GorillaGal wrote:phoenix wrote:Dog Wanted . . . . Man Wanted, what's the difference
good point, and i agree--for the most part
Some dogs smell better, I suppose...

max69er wrote:Look first of all, I posted a topic because I couldn't find any Huksy puppies in the TRNC, and I didn't want get one from all the way from Turkey just incase the poor dog doesn't die during the his/her stay at the quarantine, as you know the state of the place. So I heard there are loads of people in the South. The reason why I want a huksy obviously is because it looks beautiful and very clever dog. I am aware of the attention and responsibility that is required for this particular breed. So please I have had enough lecturing from all. Please don't get affended. And to Hazza and GorillaGal; get a life if you can because you hardly know about anything about history of the TRNC!!!! Sleep with your Labrador but for your information I look after them not sleep with them you SCUMBAG. So if you dont know anything about someone having a Husky don't bother, I'll just ignore you dirty people who just take the piss out of others for fun. BTW I might be a kid, but you kind of people do all kind of sick things. SO FUCK OOOOFFFFFFFF
orokliniservices wrote:I chose my dog because he was locked up in a kennel and desperately needed a home.. not because of the way he looks or what type of breed he is.. I have no idea what breeds are in him yet i love him the same as if had a pedigree show dog champion. A dog is a dog, if you show it love and treat it well it will do the same to you.. The purpose of my dog was for companionship and he's turned out to be great company no matter what breed he is. If getting a husky is still in your plans, can I ask that you please check the shelters first, maybe they have a husky up there who's desperate for a loving home and a chance at life.
PS - you'd end up paying a fortune for a pedigree husky over here.. prob near the £400 cyp price range or more..
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