phoenix wrote:There's doom and gloom in the UK because people have been living on credit for the past ten years . . . and it's been raining so much (especially in the South-West) that people are just sitting in front of their TVs loading up on junk food.
Still, that sort of existence suits some people, but not those who are more discerning.
Cyprus here I come
Many people leaving the U.K. are of the older generation, they are seeking a peaceful retirement and surely deserve it.
In some areas, those people are afraid to set foot outside their homes as a result of the decline in general behaviour.
The fact that credit was made so easily available to those wishing to obtain the trappings of affluence, applies more to the younger generation who were fooled into believing that their earnings would keep pace with their expenditure.
The fact that they were encouraged to live on credit is shameful, many young couples now face the prospect of losing their homes directly as a result of such encouragement, most of whom were advised to lie in order to obtain their mortgages.
One could argue that the young should have had more sense but that kind of sense comes with age and experience, it looks like they will be forced to sit and watch T.V. and eat junk food for some time yet.
You may be one of the lucky ones, there are thousands less fortunate and I would imagine they have their dreams too, they just will not be able to realize them.