According to a press release from BuySell yesterday the 2007 property price increase was a staggering 19.2%
But, according to the data provided for their chart it ended the year at a, still suspiciously impressive but, nontheless not so large amount, of 16.13%
Maybe their foolproof methodology is a victim of GIGO? (Garbage In Garbage Out)
14 Jan, 2008
House prices were much more dynamic in 2007 compared to the previous year. From January to December 2007, the BuySell Home Price Index recorded a total increase of 19.2% compared to a total increase of 6.6% during 2006. (Actually this is showing as being 5.87% according to their data)
Dec '07 139.06 € 185,116.71 - 1.86% +16.13%
Nov '07 141.69 € 188,612.51 + 2.51% +18.33%
Oct '07 138.22 € 183,992.45 + 3.75% +15.43%
Sep '07 133.23 € 177,351.12 + 2.65% +11.27%
Aug '07 129.79 € 172,772.07 + 0.57% + 8.39%
Jul '07 129.05 € 171,793.04 + 1.84% + 7.78%
Jun '07 126.72 € 168,686.80 + 1.72% + 5.83%
May '07 124.58 € 165,843.69 + 1.75% + 4.04%
Apr '07 122.44 € 162,990.33 + 1.08% + 2.25%
Mar '07 121.13 € 161,245.84 + 0.82% + 1.16%
Feb '07 120.14 € 159,921.68 + 0.33% + 0.33%
Jan '07 119.74 € 159,392.01 + 2.65% + 0.00%