hi iclaim for the department in pafos to get the citizenship of the greeck cypiriot ,becouse my granmother was born in kyrenia in 1914 .
ive got the turkishe cyperiot passport and ian originaly frome jordan .
thay told me if i am originaly turkishe cyperiot and prove it thay will give me the greec one .after awating of 8 mounthe thay stoped my paper in nicosia and told me that i need alayer to do it for me .
if any one know any good layer to do it for me ,iam ready to tell him every thing and send him the papers that he wants ,,,,but in one condetion
iwill never pay any deposit for him untill he finished the hole supject and i will pay later in any way he want .
my email is moh_omari2@yahoo.com