andreas123 wrote:i think Filitsa and GorillaGal..should really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history so that at least they can understand the people and their culture.... obviously where you are from ther e is a lack of values,culture etc,,ask how many americans know where cyprus is? i cant wait to see how many people will know,,,people dont even know how many states there are,,not alone internationally....
ai m sorry to be like this,,and i have many american freinds,,,we are really good friend's but i really get annoyed when people that * dont know* to make conclusion and generalise issues...
cyprus is not safe,?,,what are you on about woman,,,how many murders happen in cyprus and how many in the US? racist attacks..? ok the driving is not great. it's getting better...also .if the police doesnt kill you in the US then you will prob be mugged or killed in a gang initiation incident,how many people have guns in the US and how many people have guns in cyprus? ,let's get real people... cyprus i think is one of the safest places on least if something happens to you people will stop and help you,,,if you drop dead in america,,or if someone attacks you no one,,,and i repeat NO ONE will give a *bip bip * bout you...

Dear Nikitas and Andreas (speaking of one's ability to make conclusions), the question of Cyprus being relatively safe or unsafe and the issue of anti-American sentiment abroad are two different issues. The latter doesn't necessarily imply the risk of danger. My previous post speaks to the issue of anti-American sentiment in Greece and Cyprus (and not to the issue of the relative safety of Greece and Cyprus). I've had similar experiences elsewhere. If you are not an American traveling abroad, then you have no understanding of what both Gorilla Gal and I have experienced.
Now, Andreas, on the subject of generalizations, would you care to discuss who's post, yours or mine, contains more? At least, I'm speaking from experience. You are merely parrotting what I've heared from Cypriots the likes of you (and thank goodness they are not all the likes of you) numerous times before. It's laughable to compare Cyprus to the U.S. as you do. Ancient Cyprus, a small island at the crossroads of the Middle East and Europe with its exclaves and enclaves, where only 5% of its population of 789,000 is something other than Greek or Turkish, with a net migration rate of 0.42 is 0.6 the size of Connecticut, the 48th smallest (in area) state in the 238-year-old U.S. of America with a population of over 3 million and a net migration rate 0f 3.05. Now, who needs to " really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history"?