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Postby Niki » Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:23 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Niki wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Niki wrote:
pantheman wrote:
I am a hunter, I am very responsible when I ahve a gun in my hands, but it is a sad truth that the same cannot be said for all.

Just take care and have your wits about you.

So are you saying you could be shot (accidently) by these 'other' hunters because they don't have the same feelings of responsibilty???

Well that's reassuring! :shock:

The fact is for a couple of months now when I go walking there are loud shots nearby that shock you and make you feel unsafe. It should be stopped.


Sorry Niki, I love you to bits but you can’t stop hunting!

It is the national sport and you have to respect that. You can’t come to Cyprus and ask for hunting to be banned because the shooting scares you. They would be legal, licensed hunters shooting with legal, licensed shotguns shooting legal birds…

Asking for hunting to be banned would be like a Cypriot moving to the UK and asking for football to be banned…

It's only November 'til February anyway...

Doesn't stop it scaring my girls and dogs on a walk!

But I think you’ll find that they were hunting there before you even thought of coming to Cyprus… :wink:

I know it's what happens but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

I am quite good with an airgun, I'll aim it at the next hunters butt! See how he likes it. :D " Ooops, I thought a little birdie was sitting there...honest!!!"
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:25 pm

Niki wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Niki wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Niki wrote:
pantheman wrote:
I am a hunter, I am very responsible when I ahve a gun in my hands, but it is a sad truth that the same cannot be said for all.

Just take care and have your wits about you.

So are you saying you could be shot (accidently) by these 'other' hunters because they don't have the same feelings of responsibilty???

Well that's reassuring! :shock:

The fact is for a couple of months now when I go walking there are loud shots nearby that shock you and make you feel unsafe. It should be stopped.


Sorry Niki, I love you to bits but you can’t stop hunting!

It is the national sport and you have to respect that. You can’t come to Cyprus and ask for hunting to be banned because the shooting scares you. They would be legal, licensed hunters shooting with legal, licensed shotguns shooting legal birds…

Asking for hunting to be banned would be like a Cypriot moving to the UK and asking for football to be banned…

It's only November 'til February anyway...

Doesn't stop it scaring my girls and dogs on a walk!

But I think you’ll find that they were hunting there before you even thought of coming to Cyprus… :wink:

I know it's what happens but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

I am quite good with an airgun, I'll aim it at the next hunters butt! See how he likes it. :D " Ooops, I thought a little birdie was sitting there...honest!!!"

I think you’ll find that their 36g of #6 has rather more effect… :?
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Postby Filitsa » Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:33 pm

andreas123 wrote:i think Filitsa and GorillaGal..should really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history so that at least they can understand the people and their culture.... obviously where you are from ther e is a lack of values,culture etc,,ask how many americans know where cyprus is? i cant wait to see how many people will know,,,people dont even know how many states there are,,not alone internationally....
ai m sorry to be like this,,and i have many american freinds,,,we are really good friend's but i really get annoyed when people that * dont know* to make conclusion and generalise issues...

cyprus is not safe,?,,what are you on about woman,,,how many murders happen in cyprus and how many in the US? racist attacks..? ok the driving is not great. it's getting better...also .if the police doesnt kill you in the US then you will prob be mugged or killed in a gang initiation incident,how many people have guns in the US and how many people have guns in cyprus? ,let's get real people... cyprus i think is one of the safest places on least if something happens to you people will stop and help you,,,if you drop dead in america,,or if someone attacks you no one,,,and i repeat NO ONE will give a *bip bip * bout you...

:) Dear Nikitas and Andreas (speaking of one's ability to make conclusions), the question of Cyprus being relatively safe or unsafe and the issue of anti-American sentiment abroad are two different issues. The latter doesn't necessarily imply the risk of danger. My previous post speaks to the issue of anti-American sentiment in Greece and Cyprus (and not to the issue of the relative safety of Greece and Cyprus). I've had similar experiences elsewhere. If you are not an American traveling abroad, then you have no understanding of what both Gorilla Gal and I have experienced.

Now, Andreas, on the subject of generalizations, would you care to discuss who's post, yours or mine, contains more? At least, I'm speaking from experience. You are merely parrotting what I've heared from Cypriots the likes of you (and thank goodness they are not all the likes of you) numerous times before. It's laughable to compare Cyprus to the U.S. as you do. Ancient Cyprus, a small island at the crossroads of the Middle East and Europe with its exclaves and enclaves, where only 5% of its population of 789,000 is something other than Greek or Turkish, with a net migration rate of 0.42 is 0.6 the size of Connecticut, the 48th smallest (in area) state in the 238-year-old U.S. of America with a population of over 3 million and a net migration rate 0f 3.05. Now, who needs to " really really really get out more,,,watch less movies...drink a bit less... learn a bit of history"?
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Postby webbo » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:14 pm

greek75 wrote:It sounds to me you are not much of a hunter ...
First there are seasons when you can hunt. You can hunt only certain species that the government has recorded as being in large numbers. You can hunt only a certain number of each animal.
You hunt off season or more than what you are allowed you risk a very heavy fine or even jail or both.
To hunt you need to be a registered hunter and carry the permit with you at all times.
The government agencies are doing daily patrols to catch the offenders and they take their job very seriously.
As for your walk with your dog ... well you went for a walk in a hunting area. What did you expect to see? Use common sence.

