Sophia1 wrote:You say Bad things about us English Cypriots but again you want to be like us... It aint happening!!!

Cheshire Cat wrote:I think Hazza has a good point there, I noticed you were either "useful" in Cyprus either by your social connections or by what you could do for someone. Often when you are introduced to someone it is " this is my Friend so and so" he/she has this position in what ever department.
Dangaman I had a BMW 3 series when we were there and everyone particularly blokes would say " does your husband know you have got the car" they never believed the car was mine weird. I think the point we are making is when your T.V. or what ever turns its toes up, great get a new one and the best you can afford , but ,going out and getting into debt just because Fred next door has a better telly than you is a mugs game.
If you can afford it that is fine, but owing money sucks.
JoJo wrote:Why are the majority of people trying to keep up with the Jones's, and in the process falling more and more into debt? A lot of people think that material possessions will make them happy. Not the case
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