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Brutal beating in Paralimni ~~ comments ?

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Re: Brutal beating in Paralimni ~~ comments ?

Postby nhowarth » Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:02 pm

Bill wrote:The problem is bubbles that it's such a small place everybody seems to be related and there's no way you can get justice to work that way.

I believe ( not 100% sure ) that the court in Paralimni was built by the developer in question so there's a unhealthy connection there.

This is what's known as nepotism.

Interestingly, on 1st March 2001, the Cyprus parliament approved a law making nepotism a criminal offence punishable by up to 12 months' imprisonment.

It would be very interesting to see how many people have been convicted. :shock:
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Postby 123456 » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:22 am

Hahah, today the developers are claiming that it is all a big scam by Conor to extort a 400,000 CYP villa and 100,000 CYP cash out of them.

What a ridiculous claim!

Well, at least he can now sue them for libel.

As the poor quality of the legal communication from their lawyer and their own, now outlandish claims go, they seem to have missed entirely the point that Conor, at no point, has made any claim he has not supported by solid proof whereas they now have completely libelled him with a claim they have absolutely no evidence for!

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Postby Bill » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:38 am

123456 wrote:Hahah, today the developers are claiming that it is all a big scam by Conor to extort a 400,000 CYP villa and 100,000 CYP cash out of them.

What a ridiculous claim!

Well, at least he can now sue them for libel.

As the poor quality of the legal communication from their lawyer and their own, now outlandish claims go, they seem to have missed entirely the point that Conor, at no point, has made any claim he has not supported by solid proof whereas they now have completely libelled him with a claim they have absolutely no evidence for!


I saw it on the developers website yesterday.

Not very bright are they but I suppose it's the best they can come up with under the circumstances . :roll:

You never know as this is Cyprus it might actually work :shock:

There's still been no coverage of this in the Greek speaking newspapers or TV so it seems Cypriots are blissfully unaware that anything is happening.

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Postby marion » Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:15 pm

From the thread on the eastern board :

Update from Conor

First could I express my sincere thanks to you all. What an eclectic bunch of generous expats and Cypriots you all are. We have had emails from experts guiding us through media channels, political angles, the legal processes. Then there are those who have shared their experiences from similar situations all of which have helped us enormously. Thanks for the petitions, the offers of a legal fund, the letters and emails wrote on our behalf, it has all helped enormously. Yiannos Georgadis (My lawyer) is also passing on comments made on the forums to the highest authorities. I could not put a price on the generosity generated from forum members. Thank you Steve and moderators, and to the admins from all the other boards for keeping the threads safe and to the Cyprus Property Action Group for allowing my story to be told. You folk are all making the authorities listen! A big thank you goes out to my mate who was there on the day. I will post more on him and his roll on the day on my return to the UK.

Health Situation.

I’m still improving. I’m getting plenty of rest with the friends I’m staying with and have almost been adopted. Unfortunately it still hurts if I stand too long and it hurts if I sit too long. The best thing is to keep moving or go into a squatting position. My main concern at the moment is that I’m passing water every 15 minutes. I hope there is nothing wrong with my plumbing! As advised by members emailing Michaela I will see my GP on return to the UK. The effects of the concussion (dizzy spells) didn’t wear off till the Friday and I released myself on Saturday. In hindsight I should have stayed in hospital a little longer, I know you were all advising this to Michaela but I was getting frustrated that I had not handed over my evidence to the police; I would not do this till I had made more copies. (Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!)


I believe the CID branch and the Traffic division at Paralimni are taking the collision of vehicles and my assault very seriously. Unfortunately because of the way things unfolded at the scene and because my previous case of assault keeps getting “stayed” in the courtroom (it’s not been dropped) I had some trust issues with the authorities in the beginning. This has all been ironed out now with the help from my lawyer who immediately insisted at the highest levels that my case be fully investigated.
On Wednesday I handed over to CID evidence taken on the day. Of course I will not publish this yet in case it jeopardises my case. But it clearly shows that once a phone call was made, vehicles were positioned so that I was caught like a rat in a trap. These are the undeniable facts. I now know that the occupant of my house and Karayiannas both believe that I don’t have the right to view my property even from the road. (So much for the land registry and specific performance contracts then) The next time I view MY HOUSE it will be with the press, the police and lawyers in tow and I intend to stay a little longer!!
Those of you familiar with the junction where my vehicle was stopped will know how busy it is there. When two vehicles collide the first thing that happens is everyone comes out to see what took place. My assault followed and I am disgusted with the crowd who witnessed this. I will go into more details another day. My anger is only now just coming out and it’s best I don’t write something that I may later regret. I will write to the community leaders, the Mayor, the local Clergy and the Archbishop and invite them to comment on why this assault was allowed to happen and how no witnesses will now come forward. I don’t need the witness for my case but a change in attitude may help someone else in the future.
Michaela and I have always loved Cyprus and it’s why we chose it to make a home and to raise our Children. My case is not a reflection on all Cypriots or all developers but there are some loopholes and problems with enforcing the law that allows situations like mine to escalate. I have had many emails from developers and locals who are equally disgusted in the way we have been treated.


The Police have now caught a third individual involved in my assault and I look forward to identifying him within the next few days. The evidence I handed over on Wednesday has been sent to HQ for analysis, screenshots and transcripts. Paralimni C.I.D. will collate this with the Doctors report and statements made. I expect charges to be formally made next week. I share all your frustrations that the Greek language newspapers here have not picked up on the story. But once charges are made a press release will follow and things will change. Some of the delays have been my fault (well Karayiannas’ actually) as I was incapacitated and not able to communicate better.

Karayiannas’ Statement on website.

