Bucksboy wrote:Sotos wrote:To Bucksboy:
Who is blaming foreigners for our problems? We are blaming only those foreigns who invade our island and create problems. Or you missed it that your army is still occupying part of our island? Or maybe you want us to blame ourselves because you invade us?And don't tell me you come to Cyprus to help our economy. You come to Cyprus to help yourselves so don't talk as if you are a charity organization!! You can complain as much as you want but if you hate Cyprus so much then why stay here?? Whats the point? And before you say anything about Cypriots living abroad I will tell you that I would say the same thing to them if they hated the country they lived.
You are so right. I have not come to Cyprus to help with their economy...why should I?
As for the occupying Army that bugs you so much you should look back to your history and confirm that the British Bases are an agreed part of Cypriot Independance that was signed at independance.
Sorry to correct you again but i'm not British either!
Cheshire Cat wrote:Dinos, yes we lost a lot of money in Shares, we had to sell them at bad time, once shares are sold they are gone finished, but what really upset me was when we moved from Cyprus to France, for Months I was watching the exchange rates CY£ to the Euro and it was always roughly 2 Euros to £1CY, we gave the bank in Cyprus instructions to send the money, would you believe it that very day the £CY1 Droped against the Euros, as a result
80,000 euros was wiped off our money that we needed to start a new life. The day after the £CY recovered. funny that . At that time the banks told us that Cyprus controlled her own exchange rate she was not affiliated to the European rates. You try losing that much and smiling, not only did your country do this to us but, they also charged us £2,000cy for the priviledge of screwing us.
Bringing money into Cyprus is the worst thing we have ever done, we were told by a lawyer ( Cypriot) that Cyprus will never let you take money out of Cyprus, they will always find a way to stop you.
So, I know the reaction from you all already, I am a lying Brit, right ? The French are all Frogs, the Italians are all Pasta eating Wops, what else . When I am less upset I will be writing a statement on this forum, you can read it if you wish, you will probably call me a F****Ig liar, so what is new !!
Cheshire Cat wrote:Perhaps, as Pantheman does not like have us Awful Brits in his precious country, he should take out an Advert in one of the national newspapers in the U.K. telling British people who maybe planning to spend their hard earned cash how unwelcome they really are.
That The Cypriots really do not want their money and would they mind staying away, also perhaps he could mention that they are not wanted on the Island at holiday times either.
In fact why not write to your president and give him your views, I am sure his letter would be given careful consideration before it is filed in the nearest rubbish bin !!
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