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Keeping up with the Jones's

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Keeping up with the Jones's

Postby JoJo » Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:55 pm

Why are the majority of people trying to keep up with the Jones's, and in the process falling more and more into debt? A lot of people think that material possessions will make them happy. Not the case
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Postby Pumpy » Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:48 pm

In what context are you speaking? Are you referring to Cypriot society? British? Outer Mongolian?

What class of people are you talking about?

Is this a situation that affects you personally or are you making a political statement?

Please elaborate.
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Postby paul » Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:53 pm

it's the fickel people who think that what you own is what you are.... a 42inch plasma will not make you a better person.. :lol:
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Postby phoenix » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:00 pm

I'm sure the phenomenon of mimicking Jones' is universal.

The Bushmen of the Kalahari are apt to improve their lot, just as much as the next man. It's all part of the mating ritual . . . . serving to improve the species ultimately, so not to be sniffed at.

Regarding the wanton acquisition of debt to fuel the process; this again is common to all classes, and wherever credit, or favours, or extra cattle are available.

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Postby Smiler Brian » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:28 pm

A "mate" of mine cannot believe how we get by with just a 28" TV and not even Sky. I simply turn it off when he comes round and say "No matter how big the TV is, it still goes off when I have guests". In his house the bloody things ( he has a 32" LCD in each room, all with Sky) are never off.
The Joneses' of this world can kiss my ass.
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Postby humanist » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:48 pm

would that be keeping up with the Dimitriades' .... if you lived in Cyprus? :)

Brian I do not have tv, I get by with the reception I get on my mac/ eyetv 20". can't give a hoot what anyone says. there is nothing uglier than walking into a home and seeing atv stuck on the wall. the huge humangous things that take over the lounge room are in poor taste also, as far as am concerned.
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Re: Keeping up with the Jones's

Postby dinos » Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:02 pm

JoJo wrote:Why are the majority of people trying to keep up with the Jones's, and in the process falling more and more into debt? A lot of people think that material possessions will make them happy. Not the case

It's an ego thing when people try and out-do each other. I don't think anybody is stupid enough to think that possessions will make them happy. While not limited to Cyprus, it's still worth discussing though.

That said, out-of-control spending can also be a psychological reaction to a lack of balance in someone's life, like loneliness or dissatisfaction in relationships / careers, etc. As is often the case with overeating. Different slant from the initial intent of the post; sorry for thread-jacking.
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Postby Bill » Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:34 pm

Smiler Brian wrote:The Joneses' of this world can kiss my ass.

My sentiments exactly .

I tend to play down how much I may have tucked away and I send my relatives and friends crazy ~ responding to their bragging by showing how cheap I really am.

For example ~ friend one = " I bought a great pair of shoes and they were only £150 ~~

friend two = " Hmm ~ mine were just short of £200 but good value though.

Me = mine cost £8 came from a supermarket in the UK and were such good value and comfortable I bought another two pairs ~~ which in truth I really did.

End of conversation and the two friends moving away from me as if I'm suffering from the pox.

I'm so sick of most of the people I know that have to keep up their superfluous appearance of wealth whilst they are up to their neck in debt and sadly trying to get me to do the same .

I had my brother in law shout at me for buying a Mazda because they all think that to be accepted I should have bought a Merc.

A sister in law who knows I'm looking for a house keeps phoning telling us that shes found the ideal house ~ up to now nothing she has found has been under the £350,000 mark when I ask where she thinks 'll get the money from she replies " get a loan it's very easy".

I suppose that eventually it might sink in that I'm not playing the same game and leave me alone especially as I own a Mazda ~ wear £8 shoes and continue to live in a two bed property despite all their efforts to get me accepted into the "real world".

I liken today's keeping up with the Jone's in Cyprus as how it was in the UK in the early 70's but 10 times worse ~ I might just get my next house soon if the banks start calling in all the debts from bad payers ~ and I'll probably get it cheap too.

As you can probably gather this "mine is better than yours" mentality really bugs me and is probably one of the few things I hate about Cyprus.

Bill ~~ very comfortable in my £8 Asda shoes
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Re: Keeping up with the Jones's

Postby Bill » Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:33 am

dinos wrote:.
That said, out-of-control spending can also be a psychological reaction to a lack of balance in someone's life, like loneliness or dissatisfaction in relationships / careers, etc. . Different slant from the initial intent of the post; sorry for thread-jacking.

Hmm ~ I suffer from all three of those and don't care a fig about the status thing ~ on second thoughts that's probably why I'm suffering :shock: ~ do you think if I bought a Merc I would feel better :lol:

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Postby Jerry » Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:18 am

Bill, great minds think alike. The most comfortable shoes I have cost me £10 from ASDA. They went to Cyprus twice last year, France once, they had a happy Christmas and they saw the new year in and because I polish them regularly they look better than the dirty more expensive ones Mr "Jones" wears. My miserable neighbours call my car the "Red Shed" because its a Citroen Berlingo and only cost £7,600 new. When a relative followed me in his merc big fat silver car I could see him sniggering, probably 'cos my car is a van derivative - bollocks to them. Bill, if you bought a merc you would be stressed worrying about scratching the paintwork or letting the misses drive it. We have just downsized house in the UK with a view to buying a flat in Cyprus but the Greedy bastards keep putting the price up. I hope there's a recession and they get their fingers burnt, property is cheaper now in some parts of UK than Cyprus, mind you I should not have to buy in Cyprus but that's another story.

Jerry, not quite so cheap shoes

PS Do people with expensive watches have a better time?
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