Was this directed at me? If so;
A, I am not a hunter - never will be
B, Now, I am not allowed to go for a walk in the hills??? Nowhere in town to walk our animals
C, How do I know what is hunting area and what is 'game reserve'? There are not that many signs? Did however, notice that a 'game reserve' sign had few holes in it!!! Now what does that tell YOU!!!

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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:21 pm

In my experience, hunters (somewhat bizarrely) respect the ‘Game Reserve’ (illegal areas) hunting signs and don’t shoot inside them. I guess it allows the wildlife to develop in these areas for the following years…

Anyway, you can’t expect to walk through a ‘legal’ hunting area on Wednesday or Sunday and not be surrounded by hunters and shotguns
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Postby webbo » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:25 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:In my experience, hunters (somewhat bizarrely) respect the ‘Game Reserve’ (illegal areas) hunting signs and don’t shoot inside them. I guess it allows the wildlife to develop in these areas for the following years…

Anyway, you can’t expect to walk through a ‘legal’ hunting area on Wednesday or Sunday and not be surrounded by hunters and shotguns

Not sure I was in the legal area - as I said no signs!!!
Walked on other days and have heard gunshots before. It is scary no matter what day of the week it is.

Are holiday makers aware of this? - I very much doubt it. So, what if they want to walk in the hills on these days during hunting season? They have to 'expect it'? :twisted:

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Postby suzie-q » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:36 pm

My husband and I ( I am English and hubbie Cypriot) holidayed in the fabulous Rocky Mountains.We were stopped by the local police and asked were we were from! The police had absolutely no idea where Cyprus was!They actually asked where exactly Cyprus was! It was not a problem for me but my hubbie....HOW DARE THEY!!!!WE also ate "Rocky Mountain oysters" which were actually Buffallo B.... and after my hubbie asked for LEMON (of course) he was brought 1 slice of lemon, he was absolutely disgusted!!
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Postby Filitsa » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:34 pm

Oh suzie-q, I once patronized a restaurant in Paphos that claimed to serve "breakfast American style" (although I much prefer breakfast Cypriot style ... mmmmm ... lounza, halloumi, peponi). In English, I ordered a glass of orange juice (a staple of the American breakfast) and got Orangina instead. Then, in Greek, I explained to the waiter that I wanted orange juice, not Orangina. They didn't have any. What the hell? With all those orange groves around ...
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Postby andreas123 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:02 am

Filitsa,,,you do ofcourse...
you see you have that silly ignorance that America rules the world no one is better than us mambo jumpo that you are made to believe,,typical,,,and then you wonder why people dont like you? hell i dont all...i got nothign personal against american's and i am talking from experience too filitsa,,because i have a lot of friends in the states-thank god they aint like you (i prefer canadians to be honest-no one makes fun of them in the world)...

end of the day if you dont like cyprus,and greece,cypriots and greeks etc etc then why the hell are you here,or your coming here for? (we dont mind really,,we need your monney:D ) stay in the states sweety in your little dream world that most of the americans live in...were everyone respects you and love's you and leave us cypriots that are "primitive" to live our own our little unsafe-as you think-,full of racism and xenophobe country....and dont worry we will do just fine without your opinions...

now what do the brits say-ermm oh yeah go back to you bloody country,,or something like that- not to be taken literaly of course:)
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Postby Filitsa » Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:47 am

Andrea, do you suffer from an inferiority complex? There's no superiority implied in my previous post at all, no value judgment, nothing of the sort. Show me evidence of my "America rules the world no one is better than us mambo jumpo." Show me evidence of where I've implied that Cyprus is primitive, racist, unsafe, and xenophobic. I've simply stated facts, and based on these facts it's laughable to compare the societal dynamics of Cyprus to those of the U.S. In fact, it's not Cyprus I criticize; I adore her. It's your mentality I criticize and that of the handful of parrots like you who are capable of no more than simply regurgitating what they hear.

That said, I understand the problem you have with the U.S. It lies in the fact that the U.S. government has dominated the international political scene, and at times, to the detriment of Cyprus. It lies in the fact that most Americans don't give a rat's ass about Cyprus because it is indeed inconsequential to most of them. You resent this. Understood, but don't confuse these facts with your skewed and limited opinion of Americans. Stop talking out of both ends of your mouth simultaneously: "I like Americans ... I have American friends," and in the same breath, "stay in the states sweety in your little dream world that most of the americans live in" (and this is not a generalization?) It's incoherent thinking, Andrea. And what's up with the passive-aggressive behavior: "hell i dont all...i got nothign personal against american's"? And then you carry on to the contrary. Holy moly! Parrotting ... incoherence ... passive-aggressive behavior!

By the way, from what experience do you speak, Andrea? Have you spent any time in the U.S.?
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