I am selling my beloved Celestron C8 - NGT telescope due to upgrade reasons...
I have had the telescope for two years, I've done a number of upgrades to it and I have spent countless hours under the stars with it observing and photographing celestial objects of all sorts, from high resolution views of the moon to "almost invisible" 13 magnitude galaxies.
Here goes:
Diameter: 200mm (8")
Focal Lenght: 1000mm
Focal ratio: f/5
Standard features:
Parabolic primary mirror
2" Rack & Pinion focuser with 1,25" adaptor
Advanced GT Go-To mount with 40,000 object database
Tripod with 2" stainless steel legs.
Telrad Reflex Sight
8X50 Right-angle correct image finder scope
Motorized focuser system (Orion Accufocus).
Internal flocking with black adhesive felt.
Mirror cooler (9v fan). Improves cooldown time and visual quality A LOT!
Rotating Rings (Wilcox). Allows the tube to be rotated to a more convenient eyepiece position.
21mm Orion Stratus
9.5mm ED
Sky Atlas 2000.0 field version (black)
Celestron's The Sky CD-ROM
Selling Price 850EUR.
pm, email, or call at 99 986275
for more info on the scope go to: http://www.celestron.com/c2/product.php ... &ProdID=57