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Incidents in Cyprus that go unreported

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Incidents in Cyprus that go unreported

Postby 123456 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:43 am

It appears that there have been a number of incidents over the years that are strangely absent from the local media.

Yesterday there was, what appeared to be, a huge mushroom cloud located somewhere near the port area, akin to either a large explosion or very very rapidly fuelled fire. Yet no details in the english language papers today.

Over the last few years there have been at least three personally witnessed occasions at the Germasogia roundabout in Limassol where a container lorry has toppled over and crushed a car next to it. One particuar time it happened right before my eyes and the driver of the car would not likely have survived. These incidents have never been reported in the english language papers.

Can any of the local forum users state whether the above examples have ever been mentioned in the greek language press?
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:46 am

There was a large fire at Akrotiri which was reported on BFBS – it was a brush fire apparently. I have no idea why the local press didn’t get onto it – apathy?

Not something that keeps me awake at night to be honest…
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Postby 123456 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:25 pm

Ok, the fire I can forgive, but the repeated crushed cars (and drivers)?
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:30 pm

Perhaps nobody was injured; perhaps there was other news, perhaps it happened too late to meet the deadlines for the press, perhaps something else…

Whatever happened I don’t personally see some terrible conspiracy here that worries me…

Do you think the government is secretly toppling container lorries onto undesirables and suppressing the news?
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:42 pm

Maybe you should be more skeptical about the English language papers then! Not only about what they leave out but also what they put in!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:44 pm

Nikitas wrote:Maybe you should be more skeptical about the English language papers then! Not only about what they leave out but also what they put in!

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Postby Sotos » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:59 pm

The fire in Acrotiri was reported in the Greek news and the same goes for every fatal or serious accident. The English newspapers are just very small and most of their articles are just translations from what other newspapers write. They have very few reporters of their own. If you want to know about all the news then you have to learn Greek ;)
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Postby 123456 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:18 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Not something that keeps me awake at night to be honest…

Whatever happened I don’t personally see some terrible conspiracy here that worries me…

Do you think the government is secretly toppling container lorries onto undesirables and suppressing the news?

I'm very pleased for you, I would hate for you to have to be worried about anything. I too will surely sleep soundly tonight knowing that you, above all, have declared that there is nothing of concern in relation to my question.

Having seen this particular type of incident occurr and then found that, over the next few days, there has been no mention of it in the english press nor, when speaking to those who read the greek, russian or, for that matter, the turkish language press have I ever found a mention of what has appeared to be a very newsworthy occurrence.

The purpose of this thread is not to suggest some ridiculous conspiracy as proposed by cyprusgrump, it is simply to ask whether any other forum users had heard of these particular container lorry incidents as I was simply curious as to the fact they had not, apparently, made it into the local media.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:59 pm

If it keeps you awake at night why not ‘phone up the Cyprus Mail and Cyprus Weekly and ask them?
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Postby Bill » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:30 pm

Perhaps you should take notice of the previous post advising you to look at the Greek news on tv .

Everything but everything is reported on the tv news ~ falling off a scooter is worth a couple of news casts and a bank robbery / murder usually runs to two days ~~ nothing but nothing is missed .

EXCEPT the English guy beaten up in Paralimni by a developer ~ now that was in today's mail but haven't seen it on the Greek news yet ~ perhaps it's to sensitive or embarrassing for them to acknowledge that some of the developers are lying thugs

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