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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:44 am

dinos wrote:

I'm off to drink some water now... :lol:

So Dinos, you are the guilty one who has drunk all the water in Cyprus. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Niki » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:45 am

Bill wrote:
webbo wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:Not only does Cyprus need to come into the modern world it has to change it's attitudes towards visitors and foriegn residents on the island.

More to the point this caveman way of treating women has to stop. The modern woman will not tolerate it. Bucksboy said come out of the 50's I say come out of the stoneage.

I agree with this sentiment whole heartedly. If I am on my own, shopowners and the like are quite happy to serve/speak to me. On the other hand if I am out with Webbo, they blank me and talk only to him. Also found this when I was in hospital (me being the patient - fully aware too) The doctor would talk to Webbo even though I was in the room. WHY? :? :x :x :x :?

There are good things about Cyprus, but this being 50 years behind the times is crazy. Time for it to be brought into the modern world I say.

Anyone else had similar experiences?

Bubbles x 8)

Sadly bubbles I've got a similar situation but in reverse ~ if I'm there the house monster won't speak ~ I often just walk away saying nothing and put up with the aggro I get afterwards ~ god knows what the shopkeeper thinks ~ but she has to learn .

I'm absolutely fed up of having a silent partner when shopping and arguments that I've bought the wrong thing later.

Another problem is supermarkets as she will ask before buying anything ~ that's every single item ~ I often wind her up by saying no ~ she dutifully puts the item back and then gives me aggro afterwards when we are in the car that we have run out of that particular item.

So it seems to be what is accepted by Cypriot women especially with the older generation like my missus

Bill ~~ I've even coined a phrase for my reaction to her style of shopping ~~ having a Salisbury's :lol:

I have been ignored in a number of shops and then when having gone to these shops again with Mr Niki they are all sweetness and light!! Excuse me, woman shopping - with credit card here!!!

Talking about honesty in Greece and France, I have friends who worked with Carrefour (a French company) in Greece and were completely fleeced by them to the point where they have literally lost everything and had to come back to Cyprus to start again. The court battle is still going on.

The point is that there is dishonesty wherever you go and I must admit I am especially cautious in Cyprus because of the experiences of other people. There are however many good people, you just have to find them. Just yesterday we had to take our daughter's mini motorbike she got for Christmas back to the shop as it had stopped charging. The shop owner fixed it immediately (the problem was that it overheated as she had friends sitting on the back so her fault) and gave us spare fuses with no charge. A really nice, honest Cypriot! :D

Cheshire Cat, I am really sorry you had these awful experiences but there is good here too!
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Postby webbo » Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:55 am

Bill wrote:
webbo wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:Not only does Cyprus need to come into the modern world it has to change it's attitudes towards visitors and foriegn residents on the island.

More to the point this caveman way of treating women has to stop. The modern woman will not tolerate it. Bucksboy said come out of the 50's I say come out of the stoneage.

I agree with this sentiment whole heartedly. If I am on my own, shopowners and the like are quite happy to serve/speak to me. On the other hand if I am out with Webbo, they blank me and talk only to him. Also found this when I was in hospital (me being the patient - fully aware too) The doctor would talk to Webbo even though I was in the room. WHY? :? :x :x :x :?

There are good things about Cyprus, but this being 50 years behind the times is crazy. Time for it to be brought into the modern world I say.

Anyone else had similar experiences?

Bubbles x 8)

Sadly bubbles I've got a similar situation but in reverse ~ if I'm there the house monster won't speak ~ I often just walk away saying nothing and put up with the aggro I get afterwards ~ god knows what the shopkeeper thinks ~ but she has to learn .

I'm absolutely fed up of having a silent partner when shopping and arguments that I've bought the wrong thing later.

Another problem is supermarkets as she will ask before buying anything ~ that's every single item ~ I often wind her up by saying no ~ she dutifully puts the item back and then gives me aggro afterwards when we are in the car that we have run out of that particular item.

So it seems to be what is accepted by Cypriot women especially with the older generation like my missus

Bill ~~ I've even coined a phrase for my reaction to her style of shopping ~~ having a Salisbury's :lol:

Bill, you do make me laugh :) :)
Do you think there is a reason why Mrs Bill is struck dumb? It could be something from her past and maybe a deep pschyological problem that she suffers from?!?!?!?!?!? Better take a trip to the docs if you ask me!

