purdey wrote:Please don't start on guns Bill.I shoot in fact it is my business.Greek 75 is correct 45% is the correct figure.Rifles are a strict no, no in Cyprus and the penalties for use are severe.I love my hunting in Cyprus,myself and my friends are responsible.Gun related inccidents in Cyprus are rare,let's not forget guns don't kill people do...
Glad to hear that you are a responsible hunter?!! Cannot see what is left to hunt myself...........................................................

Whilst out walking our dog on Sunday afternoon, Webbo and myself came across 2 hunters up the hills. They both had long guns (was not asking them, nor getting close up and personal to find out make, but they did look a lot like rifles to me) Both men were sat on chairs about 5 metres apart, dogs at close hand. So far so good, but as we walked past them - I noticed that neither gun was cocked, so we hurried along at a greater pace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ask you, why should we have to feel so scared - which I definitely did?
We kept our dog on her leash for good measure, but there was also a herd of goats just a few metres away too! I ask you, is this 'responsible hunting?'
Bubbles x