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Postby purdey » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:52 am

Anti American,please,please,please.Where do you get it from.I see and hear no Anti American setiment in Cyprus.
I hear very little anti anything in fact.The ex pats moan about the price of Keo and the driving but other than that people just get on with life.
Re: shooting,I shoot in Cyprus at least 20 times a year.Yes we shoot birds and some hares.We shoot in hunting areas which are signed.Shooting takes place two days a week,not seven as it does in the UK.I never hear Cypriots moan about hunters,but I hear it all the time from Ex pats,Brits.It will always continue in Cyprus so either live with it or follow the alternative.
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Postby DT. » Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:09 am

Filitsa wrote:
andreas123 wrote:i think Filitsa and GorillaGal..should really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history so that at least they can understand the people and their culture.... obviously where you are from ther e is a lack of values,culture etc,,ask how many americans know where cyprus is? i cant wait to see how many people will know,,,people dont even know how many states there are,,not alone internationally....
ai m sorry to be like this,,and i have many american freinds,,,we are really good friend's but i really get annoyed when people that * dont know* to make conclusion and generalise issues...

cyprus is not safe,?,,what are you on about woman,,,how many murders happen in cyprus and how many in the US? racist attacks..? ok the driving is not great. it's getting better...also .if the police doesnt kill you in the US then you will prob be mugged or killed in a gang initiation incident,how many people have guns in the US and how many people have guns in cyprus? ,let's get real people... cyprus i think is one of the safest places on least if something happens to you people will stop and help you,,,if you drop dead in america,,or if someone attacks you no one,,,and i repeat NO ONE will give a *bip bip * bout you...

:) Dear Nikitas and Andreas (speaking of one's ability to make conclusions), the question of Cyprus being relatively safe or unsafe and the issue of anti-American sentiment abroad are two different issues. The latter doesn't necessarily imply the risk of danger. My previous post speaks to the issue of anti-American sentiment in Greece and Cyprus (and not to the issue of the relative safety of Greece and Cyprus). I've had similar experiences elsewhere. If you are not an American traveling abroad, then you have no understanding of what both Gorilla Gal and I have experienced.

Now, Andreas, on the subject of generalizations, would you care to discuss who's post, yours or mine, contains more? At least, I'm speaking from experience. You are merely parrotting what I've heared from Cypriots the likes of you (and thank goodness they are not all the likes of you) numerous times before. It's laughable to compare Cyprus to the U.S. as you do. Ancient Cyprus, a small island at the crossroads of the Middle East and Europe with its exclaves and enclaves, where only 5% of its population of 789,000 is something other than Greek or Turkish, with a net migration rate of 0.42 is 0.6 the size of Connecticut, the 48th smallest (in area) state in the 238-year-old U.S. of America with a population of over 3 million and a net migration rate 0f 3.05. Now, who needs to " really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history"?

since we're into statistics how about the one that says 22% of Americans hold a passport and even fewer have ever travelled abroad? Think the Cypriot equivalent is over 90% but i'll check it out.

Think you guys need to get out more. :lol:
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Postby Bill » Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:46 pm

cyprusgrump wrote: Sorry Niki, I love you to bits but you can’t stop hunting!

It is the national sport and you have to respect that. You can’t come to Cyprus and ask for hunting to be bannedIt's only November 'til February anyway...

You would be surprised grumps ( well perhaps not ) how many requests from expats for the ban on hunting pop up on the various Cyprus forums on a regular basis. :shock:

Apart from a few years living in London ( before coming to Cyprus ) I lived in a rural farming type area ~ hearing shots being fired was a regular occurrence and not something anybody worried about ~ it was part of rural life ~ just the same as in Cyprus .

The problem with those complaining is it's something they are not used to ~ we had the same problem in the UK when living in a rural area became fashionable and the new residents were writing to the local paper trying to get it stopped :roll:

The only thing worrying here as in most Mediterranean countries is the apparent lack of safety ~ I wouldn't be very happy with the guy behind me having his gun ready to fire and probably pointing at my backside or worse ~ after a few have been shot they will soon get the idea though.

Whilst I do own a gun and have done for the last 45 years ~ I personally don't get any satisfaction from killing with it but I do enjoy clay shooting and have done for many years ~ I used to shoot to supplement the food on the table many years ago and my mum was very glad of anything brought home ~ but times have changed and it's no longer a necessity .

So hunting seems to be a part of Cyprus that a lot of expats didn't research before moving here or choosing their location for a home ~ you can't blame the Cypriots for that.

I would rather have a Cypriot with a shot gun next to me than some inner city herbert with his newly bought hand gun demanding money for his next fix ~ now that is frightening .

Bill ~~~~ bloody hell those clays are a bit rough on the old dentures.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:53 pm

Bill wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote: Sorry Niki, I love you to bits but you can’t stop hunting!

It is the national sport and you have to respect that. You can’t come to Cyprus and ask for hunting to be bannedIt's only November 'til February anyway...

You would be surprised grumps ( well perhaps not ) how many requests from expats for the ban on hunting pop up on the various Cyprus forums on a regular basis. :shock:

Apart from a few years living in London ( before coming to Cyprus ) I lived in a rural farming type area ~ hearing shots being fired was a regular occurrence and not something anybody worried about ~ it was part of rural life ~ just the same as in Cyprus .