BTW, what is Salisbury please? I only know it as a geographical place so an explanation would be appreciated! Thanks, it is still early you know...........................................................................

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby Bill » Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:40 pm

Sorry Bubbles I was having a Baileys and ice moment and my spelling often suffers. :oops:

I meant A SAINSBURYS ~ :lol: having a sainsbury's usually means I've been shopping with the house monster and I'm a little stressed .

I'm used to it after all these years but sometimes when I have other things on my mind it does get to me ~ I've just learnt to accept it .

I was trying to illustrate how sometimes you will not be taken seriously when you are on your own as if my wife is anything to go by it seems to be the accepted norm for women to be in the background ~ more so for her as she is a fair bit older.

Another interesting point ~~ we were shopping at the Cyprus mall last week and I had run out of cash ~ as I given her €200 a few days previously when we changed over to the Euro I knew she had money in her purse ~~ she wouldn't give it to me unless we went out of the store because ( in her words ) it's not respectable for a woman to give a guy money .

I paid with my credit card which I should have had the sense to do in the first place and saved the aggro .

I do get a little disappointed at times as I really expected her to look after me whilst in Cyprus much the same as I looked after her and sorted out everything during our years in the UK but it doesn't happen ~ I'm expected to sort everything out here too .

Still that's life ~ and yes there is a deep rooted psychological problem and that's because she is a older Cypriot woman that should in her opinion be seen and not heard when out with her partner .

Mind you there's always the possibility that she was attacked in the supermarket by a tin of jumbo hot dogs when she was younger :shock: :lol:

But she certainly makes up for her quietness when shes at home ~ as she can be very vocal .

It all makes for a interesting but sometimes frustrating life.

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Postby IcyNoAngel » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:24 pm

I don't get it. In every thread it gets to the same place.

You, CC, you said you are retired, come on, that means you're old enough to start thinking. It would be wise to cut the bullshit.

For more than half of the pages almost all argue with everyone on anything.

Please, consider love, not war. :D

(Edit to add: I've almost forgot what this is all about... I'll comment later on, I got tired reading this monster thread :lol: )
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Postby webbo » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:29 pm

Bill wrote:Sorry Bubbles I was having a Baileys and ice moment and my spelling often suffers. :oops:

I meant A SAINSBURYS ~ :lol: having a sainsbury's usually means I've been shopping with the house monster and I'm a little stressed .

I'm used to it after all these years but sometimes when I have other things on my mind it does get to me ~ I've just learnt to accept it .

I was trying to illustrate how sometimes you will not be taken seriously when you are on your own as if my wife is anything to go by it seems to be the accepted norm for women to be in the background ~ more so for her as she is a fair bit older.

Another interesting point ~~ we were shopping at the Cyprus mall last week and I had run out of cash ~ as I given her €200 a few days previously when we changed over to the Euro I knew she had money in her purse ~~ she wouldn't give it to me unless we went out of the store because ( in her words ) it's not respectable for a woman to give a guy money .

I paid with my credit card which I should have had the sense to do in the first place and saved the aggro .

I do get a little disappointed at times as I really expected her to look after me whilst in Cyprus much the same as I looked after her and sorted out everything during our years in the UK but it doesn't happen ~ I'm expected to sort everything out here too .

Still that's life ~ and yes there is a deep rooted psychological problem and that's because she is a older Cypriot woman that should in her opinion be seen and not heard when out with her partner .

Mind you there's always the possibility that she was attacked in the supermarket by a tin of jumbo hot dogs when she was younger :shock: :lol:

But she certainly makes up for her quietness when shes at home ~ as she can be very vocal .

It all makes for a interesting but sometimes frustrating life.


Cheers Bill, all clear now. Thought you may hail from Salisbury and that it may have been a private joke!! :wink: :wink: :wink:

Most women do not like to give men money at any time let alone in the supermarkets, so can empathise with Mrs Bill :lol: :wink: :wink: :lol:

Happy shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bubbles x 8)
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Postby dinos » Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:50 pm

Kikapu wrote:
dinos wrote:

I'm off to drink some water now... :lol:

So Dinos, you are the guilty one who has drunk all the water in Cyprus. :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: Guilty as charged.

I drank the water, peed in the pool and caught a flight to Heathrow under cover of darkness. I'm a bad person; I know this. :lol:

Hope you're well!
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