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Postby Niki » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:14 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:Its only November through February and two days a week plus a number of ‘special’ days throughout the year.

It started before November here! It was going on when I had friends here in October.
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Postby andreas123 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:18 pm

i disagree i have been a hunter for quirte some time...when walking guns are usually open and if closed they have the safety on (when i go hunting at least and i am walking i always have m gun open and so do the people i go with,,) closed guns are used only if you are waiting for pray in specific spots...
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Postby purdey » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:18 pm

Yes there are some other days,but the main season runs as previously mentioned.I am afraid shooting near your house is a problem,may I ask how old is your house.
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Postby phoenix » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:20 pm

Filitsa wrote:
andreas123 wrote:i think Filitsa and GorillaGal..should really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history so that at least they can understand the people and their culture.... obviously where you are from ther e is a lack of values,culture etc,,ask how many americans know where cyprus is? i cant wait to see how many people will know,,,people dont even know how many states there are,,not alone internationally....
ai m sorry to be like this,,and i have many american freinds,,,we are really good friend's but i really get annoyed when people that * dont know* to make conclusion and generalise issues...

cyprus is not safe,?,,what are you on about woman,,,how many murders happen in cyprus and how many in the US? racist attacks..? ok the driving is not great. it's getting better...also .if the police doesnt kill you in the US then you will prob be mugged or killed in a gang initiation incident,how many people have guns in the US and how many people have guns in cyprus? ,let's get real people... cyprus i think is one of the safest places on least if something happens to you people will stop and help you,,,if you drop dead in america,,or if someone attacks you no one,,,and i repeat NO ONE will give a *bip bip * bout you...

:) Dear Nikitas and Andreas (speaking of one's ability to make conclusions), the question of Cyprus being relatively safe or unsafe and the issue of anti-American sentiment abroad are two different issues. The latter doesn't necessarily imply the risk of danger. My previous post speaks to the issue of anti-American sentiment in Greece and Cyprus (and not to the issue of the relative safety of Greece and Cyprus). I've had similar experiences elsewhere. If you are not an American traveling abroad, then you have no understanding of what both Gorilla Gal and I have experienced.

Now, Andreas, on the subject of generalizations, would you care to discuss who's post, yours or mine, contains more? At least, I'm speaking from experience. You are merely parrotting what I've heared from Cypriots the likes of you (and thank goodness they are not all the likes of you) numerous times before. It's laughable to compare Cyprus to the U.S. as you do. Ancient Cyprus, a small island at the crossroads of the Middle East and Europe with its exclaves and enclaves, where only 5% of its population of 789,000 is something other than Greek or Turkish, with a net migration rate of 0.42 is 0.6 the size of Connecticut, the 48th smallest (in area) state in the 238-year-old U.S. of America with a population of over 3 million and a net migration rate 0f 3.05. Now, who needs to " really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history"?

Thus speaks a representative of the Big is Beautiful camp .....

Filitsa I take it you have now realised that you cannot criticise Cyprus for anything, and you have hit the lowest common denominator.
Criticising Cyprus for being smaller than a US state. :roll:

Right, now I have heard everything ..... :lol:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:20 pm

andreas123 wrote:i disagree i have been a hunter for quirte some time...when walking guns are usually open and if closed they have the safety on (when i go hunting at least and i am walking i always have m gun open and so do the people i go with,,) closed guns are used only if you are waiting for pray in specific spots...

Not in my experience of hunting in Cyprus...
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Postby andreas123 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:26 pm


there's always the people that are inconsiderate and dont care bout safety...i think you'll find that anywere in the world...

but i do agree that there need to be restrictions especially in the distance from residential areas...

@niki although calling the police is a good idea...t they are usually goign to take a laid back approach to it,, you can call the game reserve services BUT also the new's/press always works in cyprus..and seems to get the ball ralling on some issues...
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Postby Niki » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:33 pm

Thank you Andreas. To be honest it is one of the things about Cyprus that simply has to be accepted although it doesn't mean I have to like it. I have heard many people say that the approved distance hunters shoot from residential houses isn't followed. No point going to the police as you say and I don't think I'll have a go at the hunters!

Purdey my house is 11 years old but I do live on a road that only has a few houses with lots of countryside around.
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Postby Bill » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:42 pm

andreas123 wrote:Bill

can you explain what you mean by this?
"The only thing worrying here as in most Mediterranean countries is the apparent lack of safety ~"

why is it safer in the UK,than Cyprus? in what way-asking just out of curiosity.

To answer that you have to experience hunting in both the UK and Mediterranean countries.

It's all down to perception of danger ~ if some one was walking behind me with a loaded gun that was ready to fire in the UK I would avoid him ~ if there was a group of us the offender would be told to break the gun ( open) or go away and play somewhere else ~ in Cyprus no one cares .

Obviously I'm not commenting on Cyprus specifically but including most of the med countries that have the attitude of not worrying about something until it actually happens.

I was invited out on a shoot whilst visiting a friend in Italy ~ I gave up after 10 mins due to always having a guy behind me with a loaded gun pointing at my backside ~ exactly the same happened in Greece.

In other aspects of life I'm often criticised in Cyprus for thinking to much and worrying about things that might happen instead of getting on with life and taking it as it comes :roll: .

I'll recall a couple of examples where I was right to be concerned and whilst they have nothing to do with shooting they do show the "worry about it when it happens" attitude found in mediterranean countries.

Example one

Two weeks after buying a brand new car I'm visiting relatives ~ their son turns up and parks his scooter next to my car .
I asked him nicely as there was a lot of space available to park it a little further away because as the other kids were playing on it if it falls over it will hit my car ~ everybody thought I was being stupid so I moved my car .
20 mins later one of the younger children who had been jumping on and off the scooter knocked it over ~ had my car still been there it would have been damaged and I'm dammed sure they wouldn't pay for it to be repaired.

Example two

Visiting my god daughter in Nicosia ~ her twin boys were playing at piling their toys up against the living room window climbing up and throwing themselves through the open window on to the settee inside.
You really didn't need to be a genius to see the danger ~ I commented about it only to be told "don't worry they always do it , they know what they are doing" ~ the twins were 4 years old :roll:

One of the boys fell off the window ledge about a month later and broke his leg ~ she rang to tell us and apologize for not taking any notice of me.

Just two examples ( there are many more ) and whilst I appreciate we can't wrap ourselves in cotton wool and avoid things posing some danger we can at least give it some thought and ask ourselves " what if " sometimes.

It's that "what if" that's needed when hunting ~ the fraction of a second it takes to close the gun won't make any difference to you hitting the target.

Like the 4 year old twins our hunters " know what they are doing " ~~~ until something goes wrong :shock:

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Postby andreas123 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:42 pm

@niki.... i am in the UK now and your comment on the house made me think what i am missing.,.. (i am in an IT department in a basement in London----compare the 2?) grr!
nyhow....they don't because they are not educated (on the issue) and prob dont know the legislation partial fault of the hunter and partial fault of the goverment..... problem is you'll find this in greece,italy,,and other med's all bout the "siga-siga" concept:)
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Postby purdey » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:46 pm

So you are in the country Niki.I have a 400 year old house in the country,I shoot,my neighbours shoot.We are all safety concious and do respect a the safe distance rule by residential areas.
I think the problem is arising as new property is been built it what was always countryside,and hunting areas.
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