Oh bugger ~ I see the sheep shaggers back from his monthly in patient treatment

~ I'm convinced the Catholic nurses up the voltage higher than it should be for his treatment out of sheer spite ~ don't you just love the excellent humour Catholic nurses have

I'll give the book a go even though I'm not a great war book fan Grumps and as I'm often in your area I could always treat you to a coffee when I pick it up ~ which is something I've been meaning to ask you for ages.
I'm in the UK at the moment and likely to be here for around 5 to 6 weeks sorting out a few things ~ if things don't go to plan I've already picked the spot where I know she would love to be buried ~ a lovely secluded spot just off the A3 with a 'in the distance' sea view
I'll PM you when I'm back as I've got to come to a place near pissouri to pick up my parrot.
I've flown a Bell and a Sikorski and found it was actually much easier to fly than the model ~ this was under supervision of course ~ the guy I was with let me play to my hearts content until I asked if I could try a auto rotate
Bill ~~~ I feel a cath licing moment coming on