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TC's Villages at NORTH CYPRUS

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby halil » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:25 pm

purdey wrote:I played in Famagusta as a boy,we knew a Turkish Cypriot family who we used to stay with.I remember they had 4 children 2 boys,2 girls.
We always had the finest food and the biggest welcome.I know they had to move out of Cyprus when the troubles started and there home was lost.I hope they found peace were they went..

we hope everybody will find peace where are they.
see u tomorrow . i hve to leave now.
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Postby halil » Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:07 am

Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:Eggs ,olives and yumurta otu.(i will find english name of this vegatable)

Yumurta otu..?? Now, that's a name I have not heard in a very long time, or tasted it either. But I do remember it's dinstictive taste all the same. The picture brought back some nice memories....thanks.

A side note:

There's nothing worse than spoiling a nice picture of a natural setting than having a car in that picture that does not belong in it, so Halil, please only put a vehicle the picture if it adds value and enhances the scenery, otherwise keep them out...thanks.

thanks for the advice . I will take your advice.Didn't you notice on the picture there was a donkey as well. İt shows that from where ,we came to where ?

At Kirni(Pınarbaşı) and Photta(Dağyolu) Villages they makes home made breads for the markets.

How about LUVANA ,Bread and olives with tomatoes. This correct time for these kind of vegatables also Labsana and olives.
Almost every house in the villages are growing LUVANA and broadbeans.




Donkeys are always fitting for any pictures taken in Cyprus, so yes, Donkeys are fine, but cars are not. :lol:

Luvana not sure about.???

I tell you what I remember as a kid that the taste and smell has never left me, and that is, a round Turkish Bread, Hellim, Black Olives, Juicy Red Tomatoes, Cucumber and last but not least, very sweet, pure red inside with pure black seeds, a Water Melon. Just sitting on the beach and eating these, is what Cyprus was back in the 60's.

Villages are changed a lot comparing with old days. They have electric , Tv's , internet connections, modern cars and so on .................... Still people are eating and cooking traditional cookings in their houses.
İn the villages , village butchers makes Pastırma (Cyprus sausages) and Kleftikon (Fırın Kebab, Hırsız kebabı ) and Shish kebabs .İn the village coffe places mens plays cards and tavli (Tavla).
There is a donkeys , hens, ducks etc....etc....... in the villages.
Farmings are with all modern machines but in the villages Hellim and yogurts and Tarhana productions are making with old style.

Kikapu I found out English,Greek names of the YUMURTAOTU:Turkish Name:YUMURTA OTU
Greek Name:Strouthouthkia
English Name:Bladder Campion

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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:53 pm

halil wrote: Kikapu I found out English,Greek names of the YUMURTAOTU:Turkish Name:YUMURTA OTU
Greek Name:Strouthouthkia
English Name:Bladder Campion


Thanks Halil,

BLADDER CAMPION ....????? All of a sudden, I've lost my appetite. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby purdey » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:13 pm

Halil,do you work for the Tourist Board of Northern Cyprus...
I do like the food by the way.
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Postby halil » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:36 pm

All these villages are locatedskirts of the Kyreania mountains.

It will be a good idea to give some information about ST. HILARION CASTLE Local Turkish Cypriots we called it 101 evler ( 101 houses) or Kadife Kale[/b[b]].(velvet Castle)
St. Hilarion castle was originally built as a watch tower to give warning of approaching Arab pirates who launched a continuous series of raids on Cyprus (and the coasts of Anatolia, Turkey) from the 7th to the 10th century. Some 400 years after it was first built, the castle became a place of refuge and also a summer residence for the Lusignans.
It was originally a monastery, named after a monk who allegedly chose the site for his hermitage.
The castle has three divisions or wards. The lower ward had the stables and the living quarters for the men-at-arms. The church lies on the middle ward and the upper ward was reserved for the Royals.

Much of the castle was dismantled by the Venetians in the 15th century to reduce the upkeeping cost of garrisons.

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Postby umit07 » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:51 pm

Pudrey, Halil does not work for the tourist board.

Halil I really liked the pan of "yumurta otu" fried with eggs ( I made it my desktop wallpaper). What sort of places can we find this weed, I went looking for ayrelli ( wild asparagus ) with my father a few years back we found a lot of cut off stems, but not many that were untouched.
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Postby purdey » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:57 pm

Umit07,no offence meant...
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Postby halil » Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:08 pm

umit07 wrote:Pudrey, Halil does not work for the tourist board.

Halil I really liked the pan of "yumurta otu" fried with eggs ( I made it my desktop wallpaper). What sort of places can we find this weed, I went looking for ayrelli ( wild asparagus ) with my father a few years back we found a lot of cut off stems, but not many that were untouched.

I will let you know Umit.
It might be a chance for us to meet . Keep your fingers crossed that i can have free time from the visitors and kids at weekends.
this year don't except that you can find any wild asparagus. WE NEED RAİN :!: :!: :!:
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Postby umit07 » Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:23 pm

Ok then. :D
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Postby tessintrnc » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:15 pm

I went picking asparagus last year near and got 3 small bits in over an hours looking!!!!! I got more scratches than asparagus - my partner though found loads ..................Dont you hate it when that happens?
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