This statement is page 4 today of the Cyprus mail and I would be grateful if a link was put up when the online edition is published. Their statement has more holes in it than a sieve and it just goes to show the mentality of the people I’m dealing with.

I have to end now but not before thanking publicly my lovely wifey Michaela. I have put her through hell these last two weeks. It was our 13 year wedding anniversary a few days before I left and because of preparations for this trip we both forgot. (It’s not just men who can miss these dates) Michaela’s workload in my absence has exploded and is being helped by my Mum (cheers Mum and welcome to the forums Cool ). We are a good team and we will never give in to these people. I can’t wait to come back home but am not leaving here until the job is done and Michaela understands this.

As soon as I have any more news that I can share I will.

Thanks again
Kind Regards

PS. Could someone please post this on the other the forums on my behalf? Cheers.
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Postby webbo » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:01 am

Bill wrote:
123456 wrote:Hahah, today the developers are claiming that it is all a big scam by Conor to extort a 400,000 CYP villa and 100,000 CYP cash out of them.

What a ridiculous claim!

Well, at least he can now sue them for libel.

As the poor quality of the legal communication from their lawyer and their own, now outlandish claims go, they seem to have missed entirely the point that Conor, at no point, has made any claim he has not supported by solid proof whereas they now have completely libelled him with a claim they have absolutely no evidence for!


I saw it on the developers website yesterday.

Not very bright are they but I suppose it's the best they can come up with under the circumstances . :roll:

You never know as this is Cyprus it might actually work :shock:

There's still been no coverage of this in the Greek speaking newspapers or TV so it seems Cypriots are blissfully unaware that anything is happening.

:? Surely some Greek speaker could give them a nudge and set the ball rolling so the locals become aware of this nightmare situation? I have just read Connor's update and do not think that it should wait till a press release is issued!! Action should be taken now. If my Greek was up to scratch, I would do it !
Bubbles x 8)

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Postby robertklein » Mon May 19, 2008 7:51 am

Visit the following link to download and read the COURT EXLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT of Marios Karayiannas, that has been WITNESSED by the Department of the UK Sovereign Base Areas - SBA Court in Dhekelia, Cyprus.
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Postby Bill » Mon May 19, 2008 8:48 am

The statement made has only been witnessed by the court and in no way are they confirming it's true .

It's a clever way at trying to reassure British buyers that the firm is above board and safe to deal with by having a British courts stamps and seals all over it .

All the court is doing is confirming that the developer has made a statement in the presence of the court registrar ~ they are certainly NOT confirming that the statement is true .

It's a clever ploy and unfortunately will fool a good few British buyers into thinking that the SBA court has endorsed the developers claims and statements .

It's a shame really as this particular developer builds good solid houses even though they may not be exactly as promised .

As I said in a previous post in this thread I'm not entirely convinced that Conner will eventually succeed in his quest to get a satisfactory conclusion to this as the larger developers have to much political clout and seem to be able to get away with just about anything ~ they are in effect almost untouchable by law .

I have no doubt that this developer ( and many others ) have some very unsatisfied customers but none are brave enough to rock the boat to the extent Connor has ~ I really hope that he gets some form of closure to this and eventually moves to Cyprus for a better life style he hoped for ~ that is if he hasn't had enough of the place by now.

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Postby miltiades » Mon May 19, 2008 9:21 am

Bill wrote:The statement made has only been witnessed by the court and in no way are they confirming it's true .

It's a clever way at trying to reassure British buyers that the firm is above board and safe to deal with by having a British courts stamps and seals all over it .

All the court is doing is confirming that the developer has made a statement in the presence of the court registrar ~ they are certainly NOT confirming that the statement is true .

It's a clever ploy and unfortunately will fool a good few British buyers into thinking that the SBA court has endorsed the developers claims and statements .

It's a shame really as this particular developer builds good solid houses even though they may not be exactly as promised .

As I said in a previous post in this thread I'm not entirely convinced that Conner will eventually succeed in his quest to get a satisfactory conclusion to this as the larger developers have to much political clout and seem to be able to get away with just about anything ~ they are in effect almost untouchable by law .

I have no doubt that this developer ( and many others ) have some very unsatisfied customers but none are brave enough to rock the boat to the extent Connor has ~ I really hope that he gets some form of closure to this and eventually moves to Cyprus for a better life style he hoped for ~ that is if he hasn't had enough of the place by now.


We understand that all the Court has done is to confirm the issue of the statement. There are however always two sides to a coin. I'm normally one of the first to condemn any acts that are either illegal or close to the mark.
What is particularly important in this case is that , according to the statement Mr Connor was offered his money back that's if I understood it right. If such an event did happen and Mr Connor was offered all of his money back then it does change the entire picture.
As a business man my self , not selling houses or land but Catering Equipment , have on occasions dealt with dissatisfied customers for one reason or another. Some were legitimate complaints and some were not , however all were investigated and dealt with.
Do we know if there are other complaints of this nature against Karayiannas , is this an isolated case , they do state that they have so far completed about 500 or so projects , that is a large number of houses and flats and should show any "irregularities" that arose.
The statement to the court states that Mr Connor made demands for compensation far in excess of the buying price of his house , is this correct or is it a mere ploy by Karayiannas to discredit Mr Connor , it also states he was offered a full refund which he refused.
New dimensions have opened up and further evidence from Karayiannas would be advisable.
The website is obviously is obviously having an adverse affect on Karayiannas's business , this is detrimental to their interests and obviously they will do all they can to counter these claims.
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Postby Svetlana » Mon May 19, 2008 9:23 am

To avoid confusion, please all 'Conor' posts should be made on the main thread.

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