Pumpy wrote:LOL!
Partition, that is until you comfortably pop over to the South for a spot of shopping or drinking or clubbing, or even for a quiet drive. Indeed, a veritable blood bath awaits. Funny how nothing happens to either GCs or TCs when they corss the border, isn't it? What scaremongering tripe!
And the generalisation that all GCs are racist blood thirsty murderers! What are the odds? Ridiculous.
I've been over to the North plenty of times, I found the people friendly, even though I look Greek thanks to my heritage.
I think both sides get on fine, it's the extremist agitators and angry ignorant malcontents that cause the friction.
Jesus Christ, you really are not very good at spreading propaganda, good or bad, are you?
For one, I have never been in the South since 1963 and have absolutely no wish to go there ever.
Two, of course the GCs will behave themselves and not harm any TC at the moment you fool, if they did then they will have hammered another nail in the coffin of their unification dream.
BTW, your claim that nothing has ever happened to the TCs in the south is
a lie.
There were cases where TCs were beaten up by GCs. In other cases TC cars were vandalised at mixed (TC and GC) music concerts. And not one person was jailed for these crimes.
In fact at the court case of the GC who beat up a TC, the GCs lawyer jumped up and shouted "there are no Turks here". The GC was of course found not guilty on all 9 charges of assault and released. But it seems that you are blind and deaf and never see or hear about what goes on in the so called "RoC"?
Until recently the TCs living in the South were not even allowed to vote never mind stand as candidates.
The so called "democracy" in the South was forced upon the GCs by the EU pal and is not because the GCs respect the TCs living in the South and have their best interest in their (GCs) mind. Even then the GCs will and do bend the rukes where and when they can to rob others of their human rights, you just have to look at what happened to the Brit who was beaten up by a GC and his son.
First they steal £75,000 of his money and resell his property, then they kick him half dead and the police calls it a "traffic accident". Last I read was that the father and son criminals were arrested but have they been charged? Will they be taken to court and found guilty or will they be let off scot free just like the other criminal/s?
There are a hell of a lot more instances where foreigners were robbed of their human rights pal so don't even try to paint the so called "democratic"
South Greek Cyprus as whiter than white, it just isn't and you know that as well as I do.
And then there is also of course your EOKA "President" TPapadope and the
corruption scandals.
Drugs, human trafficking, gun crime, prostitution, money laundering, Police corruption and a whole lot more other corruption and problems pal so next time you want to talk about other countries and what goes on there take a step back and think if you want to go down that road and open a can of worms or not. The Newspaper archives are full of the shit that went and is still going on in your so called "democratic" South Cyprus.
Yep, partition pal, you stay in your so called "democratic" South Greek Cyprus and I'll stay in the TRNC.