IcyNoAngel wrote:This price is huge, I tell you. I am paying for a 2 bedroom apartment, fully furnished, excelent condition, in the center of Limassol 480 euro.
And you want 600+ for that one?
You gotta be kidding.

hey Icy, what the hell is it to you what he is asking anyway?
Way I see it its none of your business, if he wanted to charge a million quid for it. No one has forced you to take it so you have no real need for the shitty comments mate.
Leave the man in peace, if he can get it it is his good luck right, why do you feel the need to try and spoil it for him.
Different location command different prices so what.
I cannot understand people that have to comment on things that do not concern them, its not like he was asking for your opinion nor permission. God you get some sad people.
Way to go mcfranks, keep going mate, you will always get these jealous types of people doing this.