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Looking for Siberian Husky Puppies

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Postby dinos » Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:19 am

GorillaGal wrote:
phoenix wrote:Dog Wanted . . . . Man Wanted, what's the difference :lol:

good point, and i agree--for the most part

Some dogs smell better, I suppose... :lol: :lol:
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Postby tessintrnc » Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:02 am

max69er, have you asked yourself WHY you want this particular breed? Huskies are not the sort of dog who will thrive by being chained up all day and ignored, they were specifically bred to be a pack dog and they can suffer mental problems if not kept correctly, that is, if you are only getting one dog - you have to give that dog an awful lot of time and attention. Can you afford to feed this type of dog? The Huskie dog is bred as a working animal and stuffing it up with cheap food will result in bad skin conditions. I love dogs - so please consider this:
You want a Husky - right?
Will the Husky want YOU ????
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Postby max69er » Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:43 pm

Look first of all, I posted a topic because I couldn't find any Huksy puppies in the TRNC, and I didn't want get one from all the way from Turkey just incase the poor dog doesn't die during the his/her stay at the quarantine, as you know the state of the place. So I heard there are loads of people in the South. The reason why I want a huksy obviously is because it looks beautiful and very clever dog. I am aware of the attention and responsibility that is required for this particular breed. So please I have had enough lecturing from all. Please don't get affended. And to Hazza and GorillaGal; get a life if you can because you hardly know about anything about history of the TRNC!!!! Sleep with your Labrador but for your information I look after them not sleep with them you SCUMBAG. So if you dont know anything about someone having a Husky don't bother, I'll just ignore you dirty people who just take the piss out of others for fun. BTW I might be a kid, but you kind of people do all kind of sick things. SO FUCK OOOOFFFFFFFF
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:52 pm

max69er wrote:Look first of all, I posted a topic because I couldn't find any Huksy puppies in the TRNC, and I didn't want get one from all the way from Turkey just incase the poor dog doesn't die during the his/her stay at the quarantine, as you know the state of the place. So I heard there are loads of people in the South. The reason why I want a huksy obviously is because it looks beautiful and very clever dog. I am aware of the attention and responsibility that is required for this particular breed. So please I have had enough lecturing from all. Please don't get affended. And to Hazza and GorillaGal; get a life if you can because you hardly know about anything about history of the TRNC!!!! Sleep with your Labrador but for your information I look after them not sleep with them you SCUMBAG. So if you dont know anything about someone having a Husky don't bother, I'll just ignore you dirty people who just take the piss out of others for fun. BTW I might be a kid, but you kind of people do all kind of sick things. SO FUCK OOOOFFFFFFFF

if anyone around here wants to get a life, you need to!
tess had a good point. huskies are pack dogs, and bred to run. it would be unsually cruel to have one in such a hot climate.
ever think there is a reason you can't get one in the TRNC? maybe because it's not natural, or healthy, for them to be in such a state.
hey, i like monkeys and apes, doesn't mena i want to have one. it wouldn't be the best for them, even if i did have the facilities to keep some.
you want a husky, go buy youreself a stuffed one, collect husky photos and knick-nacks, but for god's sake (or in your case--allah's--or however you spell it)--leave the huskies in the colder climates where THEY CAN BE HAPPY AND THRIVE.
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Postby tessintrnc » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:00 pm

Max69er, if I have offended you in any way I apologise!! I think that most people - including me, choose a dog in the 1st instance purely on looks/size. They then research the breed and if they are sensible they will ask themselves if the chosen breed is really for them and their lifestyle. So if you have done your homework regarding your choice of dog and still believe that a husky is the dog for you - then I wish you all the best in your search. I believe that there a pet shop in Nicosia that sometimes advertises Husky pups for sale - they are advertised in the back of Alım Satım magazine. Good luck!!!
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Postby max69er » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:06 pm

Thank you very much Tess. I wish everyone could reply like you. I know what you mean about having a husky in cyprus but it will be in an airconditioned place all the time with all attention. You haven't affended me, sorry being about my swearing but I think you have read the posts before. All I asked for was for some information anyone knew...
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Postby orokliniservices » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:09 pm

I chose my dog because he was locked up in a kennel and desperately needed a home.. not because of the way he looks or what type of breed he is.. I have no idea what breeds are in him yet i love him the same as if had a pedigree show dog champion. A dog is a dog, if you show it love and treat it well it will do the same to you.. The purpose of my dog was for companionship and he's turned out to be great company no matter what breed he is. If getting a husky is still in your plans, can I ask that you please check the shelters first, maybe they have a husky up there who's desperate for a loving home and a chance at life.
PS - you'd end up paying a fortune for a pedigree husky over here.. prob near the £400 cyp price range or more..
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:55 pm

orokliniservices wrote:I chose my dog because he was locked up in a kennel and desperately needed a home.. not because of the way he looks or what type of breed he is.. I have no idea what breeds are in him yet i love him the same as if had a pedigree show dog champion. A dog is a dog, if you show it love and treat it well it will do the same to you.. The purpose of my dog was for companionship and he's turned out to be great company no matter what breed he is. If getting a husky is still in your plans, can I ask that you please check the shelters first, maybe they have a husky up there who's desperate for a loving home and a chance at life.
PS - you'd end up paying a fortune for a pedigree husky over here.. prob near the £400 cyp price range or more..

bless you orokliniservices! you tgot the point of pet ownership. love comes in all shapes and sizes.
i am a cat owner, only because my lifestyle does not allow for dogs (nor does my landlord). all my cats came from shelters. when i got my first cat, i went into the shelter with an idea of what kind of cat i wanted, and i came out with something totally different. she was my companion for 16 years, and the best friend i ever had. i miss her dearly.
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Postby orokliniservices » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:02 pm

there should be more people like u and I out there GG, I love my little guy to bits. He is a great hot water bottle in the winter months as well, crawls up between the two of us and we're warm all night. haha!! I wouldn't change him for any other dog in the world. He is who he is. Came with some pretty bad habits when we first got him but few weeks after he was right as rain and have very few problems with him (except for the fact that he loves to chase cats!!)
PS - see you're from NY, i'm just up the coast from you.. Nova Scotia is where I come from, however I live in Cyprus now obviously.
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Postby humanist » Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:43 pm

Oroklini, you chose your dog because you trully have the dog's interests at heart. My dog came from death row and although she does not have to thank me for it she does each and everyday and she know what happened. Unfortunately the dog owners who take dogs because they give them prestige just like a mobile phone and the latest tv want a huskie. A breed of dog to survive and thrive in the coldest of climates, to bring them to Cyprus for the swealtering heats of 40 degrees. I HOPE THEY NEVER FIND A HUSKIE IN CYPRUS. Their attitude sux and poor dog wil suffer at their hands.
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