Nikitas wrote:Gorilla Gal wrote:
"i sure as hell wouldn't feel safe in Cyprus. not at all."
OK GG want to take up a little Internet imposed challenge? I will walk any street in Cyprus at 3 am unarmed. Then I will name a street in New York where you are to do the same. Want to try?
Like most Americans you confuse the issue. We are talking personal safety here and you bring in a host of unrelated stuff like nuclear accidents etc. There are no nuclear reactors in the vicinity of Cyprus. 1974 was a military action and not an everyday occurence you are likely to meet with while driving to the supermarket.
Driving is no worse than many other places and certainly better than Italy or Spain.
Get a grip please!
furthermore, i DIDN'T "confuse the issue" of safety. the question was about safety. it was not specified what kind of safety. feeling safe includes feeling secure, and i would not feel safe or secure living in CY. and part of that includes the fact that i am an american, and there are alot of people out there, including some in this forum (gasp!--Cypriots????!) that do not like americans.