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"Twelve Angry Men".!!

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"Twelve Angry Men".!!

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:13 pm

I was having a conversation with another forum member last night via the PM, who will remain "nameless", unless of course, he wishes to disclose it, in which case, he has my permission.

Anyway, during our conversation I brought up the fact, that sometimes being on the forum is a little bit like the movie
"Twelve Angry Men" and I said to him, sometimes I feel like "Henry Fonda" ( Mr. Davis) trying to bring others to see things through my way. Just to be fair to him, I had also made the claim, that he too can play the part as "Henry Fonda", because he also does the same thing as me. Then it struck me, that I believe we are all acting like "Henry Fonda" in that movie.

So what is my point you are asking.?? None really. I just see us all trying to solve the case regarding peace for Cyprus and that we are all pulling each other different directions, hoping that one of us will manage to persuade the others to believe our version of the truth and accept the outcome. The good news is, the truth had prevailed and the case was closed. So, there's hope for Cyprus yet.!

What other movies can you think of, that in some ways portray what goes on in the Forum with our constant battles and discussions. I'm having a hard time coming up with another movie like the "Twelve Angry Men". Last year I used forum members as characters I thought were ideal to re-make of the movie "Wizard of Oz".

It was a Smash Hit.!!! :lol:

Here is a summary what the movie "Twelve Angry Men" is about.

"12 Angry Men" focuses on a jury's deliberations in a capital murder case. A 12-man jury is sent to begin deliberations in the first-degree murder trial of an 18-year-old Latino accused in the stabbing death of his father, where a guilty verdict means an automatic death sentence. The case appears to be open-and-shut: The defendant has a weak alibi; a knife he claimed to have lost is found at the murder scene; and several witnesses either heard screaming, saw the killing or the boy fleeing the scene. Eleven of the jurors immediately vote guilty; only Juror No. 8 (Mr. Davis) casts a not guilty vote. At first Mr. Davis' bases his vote more so for the sake of discussion after all, the jurors must believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. As the deliberations unfold, the story quickly becomes a study of the jurors' complex personalities (which range from wise, bright and empathetic to arrogant, prejudiced and merciless), preconceptions, backgrounds and interactions. That provides the backdrop to Mr. Davis' attempts in convincing the other jurors that a "not guilty" verdict might be appropriate.
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Postby yianna » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:19 pm

this is a great movie!! :D
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Postby Filitsa » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:12 pm

Ya, a good example of what happens when you fill a room with testosterone on a hot summer's day, say "knock yourselves out," and lock the door. Just like in Cyprus! :shock: The big question: Does the voice of reason prevail as it does in the movie?
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Postby Stout » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:55 pm

"Animal Farm" might be a contender for consideration in some parts, particularly the end comment of:- "Pig has become Man and Man has become Pig", judging by some of the insulting exchanges taking place on this forum, I'd say there is some truth in it. :(
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:35 pm

yianna wrote:this is a great movie!! :D

Most certainly is.!!!
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:37 pm

Filitsa wrote:Ya, a good example of what happens when you fill a room with testosterone on a hot summer's day, say "knock yourselves out," and lock the door. Just like in Cyprus! :shock: The big question: Does the voice of reason prevail as it does in the movie?

Yeh Filitsa, that's what happens here on the Forum also. Some have more testosterone than others, but then again, some have less "balls" that others also.!! :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:39 pm

Stout wrote:"Animal Farm" might be a contender for consideration in some parts, particularly the end comment of:- "Pig has become Man and Man has become Pig", judging by some of the insulting exchanges taking place on this forum, I'd say there is some truth in it. :(

I have been using the "Animal Farm" phrase my self lately in describing certain situations regarding Cyprus, so yes...a good pick.!!
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Re: "Twelve Angry Men".!!

Postby zan » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:23 pm

Kikapu wrote:I was having a conversation with another forum member last night via the PM, who will remain "nameless", unless of course, he wishes to disclose it, in which case, he has my permission.

Anyway, during our conversation I brought up the fact, that sometimes being on the forum is a little bit like the movie
"Twelve Angry Men" and I said to him, sometimes I feel like "Henry Fonda" ( Mr. Davis) trying to bring others to see things through my way. Just to be fair to him, I had also made the claim, that he too can play the part as "Henry Fonda", because he also does the same thing as me. Then it struck me, that I believe we are all acting like "Henry Fonda" in that movie.

