simonwjones wrote:Hi
I have following this story from the start and the total thing is disgusting. The developer and lawyer defending the developer sound bent to me and extremely dodgey. With CY now fully in the EU surely the courts will not tolerate cowboys to act like this and Connor will get what he deserves and the rotten ars*holes will get sent down. This would not be acceptable in France, Spain, Italy so why in CY?
If you are reading this , good luck Connor and send these barstards down!
I wouldn't be at all surprised if they didn't get away with it Simon ~ this is the second time Connor's had problem's with the father & son developers ~ they roughed him up about a year ago and that case was thrown out of court recently.
As Conner wouldn't go away and lie down but kept fighting for his rights they made a proper job of it this time.
The developer is quite influential figure in the East of the island ~ I'm sure he and his family have many friends in high places .
As for being in the EU that doesn't count for jack shit in the powerful world of developing and Conner has pissed them off big time in his relentless pursuit of his rights.
Most people would have given up by now but Connor won't ~ on one of the taped conversations the developer is heard saying " you are not the first there are a 100 others , it's my development and I'll do what I want" which just goes to show he's used to doing anything he wants without any fear of come back ~ that is until he tried it on Conner.
I do really hope that Conner wins his case as it will rock the dodgy developers to the core .
The seeds of doubt have already been seen due to a phone call from an unnamed person stating it was an argument due to a car accident

and not as a result of the developer putting the frighteners on him.
I'm still amazed that the local TV channels didn't didn't report this on the evening news when it happened .
I wouldn't count on to many witnesses coming forward except one of course ~ and she will be assisting the developer without any doubt