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TC's Villages at NORTH CYPRUS

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:49 am


Sooner or later he will, but in the meantime you should have a good read of this... ... enDocument
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Postby pantheman » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:54 am

Its not enough they have stolen the land from us, now halil wishes to rub our faces in it and then move onto selling it to foreigners illegally.

F cheek if you ask me.

And what the F has food to do with the illegally stolen occupied villages. Moron.

Go broadcast that.
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Postby halil » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:04 am

Mr. T wrote:I AM HOPING HALIL WILL READ THIS MESSAGE as I came across this web site and this particular subject after making a Google search for photos of Pinarbasi, Cyprus or some similar words.

There is just under 1.5 donums of building land for sale in Pinarbasi, advertised with Donaghy & Beyler, estate agents with an asking price of approximately 155,000 lira.

Further details can be found on

A few questions cross my mind which perhaps you would kindly address in view of your valued local knowledge:-

(1) Is this a reasonable price? It appears on first thoughts as being expensive bearing in mind its country position south of the Kyrenia range and thus with no sea views.

(2) Having looked at the village on Google Earth it is not obvious where in the village the land is. Any idea?

(3) Would a retired British couple with currently a limited Turkish vocabulary of little more than a dozen words be welcome in the village?

(4) Is there any thing else which you think could be pertinent?

If you answer these questions it would be much appreciated

To see Pinarbasi Village : ... tml#themap

From the web site and picture i couldn't understand where it is .But i can tell u .It is in my village . I will find out for u . Prices are changes . Lot's of demands for our area in these days .As far as i know , an English man bought a village house in Pinarbaşı and he lives at the village .
Pinarbaşı village is also called KIRNI . At Cyprus map you may find it as a KRİNİ. See below map.


At our place all the lands owned by the Turkish Cypriots . Also included at these Villages.

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Postby halil » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:12 am

Get Real! wrote:

Sooner or later he will, but in the meantime you should have a good read of this... ... enDocument

GR ,
my friend you have been in Pinarbaşı (KRİNİ) İt is 100 % TC village.
Your laws does not apply .
Soon i will give more information about other 100 % TC villages .

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Postby halil » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:42 am

here is the pictures from village Dağyolu (FOTA, PHOTTA)



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Postby zan » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:49 am

It all looks like Greek property to me, so it must be........ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:54 am

This is highly professional propaganda .... Well done Halil you must have been promoted, lots of staff working for you now, running around taking pictures from where you have ethnically cleansed hundreds .... No! ... thousands, No! nearly two hundred thousand natives .....

One person's paradise may be another person's painful memories, halil.

Yet you also want to portray yourself as a thinking, feeling sophisticated Human being, enjoying the good things in life ...... but the only images you have portrayed to me are of a backward brute because of your lack of sensitivity in presenting such painful pictures of land you hold illegally.

Personally I would choke on that lovely food, and prefer to go blind than see the villages, if I lived whilst knowing my people of Turkey, held these things for me illegally, with the brute force and threat of 40,000 ever-pesent Turkish troops, assigned to keep the rightful owners away.

I would be eaten up with guilt, my soul destroyed, my life without a conscious for those I have wronged, not worth living.

For what is more important for a Human being halil ? ... To live a life of luxury such as you obviously do, whilst others suffer at your expense, and with total disregard, BRAG; rather than to live a good and rightful life, by giving back that which is not yours and live a simpler life.

You say in real life you smile and socialise ... then you must be an unfeeling, uncaring blackguard.

These double standards you portray, of a man enjoying the good things in life ... it would have been enough to have done that and kept them to yourself, (perhaps with a hint of guilt :roll: ) ... but to come on here, and advertise your stolen goods for people to witness, who are still suffering their grave loss to feed you hungry Turks ... well that sort of unfeeling inhumane, degrading behaviour ... I am ashamed to have reflected still present in my country.
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:57 am

Re Stella the Greek...Did you miss the bit about the village being 100% TC :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:02 am

zan wrote:Re Stella the Greek...Did you miss the bit about the village being 100% TC :roll: :roll: :roll:

Perhaps she is thinking of who it may have belonged to, had the TC's been driven out? :roll:
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Postby Oracle » Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:03 am

Villages are not possessed by "TC"'s or any acronyms you care to assign to them to justify a claim.

This is Cyprus with Cypriot villages.
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