Cheshire Cat wrote:Oh Yeh Right , you have found me out , I am a big international criminal
sent by America and the U.K. to bring your country to its knees. Get Real, You cannot face what your country really is, A lying cheating nation of misfits.
I do not give a stuff whether you believe me or not, I know what goes on over there and I know how much I lost, You have this thing if I can shout louder than you that makes me the winner you are like the Arabs they do the same thing.
You are NOT Greek, I have spent many happy holidays in Greece, they are calm dignified people and get this, They HATE the Cypriots, they only use you to wind the Turks up.
Every where we went in Greece they asked us where we lived, when we answered Cyprus they said " What in Gods name are you doing living with that set of Malakas" They are Gypsies , they speak greek but we are ashamed of them they always have their begging bowls out.
This thread started out as one thing and as per usual it has been hijacked by people and turned into something else. Well done everywhere you lot go you drag everything and everyone down to your level.
I am seriously angry with the lot of you , you disgust me. It just show's to prove that I was right when I walked away from you lot and do you know what, Maybe it was worth losing all that money to your bent government and busnesses just to get away from your awful Island.
Do you wonder why you have no water, because you have used it all, through the greed and stupidity of your government building ad lib just to get more mugs like us in to boost your coffers, It is already starting to backfire on you. No water no Tourists , No tourists no money. But then again you always have a way to con more and more money out of the EU.
You drag everyone down to your level and you have made me lose my temper with you. I will not be posting again . You Vile Disgusting Person
Cheshire Cat,
When this thread started and you mentioned that you had been fleeced by Cypriots, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Anybody can be conned by a criminal. However, you indicated that a forex discrepancy caused a loss of 80K and, having been shown in black and white (by Piratis) as well as logically (by both Piratis and myself) that you could not possibly be correct, you just increase the vitriol.
Like I said, I gave you the benefit of the doubt - but at this point, I have no choice but to believe that you are wrong about the reasons for your losses. Why not listen to a little reason? As Piratis has mentioned, it looks like you either don't know what you're talking about, or are lying to cover mistakes that you made. It's clear that you have some irrational hatred of Cypriots, so you did the right thing by leaving. But if you're not careful, you'll be found by the same types of criminals in France that you somehow attracted in Cyprus. I really hope you're not naive enough to think there are no criminals in France (even in the sticks) that would have a go at you.
By the way, nice effort grasping at straws to slag everyone off. I haven't seen anything this comical in about a month. But the question has been asked and I'm curious - if you hate Cyprus and Cypriots are gypsies and criminals and boogeymen and all that, then why are you frequenting a Cyprus forum? You're not going to get any of your money back from forumers that did nothing to you.
I'm off to drink some water now...