercise their political rights at and from within the place in which they permanently reside, and pay taxes to! You cannot live in one place and choose the representatives of another place, far away from you; and some others who live far away from where you live, will be choosing and electing the reprehensive which will be making the decisions affecting you and the place in which you permanently live and pay taxes to!
As I said earlier (above,) if the TCs are afraid that the members of the GC community will one day become the majority in both states, something I personally regard as impossible, then two ways can regulate this issue. The first is to reduce the territory of one of the states in which they want to remain the majority, down to a percentage as close to their population percentage as possible; and secondly, they will all (or at least the vast majority of them) have to remain as permanent residents of this state, for ever! My formula, which I mentioned in this forum many times, is that each state should be able to accept Cypriot population approximately equal to its territorial percentage! If the TCs wish to be the majority in a state that has a territory equal to 30% of Cyprus (like the one proposed by Kofi Anan,) then it means that from the 18-19% that their population numbers, up to the 30% that the state’s territory will be, the difference should be covered by GCs, with full political rights in this state! If half of the TCs will choose in the future to evacuate that state and move as permanent residents into the other state, then the gap that will be created should potentially be able to be filled by GCs moving into this state, so that the Cypriot population of each of the two states will again correspond to their size! You cannot be the 18-19% of Cypriots and logically or seriously expect us at the same time to accept that you should have the right to be ruling alone the 30% of Cyprus territory and the 50% of its coastlines! If you do not like it in this way, then you can have a state in which for sure will always be the majority, with only 18%-20% of the territory of Cyprus!