Bill ~ bloody hell those clays are a bit rough on the old dentures.

The problem with those complaining is it's something they are not used to ~ we had the same problem in the UK when living in a rural area became fashionable and the new residents were writing to the local paper trying to get it stopped :roll:

The only thing worrying here as in most Mediterranean countries is the apparent lack of safety ~ I wouldn't be very happy with the guy behind me having his gun ready to fire and probably pointing at my backside or worse ~ after a few have been shot they will soon get the idea though.

Whilst I do own a gun and have done for the last 45 years ~ I personally don't get any satisfaction from killing with it but I do enjoy clay shooting and have done for many years ~ I used to shoot to supplement the food on the table many years ago and my mum was very glad of anything brought home ~ but times have changed and it's no longer a necessity .

So hunting seems to be a part of Cyprus that a lot of expats didn't research before moving here or choosing their location for a home ~ you can't blame the Cypriots for that.

I would rather have a Cypriot with a shot gun next to me than some inner city herbert with his newly bought hand gun demanding money for his next fix


I too own a shotgun and while I have hunted here I prefer to shoot clays.

Some people have nothing better to do than complain… I used to fly a light aircraft in the UK and was constantly amazed at the people that lived around the airfield and complained about the noise! One of them lived in a house called ‘Touchdown’ right on the edge of the perimeter road yet seemed surprised that aircraft should fly over their house!
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Postby andreas123 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:57 pm

hehe..filitsa you made laugh...i... how do you know if we are or not anti-american? you come in cyprus for holiday i am quessing right? how long do you stay? 1-2-3 months? and that's enough to make a conclusion?

and i have been in the US for about ayear and a half riverside in that experience enough for ya?

and i will tell you what..i've seen more rednecks and racists and neo-nazi and hate crimes in the US that my eyes have never ever seen in Cyprus......

but unfortunately this is how it is with people that dont "live" cyprus to comment and say things like that,,,it is for a fact that the "nation of fear" is scared of it's own shadow... but nway that's another story...
you say you witnessed anti-americanism in cyprus? where? by whom?

and to my point again.... if you think that we are anti-american and racists and bla bla bla....then dont come's that's because you havvent seen antiamericanism...go to a muslim country and you'll see what i mean,,oh yeah doubt you'd have the balls to actually do that?

it's no point bitching bout it,,oh cypriots are like that and cypriots are like this,,,and they do that and they do this,,and bla bla's like staying in the Uk and saying i hate rain,,,and i dont like it and yet i am there and i keep bitchign bout it.,.,,,,,why did you come here in the first place if you dont like our "mentality" so much..then? oh yeah the us a favour and get it off ebay next time...

if i am not mistaken you mentioned that you are half/cypriot? or both parent's cypriot? born in the us? somethign like that.. and lived there all your life.,...? well i met the american cypriots and the greek's a classic case of what we say in cyprus and if you dont understnd it i will trnalsate it...." efien o xorkatos pou to xorkon alla to xorkon pou ton xorkaton en fefki potte"

....and life goes on.....
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Postby andreas123 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:02 pm


can you explain what you mean by this?
"The only thing worrying here as in most Mediterranean countries is the apparent lack of safety ~"

why is it safer in the UK,than Cyprus? in what way-asking just out of curiosity.

well i don't see and prob never will see hunting being banned, will never happpen....perhaps the solution would be to have a safe distance aways from residential areas etc,,but end of the day how big is cyprus?..
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:46 pm

andreas123 wrote:Bill

can you explain what you mean by this?
"The only thing worrying here as in most Mediterranean countries is the apparent lack of safety ~"

why is it safer in the UK,than Cyprus? in what way-asking just out of curiosity.

well i don't see and prob never will see hunting being banned, will never happpen....perhaps the solution would be to have a safe distance aways from residential areas etc,,but end of the day how big is cyprus?..

Hunting here involves walking around the countryside in groups with loaded and closed guns… It is the worst thing you can do from a safety point of view! :lol:
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Postby Niki » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:06 pm

My friend's cat was shot by hunters - target practise maybe?

They begin shooting even before it gets light (how do they see???) in the morning so weekend lie-ins are ruined.

The noise terrifies my dogs as they are so close. I keep my dogs and cats indoors after my friend's pet was shot so it also restricts what we do.

There seems to be hunting going on at all times, it is not limited as far as I can make out.

I don't have a problem with hunting but there should be more restrictions on times and location. Maybe I am just unlucky and have more inconsiderate hunters near my house.

I lived most of my life next to farms in the UK where there was pheasant hunting each year. This however was miles from anyone and the noise level was nothing like the noise in Cyprus.

If you think this is a moan that's fine.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:09 pm

Its only November through February and two days a week plus a number of ‘special’ days throughout the year.
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Postby purdey » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:13 pm

We start shooting at dawn,it is when the light is appearing.Birds are on the move to feed and drink.
Cat shot,the Police are a phone call away.Noise yes,we are shooting.Safety,it is safe,statistics are there to prove it,accidents happen in all sports,shooting is one of the safer one's.
Again shooting is popular in Cyprus,many people hunt,it will always be that way.Unfortunately you have to accept it or move to another country.
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