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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:39 pm

In all around £300,000
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:40 pm

WHY ?????
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Postby dinos » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:44 pm

Piratis wrote:Here are the exchange rates for April of 2005:


The small fluctuations were constant and no more than 2 cents of Euro. I don't see anywhere the "always high, then low for one day, then high again" that you described.

1.7127 to 1.7312 in one day?!? 185 pips is a rather large change. These are daily closing rates; intraday activity could have been more volatile. But, without leverage, a large sum of money would have to be involved to free someone from the burden of 80K.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:58 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote::x

I will tell you what I believe, I believe that Cyprus is proficient at getting money by fair means or foul from foriengers,
I believe, that even when we engaged a removals company to move our furniture and animals from Cyprus to France that they were engaged in crooked dealings, I believe that they charged me twice for sending my pets from Cyprus to France, I believe that they held my goods to ransome unless I paid them extra money to send the animals even though I found out later they were not even licenced to do this they lied, An animals passage is classed as cargo and is only payable once if it does not make one flight it is automatically sent on the next available flight.PROVEN!!!. I believe this because they admitted it and laughed at me over the phone. I believe this because my Lawyers were so disgusted with them that they wanted to sue them for this. My Lawyers were a Cypriot company and could not believe that anyone this crooked could get away with it. And they spoke to the company over the phone and sent letters.

I believe that we were cheated by doctors in Cyprus,

I believe that Cyprus has the highest concentration of opportunist Villains in the western world.

I believe that the Cyprus Government knows what goes on and turns a blind eye to it all.

And above all I Believe that underneath it all so do you !! :evil:

What is proven so far is that you are lying.

I showed you the data for April of 2005 and there is nowhere the big sudden drop your claim. The fluctuations were constant. Furthermore to lose 80.000 Euro in an exchange of 300.000 pounds it would mean the pound would have to drop more than 25 Euro cents from one day to the next. This never happened.

So what are you up to?
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:37 am

What would they point be of lying, the money has been taken and I can never get it back.

What I have proven to myself is leaving Cyprus was the best thing I have ever done, Going to Cyprus was the worst. We have been cheated and robbed since the day we set foot on your dehydrated island. If I was not a Cypriot hater before I certainly am now.

You people say we only want nice people to live here, what do you do to those nice people, we came over open minded to the island ready to believe that you were nice people , we are nice people , a bit innocent perhaps but nice non the less, you treated us appallingly,

Accross the board, Cyprus has lied, cheated, ripped us off, we have beem told that we needed this treatment in hospital or that treatment, there was nothing wrong at all, so your Quacks are crooks too. Your lawyers are as bent as a nine bob note, and your developers my God.

You can putinto print whatever figures you like, I was watching the exchange rate in europe before then and I know what I saw.

You have people selling land and property which does not belong to them or is heavily mortgaged to a bank. Why do you not put that in your advertising blurb when you are trying to con people to come and retire there.

Maybe I should write to your President, tell him what I know.What the hell Cyprus is doing within the EU God alone knows.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:25 am

What would they point be of lying

Only you know exactly why you lie, what I know and I have shown is that you do lie, and that is a fact.

You came to this forum for the sole reason of spreading lies about our country, and you continue doing so even when you are proven to be a liar.

You can putinto print whatever figures you like, I was watching the exchange rate in europe before then and I know what I saw.

And you want us to believe a liar like you instead of ?

Apparently it is you who tried to lie and cheat Cypriots, but as you found out then and again now, we are not as naive as maybe you thought.

Yes, a few Cypriots can be crooks and liars and all that, just like there are few British crooks and liars - you being one of them. You coming here to accuse a whole country by spreading lies, gross exaggerations and sweeping generalizations just confirms the kind of bad character that you have.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:05 am

Oh Yeh Right , you have found me out , I am a big international criminal
sent by America and the U.K. to bring your country to its knees. Get Real, You cannot face what your country really is, A lying cheating nation of misfits.

