Sotos wrote:The thing is that Cyprus is a small country and most companies are not very big. The few big companies that we have do offer training and all that.
The difference is that companies abroad work for their job and as long as their company is running smoothly are happy to take less of an income home with them. On average a typical company gives just over half their profits to their staff. In Cyprus I know companies who's staff wage is so low it is virtually not there in terms of their profits.
Look at the developers for instance (ergolavi in Greek), how much money do they make and how much money do they give to their staff?
How about the Hermes, they point blank replaced all their Greek employees and hired foreigners to cut back on wages.
The companies are shooting their own nationals in the foot, they much prefer to higher foreigners (who work for next to nothing) instead of their own. So who is going to hire your children since most of the big companies are ran with this mentality?
It's all about fat people getting fatter, it's also called greed.
In the UK we had a small company, we still offered to train them. How on earth can staff be productive without sufficient training? If you want them to function well in your company your going to have to train them. Be prepared for them to make mistakes in the first 6 months.