[/color]Oracle wrote:Mr. T wrote:Oracle wrote:Mr. T wrote:The sort of comments you make on this website should be known to the governments and MEPS throughout Europe. This would be even better propaganda than the Turkish Cypriots could even hope for in their wildest dreams.
I don't know what sort of fascist country you hail from, which makes you threaten this (Turkey springs to mind) ... but here in Europe, Freedom of Speech is one of our Basic Human Rights ... and the old adage of one may not agree with another's opinion, but one would die for their right to say it, still holds true.
So worry about yourself in the type of country you reside in where the fear of reprisals from what you say, is very real...
Very interesting (not) and typical of your usual rubbish. Yet another posting that our MEPS here in Britain ( a fascist state according to your above comment) should see to aide the TCs propaganda.
Threat! What threat. Time for you to get out your English dictionary and see what the word means as your current comprehension is obviously way wide of mark.
You sound worried now huh? Why resort to a dictionary ... it is a common enough word even amongst the partially educated like yourself.
[color=red]Please let the world know why you consider Britain to be a fascist country. I can't be the only one waiting for your reasons or is it that you like using the word without any reason?
More rubbish from you. There is absolutely no reason to be worried.I have no need to resort to a dictionary. It is you who needs to do look up the word 'threat' as none have been made by me.
What do you know of my education? You are thrashing around in ignorance but if you really want to know I will enlighten you.[/color]
So you come on here and threaten me to watch what I say when I live in a Democracy that practices free speech, you backward misinformed fake.
Trash,trash,trash it is becoming very boring that all you are capable is simply TRASH.
OK, what am I misinformed about? Nothing that you will find in my words so far. First time I have been called 'backward'. I thought such words were applicable to the the likes of Greek Cypriots. ( Apologies to other GCs who live mentally in the 21st century) .l
You are one of the most illogical business people I have ever heard spouting supposed pretentious business plans ...
Jumping to conclusions as usual. Who said I am a business person? What business plans? I am looking for a property for my own use. My first posting was merely to ask Halil some questions which are and then they were hijacked by you with pathetic political motives. [/b]I've bought and sold many properties and I have never once felt the need to discuss them with the world before making my decision ... but I guess all mine were above board and only needed filling in forms with legitimate companies...
[b] You call the kettle black and then proceed to be the pretentious one telling everyone of your enormous property experience. Of course I believe you!!. I realise you are unable to comprehend that there is nothing wrong with buying a property from a TC that was owned by a TC prior to the 1974 liberation but there is nothing anybody appears to be able to do about that. Perhaps you wish me to buy one that was GC owned even though I had made a decision not to do so.[/b]
[color=blue]If you were serious... you would just be doing it ... not giving us the "privilege" of our every thought process as you decide what to apparently do about buying in the north.[/color]Once again .... I repeat you are a pathetic propagandaist who is intent on promoting the idea of the sale of land and property in the north.... whether "rightfully" or not... but you are clearly happy to muddy the waters of a dubious hint at some imagined legality of what you are doing ... and you have the guilt on your hands if you have sowed any seeds in anyone's mind that buying in an ethnically cleansed illegally occupied area serves any humanly worthwhile or business sense.
I trust you are not a typical of those Cypriots living in the south as if you are I would certainly be becoming anti GC very fast.
Briefly reading through other threads it is evident that I should feel sorry for you as you must spend hours everyday on this site and have nothing better to do. Tut, tut I must stop pointing out your blindingly obvious faults but they are so numerous that it is difficult not to do so. Probably best if you are ignored in future.