So what is my point you are asking.?? None really. I just see us all trying to solve the case regarding peace for Cyprus and that we are all pulling each other different directions, hoping that one of us will manage to persuade the others to believe our version of the truth and accept the outcome. The good news is, the truth had prevailed and the case was closed. So, there's hope for Cyprus yet.!

What other movies can you think of, that in some ways portray what goes on in the Forum with our constant battles and discussions. I'm having a hard time coming up with another movie like the "Twelve Angry Men". Last year I used forum members as characters I thought were ideal to re-make of the movie "Wizard of Oz".

It was a Smash Hit.!!! :lol:

Here is a summary what the movie "Twelve Angry Men" is about.

"12 Angry Men" focuses on a jury's deliberations in a capital murder case. A 12-man jury is sent to begin deliberations in the first-degree murder trial of an 18-year-old Latino accused in the stabbing death of his father, where a guilty verdict means an automatic death sentence. The case appears to be open-and-shut: The defendant has a weak alibi; a knife he claimed to have lost is found at the murder scene; and several witnesses either heard screaming, saw the killing or the boy fleeing the scene. Eleven of the jurors immediately vote guilty; only Juror No. 8 (Mr. Davis) casts a not guilty vote. At first Mr. Davis' bases his vote more so for the sake of discussion after all, the jurors must believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. As the deliberations unfold, the story quickly becomes a study of the jurors' complex personalities (which range from wise, bright and empathetic to arrogant, prejudiced and merciless), preconceptions, backgrounds and interactions. That provides the backdrop to Mr. Davis' attempts in convincing the other jurors that a "not guilty" verdict might be appropriate.

I think you are claiming the "Truth" prematurely, if it is what I think you are referring to anyway mate. The source is what you are claiming victory on but I am doing some research on it and will let you know. It may take some time because I am calling in some favours and using a chain to get direct information from the TRNC/KKTC straight from the horses mouth as it were. Never the less I do not expect you to believe the results but I will know and that is all that matters to me. Anyway....We shall see. I thought that GR was always a bit too quick to claim a scalp but you take the biscuit....... :roll: :roll: :roll:

As for the film,I saw it when I was relatively young and have been looking for a particular film for many years now but it didn't help that I couldn't remember the name and when described to people they thought I was mad. Well by luck I found it on the NET just before christmas and I ordered it from the USA and am now a proud owner of the DVD.

It is the story of "Little Joe" (Kikapu) who comes into a little money and starts to stray from the family home and his wife, blinded by the bright lights and the fancy fast talking women. Of course he doesn't really belong there and although thinks he is right, the others take him for a fool and exploit his money and his naivety......... I am saving the DVD for Saturday when my family can sit down with the popcorn in front of the large projector screen and enjoy it properly so I can't remember how little Joe gets to the point where he is at deaths door.............. While he is in his coma, his spirit comes to life and an angel (Zan)shows him the error of his ways and what his real home means to him and how much of a mistake he is making by being seduced by the house of sin and the heartache he is giving his wife. The story ends with Little Joe waking from his coma and happy to be on the right side of the tracks again. His wife (TRNC) is overjoyed that he has made it through his ordeal and welcomes him back with a song from the heart..............Wishing you were here Kikapu........ The film is called "Cabin in the Sky". An all black musical with some big names including the gorgeous Lena Horne. Enjoy!!

The cast are featured in this trailer.
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Postby Stout » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:52 pm

"Animal Farm" could also be seen as a fair representation of what is going on in Cyprus today, regardless of which side of the divide you offer your allegiance to.

The Original Leadership was kicked out, the new regime manipulated the subjects and cut off all ties to the other side whilst establishing their own society.
Gradually, by a slow process of manipulation, the society was gulled into believing that everything would turn to their advantage, providing they accepted the encroaching changes to their original objectives.
The society, only able to judge by what they were told, became victims of the very regime that they were happy to put in charge of them, dissidents were dealt with severely and the end result was that the society ended up in a worse condition that it was in to begin with. :(
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Postby Filitsa » Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:00 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Ya, a good example of what happens when you fill a room with testosterone on a hot summer's day, say "knock yourselves out," and lock the door. Just like in Cyprus! :shock: The big question: Does the voice of reason prevail as it does in the movie?

Yeh Filitsa, that's what happens here on the Forum also. Some have more testosterone than others, but then again, some have less "balls" that others also.!! :lol:

And some, like me, have none at all. :wink:
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