I do not give a stuff whether you believe me or not, I know what goes on over there and I know how much I lost, You have this thing if I can shout louder than you that makes me the winner you are like the Arabs they do the same thing.

You are NOT Greek, I have spent many happy holidays in Greece, they are calm dignified people and get this, They HATE the Cypriots, they only use you to wind the Turks up.

Every where we went in Greece they asked us where we lived, when we answered Cyprus they said " What in Gods name are you doing living with that set of Malakas" They are Gypsies , they speak greek but we are ashamed of them they always have their begging bowls out.

This thread started out as one thing and as per usual it has been hijacked by people and turned into something else. Well done everywhere you lot go you drag everything and everyone down to your level.

I am seriously angry with the lot of you , you disgust me. It just show's to prove that I was right when I walked away from you lot and do you know what, Maybe it was worth losing all that money to your bent government and busnesses just to get away from your awful Island.

Do you wonder why you have no water, because you have used it all, through the greed and stupidity of your government building ad lib just to get more mugs like us in to boost your coffers, It is already starting to backfire on you. No water no Tourists , No tourists no money. But then again you always have a way to con more and more money out of the EU.

You drag everyone down to your level and you have made me lose my temper with you. I will not be posting again . You Vile Disgusting Person
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Postby humanist » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:09 am

I'll have what she is having thanks!!!! :):):)
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:42 am

Cheshire Cat wrote:Do you wonder why you have no water, because you have used it all,

I did not want to get involved in this topic, but I could not help but laugh at this line above. :lol: :lol:

OK people, put your hands up as to who used up all the water.!! :lol: :lol:

"It wasn't me sir...honest".!!! :lol: :lol:

I know the water shortage is serious in Cyprus. They should ban all private swimming pools. :idea: :idea:

We went up to the mountains last Sunday and all the peaks were full of snow as far as the eye can see.

Sorry, this was in Switzerland and not in Cyprus.!!
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Postby pantheman » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:44 am

Cheshire Cat wrote:Oh Yeh Right , you have found me out , I am a big international criminal
sent by America and the U.K. to bring your country to its knees. Get Real, You cannot face what your country really is, A lying cheating nation of misfits.

I do not give a stuff whether you believe me or not, I know what goes on over there and I know how much I lost, You have this thing if I can shout louder than you that makes me the winner you are like the Arabs they do the same thing.

You are NOT Greek, I have spent many happy holidays in Greece, they are calm dignified people and get this, They HATE the Cypriots, they only use you to wind the Turks up.

Every where we went in Greece they asked us where we lived, when we answered Cyprus they said " What in Gods name are you doing living with that set of Malakas" They are Gypsies , they speak greek but we are ashamed of them they always have their begging bowls out.

This thread started out as one thing and as per usual it has been hijacked by people and turned into something else. Well done everywhere you lot go you drag everything and everyone down to your level.

I am seriously angry with the lot of you , you disgust me. It just show's to prove that I was right when I walked away from you lot and do you know what, Maybe it was worth losing all that money to your bent government and busnesses just to get away from your awful Island.

Do you wonder why you have no water, because you have used it all, through the greed and stupidity of your government building ad lib just to get more mugs like us in to boost your coffers, It is already starting to backfire on you. No water no Tourists , No tourists no money. But then again you always have a way to con more and more money out of the EU.

You drag everyone down to your level and you have made me lose my temper with you. I will not be posting again . You Vile Disgusting Person

Since you hate the cypriots so much, why on earth have you even bothered to post on the CYPRUS forum? I would have thought you would have stayed miles away in you sweet little french village.

But it is as piratis has said, you came here with the sole intention of spreading your shit. How dare you condemn a nation for your poor financial decision making. To hell with you too, you stroppy cow. No one needs crap like you so just leave this country alone.

I already told you my story, but I don't go round doing that shit. You just learn from it and move on. There are crooks in all nations and you know this, yet you choose to tarnish ALL cypriots with the same brush. Such a small minded person you are, no wonder you lost the lot.

So, if you are going, good bye and good riddens.
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